《Is This Love? ||Byler|| (Finished!)》The Sketch


What!? Screamed Max

El quickly tore the blind fold off and came back to reality where she started crying into Maxs arms

Eleven slept over Max's that night and she planned to talk with Mike the next morning

Mike woke up before Will that morning

WTF!? AM I- DID I- DID I CUDDLE WILL LAST NIGHT!? Jesus I hope he didnt notice. Omg what is wrong with me.....

Mike stares at Will for alittle while

Gosh hes cute....


Mike brushed these thoughts away even though he cant help but wonder why he felt that way.

Mike got up slowly so that he didnt wake Will. He didn't know what to do so he walked over to Wills desk and saw his journal and sketch books. He decided to look at some of Wills drawings while he waited. Will was always so good at drawing.

Right when Mike was about to open the book a soft hand grabbed the notebook. It was will, standing there with the book to his chest and his eyes on the ground (not literally)

O-oh sorry! You were always just so good at drawing heh...

Its ok. Im just not ready to show anyone these yet.

It was about time for Mike to leave and meet up with El. Will left the room to go to the bathroom.

Mikes eyes locked with the book again. Theres nothing he should be afraid of! There gonna be good 100%. Besides he wont find out.

Mike grabs the book again and opens it. He cant believe his eyes. There so good and detailed. Mike turns the pages and oh my-

Are these....all of me?

There was around 20 drawings of Mike in that book and Mike couldn't believe it. Why didnt Will show him them?


Then out of no where the brown haired boy steps into the room and sees what page Mike was on.

The boy starts to freak out and panic. His palms are sweating and he cant speak.

Mike hears the boy tremble and turns around.

Both of them are just staring at eachother as a tear rolls down Wills face.

W-will im sorry I didn't know!

I told you not to touch it! The crying boy explains while running to go and grab the book out of his crushes hand.

Mike and Will both dont know what to say. Will turns around. He doesnt want Mike to see him like this.

I WISH I WASNT SUCH A CRYBABY! SUCH A FREAK! will thinks to himself

I-i think its t-time you g-go.... said a stuttering Will.

Mike says sorry one last time and leaves.

so....stupid.....so so stupid! Will says while throwing the book. He breaks down on the floor next to Mikes sleeping bag.

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