《Is This Love? ||Byler|| (Finished!)》Just a normal day


Mike thought alot about the recent events that night. He had school tomorrow and he knew it would be awkward.

Eleven hates me. Will hates me. Eleven probably told Max so now she hates me. Max probably told Lucas and Dustin so now they hate me. Mike thinks to himself.

He barely slept that night. He couldn't stop thinking about Will. Why he did what he did. Why he lied. Why he called him cute. Why he cuddled him. Why he has this weird feeling in his stomach everytime he thinks about him. Why did will have all those drawings of him? Why did he cry when he saw them? Why did he blush and smile when he called him cute? Why did will cry that night....

It was the next morning and everyone was getting ready for school. It was a normal Monday morning.

Mike called me cute the other night! He even cuddled me as I slept. What does this mean? I should tell Robin about it. Robin always listens. Well its time for school. Its gonna be awkward since Mike found all the drawings I made of him....I can't believe I cried. Im such a baby....He probably thinks im so weird. Good thing he didnt find my journal though. Will wrote in his journal

Will heads to school and just like every other day he gets weird looks. He goes to his locker praying not to have another run in with Troy. He looks around and sees no one. He grabs his books and drops his journal on the floor. Troy watches as Will very quickly picks up the journal and throws it into his locker. An idea sparks in Troys head.....

The bell rang and everyone including Will went to class. Everyone expect Troy. Troy runs over to Wills locker and opens it. There was no code on these types of lockers. Troy spots the journal and grabs it while laughing. Troy closes wills locker and heads to class.


After an annoying day of learning it was time for lunch

Eleven and Max both ignored Mike and Will that whole day.

At lunch Mike Dustin Lucas and Will sat together like always. But Eleven and Max where nowhere to be found.

Mike and Will sat on opposite sides of the table and never made eye contact. Lucas and Dustin didnt really notice.

Then something unexpected happened. Something that would change Wills life forever

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