《Is This Love? ||Byler|| (Finished!)》And So The Search Begins


Meanwhile with Eleven

Will! Will you there!? Its just me! Just El! Eleven shouts while walking through the halls.

She assumed he was in the bathroom. She couldn't go in so she just yelled from the door.

Will you in there!? Its El. I just wanna talk ok? Im alone.

She waited for a few but then Joyce Byers comes in the building in a hurry.

Hey El have you seen Will!

No I was just looking for him. Is everything ok?

The school called and told me what happened. Is he ok...

I dont know. He ran away crying so I would assume not....

Joyce gets tears in her eyes. The poor kid has been through enough.

Mike lucas and dustin all come out of the cafeteria and see Joyce and Eleven.

They all run over and ask where will is. Max comes from another room confused as to what happened.

Will explain on the way! Mike says

On the way to where its the middle of the school day- says a still confused Max

We have to look for Will! Yells Mike

Look for him!? Where did he go? Is he ok?

Just come on!!

Ok jesus!

All 6 of them leave the school and go to the woods to search for Will.

They all shout his name but will isnt there anymore.

Wait....says Mike

What? Asked Joyce

In wills journal he said something about Robin.

Whos Robin?

She works with steve. Dustin said

Is steve the one with the bat and really big hair-


Gotcha. So what about her?

Will wrote something like, "I should tell Robin about it, she always listens."

So maybe hes at starcourt! Yells Lucas

Yes lets go!

They all run to starcourt hoping to find the little brown haired boy.

So....Will he....he likes me? How was I so blind not to realize. It all makes sense now. The blushing. The smiling. The drawings. The change of behavior....im such a fool. What does this mean for the future? Do I like him back.... NO MIKE THATS CRAZY TALK. Or is it....

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