《Is This Love? ||Byler|| (Finished!)》The breakup


why was he crying? Is he ok...? I should have listened! I shouldn't had opened it. He told me not to. Why didnt I listen! Why am I so stupid! mike thinks to himself while on his way to meet Eleven still oblivious that eleven knows what happened.

Mike meets up with Eleven at her house. He knocks on the dooor and Hopper answers.

He lets Mike inside and leads him to her room.



So what are we doing today?


Why what??

Why do you lie!?

What are you talking about??

Mowing your neighbor's lawn? Helping him with animals? Why did you lie!

El begins to cry



El I have no idea what youre talking about! I-I did h-help my n-neighbor

Oh so Will was there too!?


Ya! I know what happened last night! You lied! Eleven starts bawling

Y-you were s-sleeping with h-him....w-with w-w-WILL!

Eleven it wasnt like that I swear!

And how can I believe you!? After knowing you lied? What else have you lied to me about!? Huh!?


Why did you lie!

I- i dont know why....

Why did you sleep with him then!?

Ok look! Will was crying last night. I don't know why but he was. I told him he could sleep next to me to make him more comfortable and not alone.....I must have accidentally hugged him in his sleep i-i dont know......Just please dont blame Will.

I dont blame Will I blame you!

I know and im sorry! I didnt mean it that way! Besides you spyed on me! Why did you spy on me!? Thats totally against the rules!

I cant....


W-were done...

El what!?

Get out...


Get out!

Mike runs out of the room and out the house.

I shouldnt have done that! None of this would have happened if I didnt sleep over! None of this would have happened if Will didnt get in the way! Mike thinks while crying his way home.

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