《Mrs Levine 2》𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛


The next day the door bell rings as me and Juliet sit down on the couch and I had the test in my pocket. I stand up and go open the door and my mom, Sam and Leo were standing outside.

"Why is he here?" I ask and my mom looks at me.

"He's apart of the family Spencer." She says and walks in and Sam does even look at me.

They walk into the living room and I follow them.

"Juliet's parents don't know yet, so we have to tell them and then we can talk about all your questions and stuff." I say and they don't say anything.

There's another knock at the door and I go and open the door and Juliet's parents, Jonathan and Amy and her her grandparents, Carl and Sophia come in.

"Hello Spencer, how have you been?" Juliet's mom hugs me.

"I'm fine, how have you been Amy?"

"I'm great thank you for asking." She smiles and they all walk into the living room.

"What is going on?" Jonathan asks.

"Um...Sit down we have to tell you something." Juliet says and they all sit down and me and Juliet stand.

"Are you two getting a divorce?" Sophia asks and I laugh.

"No grandma, it's good news." Juliet says and I look at her and she nods.

I hand them the test and they all look at it.

"How?" Jonathan asks.

"Well a simple way to explain it is, the doctor took Juliet's eggs from her ovaries and they fertilized them with sperm and they were then transferred to my uterus." I say and they all stare at me and Juliet laughs awkwardly.

"And you didn't think to tell us?" Sam says and I shrug.

"We wanted to wait, I'm nearly nine weeks." I say.

"You knew for eight weeks and said nothing?"

"No we've only known for about seven weeks." I say and they nod.


"When are you going to get a scan or did you get one?"

"We are actually getting one tomorrow." I say.

"Are you waiting till the birth to find out the sex or are you going to find out when you can?" Jonathan asks us.

"We will find out when we can." Juliet says.

"This is wrong." Leo says and everyone looks at him.

"What is wrong?" I ask him.

"A child shouldn't have two moms, they should have a mom and dad." He says and I clench my hands into a fist.

"Why should they?" Juliet asks him and everyone shifts in their seats getting uncomfortable.

"Le stop." Sam whispers.

"What if its a boy? He will grow up having nobody that understands him. That's cruel, and you two shouldn't even be aloud to get married. It's wrong." He says and I shake my head.

"Sam I am telling you get him fucking out of my house before I beat the shit out of him and make sure he can't have children." I say and she grabs his arm and drags him out. I hear the door close and I rub a hand over my face.

"Well we are all so happy for you, congratulations you two. You are going to be amazing mothers." Amy stands up and pulls us both into a hug.

"Thanks mom." Juliet says.

"Thank you Amy." I say.


After they all congratulate us me an Juliet sit down on the couch, Juliet's arm around my waist.

"Have you two thought of names?" My mom asks and I shake my head.

"No we haven't decided on names yet, there are a few names I like tho." I say.

"What about the nursery?" Amy asks.

"We are gonna start decorating and buying everything when we find out the gender." I say and she nods. My head starts spinning and I stand up.

"Are you okay?" Juliet asks and I nod.


"Yeah I just need to use the bathroom." I say and quickly go to the bathroom down stairs. I bend over the toilet and throw up. Morning sickness isn't always just in the morning.

I fall down beside the toilet and flush it. I quickly kneel up again and throw up. My throat burns and I feel like I'm overheating.

"Aw are you alright?" My mom comes in and closes the door then holds my hair back out of my face.

"This baby is killing me." I half laugh and grab a paper towel and wipe my mouth and flush the toilet again.

"I was the same with you actually, constantly throwing up. I missed days of work over it." My mom laughs and sits down across from me and I lean back against the wall.

"Well sorry about that." I say and she laughs and leans forward wiping the tears under my eyes.

"It was worth it." She says and pats my knee.

"I'm happy for you Spencer, you are growing up to become someone I am so incredibly proud of and I just know your dad feels the same way. You are going to be an amazing mother, congratulations again." She says and kisses my forehead.

"Thank you mom, thank you for everything." I say and she nods.

"Spencer? Are you alright love?" I hear Juliet knocking at the door.

"Yeah, just sick." I say.

"Will I get you a glass of water?"

"Water makes me even more sick." I laugh and my mom laughs too.

"I'll go to the store and find something, I'll be back." Juliet says and I shake my head laughing.

"She's amazing to you." My mom says.

"The best. She makes sure every morning I'm okay, she constantly asks me through out the day do I need something." I say and my mom laughs.


A while later everyone leaves and Juliet still didn't come back from the store. She's been gone about an hour so I grab my phone and text her to make sure everything's okay.


I sit at the kitchen island and wait for a response which I don't get.I tap the island getting impatient. The door opens and Juliet walks in with a few bags.

"Spencer we have a serious problem." She says heavy breath and drops the bags on the counter.

"What? Where were you?"

"I went to the store and the baby isle like called me, I accidentally walked down it and I just couldn't stop picking things up." She says.

"Julie???" I look at her confused.

"I spent a hundred dollars on baby things!" She says and throws her hands in the air and I laugh.

"Seriously?" I say and get up and walk around to the bags and look at the stuff. I pull out a white little hat and little mittens.

"Oh my god I might die." I say and she slides her hand around my waist and rests her chin on my shoulder.

"I got three different colours." She whispers and i turn and look at her.

"Oh my god." I laugh and look in the bag again, there was little hats with ears, shoes, stuffed animals and clothes.

"Juliet these are all adorable." I say and put down the stuff and turn in her arms and put my hands around the back of her neck and look at her.

"We're gonna be moms." I say smiling and she bites her lip smiling back.

"I know, we are gonna be the best moms." She says and I nod and kiss her.

"Who would have thought? I mean nearly six years ago I was your teacher, it's still so weird to think about." She says and I nod.

"Love comes in unexpected ways." I smile and she kisses me and I back up against the counter.

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