《Is This Love? ||Byler|| (Finished!)》Secret Revealed


May I have your attention! A familiar voice yells.

Will and everyone else looks to see where the sound came from.

It came from Troy who was standing on top of a table.

Eveyones eyes were on Troy.

Will notices something in Troys hand....its....


Will starts panicking but tries so hard not to show it. He gets really red and is so hot. Hes shaking and can feel a hot rush down his spine. Hes frozen. He can't move. His mouth is dry and he feels like throwing up. Hes about to burst into tears.

Troy looks around and then lays his eyes on Will. This right here in my hand, is the journal of Will Byers Troy says while holding up the journal and pointing at Will.

Will is in shock. Everyone stares at him and he feels like having a panic attack. He looks at his friends hoping they would do something.

Troy opens up the page and reads out loud "Hey, my name is Will, Will Byers. Im not like most people. Im different. Not only did I practically die, come back to life and get possesed, but I also have a huge secret. Im in love with my bestfriend mike and no one can know. No one can know im gay."

Everyone stares at Will in complete shock. They all start to laugh and Will begins to cry. He wants to run away but he cant move.

Troy then reads outloud "Mike called me cute the other night! He even cuddled me as I slept. What does this mean? I should tell Robin about it. Robin always listens. Well its time for school. Its gonna be awkward since Mike found all the drawings I made of him....I can't believe I cried. Im such a baby....He probably thinks im so weird. Good thing he didnt find my journal though."


Everyone bursts out laughing and Mike sits there embarrased. Will finally gets up and runs out the room. He can't breathe. He just runs and runs and runs until hes out of the school. He runs into the forest and stands behind a tree. He slowing falls as he leans up against the tree. He puts his hand over his mouth and starts crying. The poor baby is having a panic attack.

But that's not it. Out of nowhere Eleven walks into the cafeteria. All eyes are on her.

Troy sees her and immediately realizes.....is....is that the girl who broke my arm? and made me p-pi- oh fuck.

Eleven slowly walks over to Troy who is still standing on a table. Eleven looks him in the eyes with the deadliest stare ever. She stands onto the table infront of him and gets real close to his face. Give me the notebook Troy before I do more then break your arm. Ill kill you.

Troy freaks out and hands Eleven the book. He totally forgot she existed!

Eleven walks away staring at Mike. Then all of a sudden the table that troy was standing on flew from under him and Troy fell to the ground. Everyone laughed and Eleven smiled and left the room. She went looking for Will.

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