《Is This Love? ||Byler|| (Finished!)》Robin whats wrong with me?


Will cant believe it. Everyone knows now. Everyone! Even Mike.

Ill never be able to go to school again.....I wont be able to see mike again! Or anyone! Im gonna have to hide myself in my room. I hate Troy! I hate him so much!

Will cant breathe and he doesnt know what to do.

"If you need anything you know where to find me" -Robin

Will decides to run to star court to tell Robin everything.

Will was crying so much to the point were his vision is blurry and he cant see anything. So he doesnt notice when he runs right into Robin who was on her break.

Will are you ok!?

He doesn't say anything. He just hugs her and cries into her arms.

They hug for about 10 seconds and will finally pulled out from the hug.

H-he k-knows. Will says while still crying

Who knows what??

Mike. He knows I like him.

Will went right back into Robins arms.

How? Did you tell him?

N-no....I wrote everything I f-felt in my journal and this kid from school o-outed me in front of the whole school. He read my journal to e-everyone.

Robin hugs him with confront and tells him itll be ok.

Robin whats wrong with me?

Nothing! That kid is an asshole and ill make sure hes taken care of!

Ya me too. Says a voice from behind them.

Its Steve! He was listening to there conversation.

s-steve? Says will whos eyesight is still messed up.

Ya its me bud. Steve goes and hugs will and robin.

Steve Will and Robin all go to the back of scoops ahoy and get will an icecream to try and make him feel better.

Will explains everything that happend at school that day and Robin and Steve are Pissed.


Steve leaves the room to think about how hes gonna fuck that kid up

So how was the sleepover? Asks Robin

O-oh it was f-fine.

Just fine? Cmon tell me what happened. Robin said while messing with wills hair.

Will laughed and decided to tell her.

Well Mike said I was cute and-

Woah woah woah hold on! He said what!?

Ya I know, will said while blushing at the ground.

Omg what else!?

W-well he uh.....

Tell meeeee

Ok ok! He c-cuddled me while we slept.


stopppppp said a laughing and blushing Will.

Omg hes so into you! Robin said while excitedly dancing.


Well maybe ;)

Omg robinnnnn

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