《HER LOVE • davina claire》16.


E p i s o d e 6 P a r t 1

Aleksios P.O.V:

I wake up with a groan and a pain in my neck. Sitting up I rub my neck and I see that it's morning. I think back about last night and I remember Elijah snapping my neck.

That fucker!


"Living room." I hear my twin say and then Elijah says: "Tratior."

I speed down there and see Elijah looking unnerved as I snarl at him and Hayley stands in her nightgown and looks scared while my twin and sister are staying out of this. I make Nik look like a saint when I'm angry and when my anger takes over I make Lucifer look like an angel. Everyone knows. But my anger doesn't take over alot. I don't know why I am so protective of Davina.

"You better have a damn good explaination as to why you snapped my neck!" I snarled out and he visibly pales at my tone.

"I'm apologize. You where too far gone in your anger. You said that you are going to kill Sophie and you were a threat to the baby. The only way to get you out of that anger is to snap your neck." He defends and I huff at his logic. He's right thou.

"Fine." I say and everyone relaxes. "But next time I'm giving you ten bites." I finish and Elijah nods as I hear a gasp behind me. Probably Hayley.

"Problem?" I ask, turning to her.

"Yes," She starts sternly but cowers a little under my stare. "You can't bite him." She says, her tone getting softer as my glare gets harder. I step towards her until we're face to face and I lean down to hear ear and whisper:

"You're lucky you're pregnant and I consider you family." I step away from her and turn around.


"I need a drink." I annouce and Nik holds his glass up.

"Not that kind of drink." I say shaking my head. "I'm hungry." I say and he nods. I speed off as I go look for a meal.

The last thing I hear is Elijah saying:

"Believe me Hayley, I got of easy."


After drinking two men dry I speed home.

I enter the living room to speed Bekah scrubbing at bloodstains in the carpet while Nik reads a book.

"What the hell happened here?" I ask my two siblings present in the room and their heads snap to me.

"This was a peace offering for Elijah. You missed it when you went crazy on Elijah and when Rebekah saw the blood was staining a two hunderd year old carpet she took it upon herself took clean out a stain." Nik says with a smirk and I chuckle.

"Poetry about poisoned apples from dead trees. Looks like someone's worried about impending daddy-hood." Bekah says and I look at the book he's reading with raised eyebrows.

Nik shakes his head. "Nonsense. Elijah's back. In his presence, all problems turn to pixie-dust and float away!" He says sarcastically.

Rebekah, Nik and I glace at one another and grin.

"Strange, I don't recall any pixie-dust from the darkness of the coffin I was recently forced to endure." Elijah says as he joins us in the living room and I chuckle.

"You're not living that one down anytime soon." I tell my twin in an amused tone and he rolls his eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes like that, maybe you'll find a brain back there." I tell him with a grin. He gives me a glare and my siblings snickers at my teasing towards him. Seeing as I'm the only one who can do it with out having to wonder if my safety or life is on the line.

Elijah walk over to our mother's grimoire. He opens it flips through it. What the hell?

"What are you doing with Mother's spellbook?" Bekah voices my thoughts.


"Well, in exchange for my freedom, I promised the witch Davina that I would share a few pages from Mother's grimoire to help her learn to control her magic. I thought we'd begin with a little un-linking spell." He says and I catch on and grin towards him.

"Nice Elijah." I compliment and he smirks at me. I turn to Beks and Nik look at each other in confusion and I sigh while waiting for them to figure it out. Sometimes, they're a little slow.

"Give 'em a minute." I say to Elijah.

"Wait, you want to use her to un-link Hayley from Sophie Deveraux?" Bekah asks stunned as it dawns on her.

"Sophie brought us here under false pretenses! She doesn't just want us to take down Marcel and his minions, she wants to take Davina back. So, she yolked her own cause to ours with magic threats and half-truths! Well, no more. As of now, our deal with Sophie Deveraux is null and void." He says sternly and I grin.

"Hell yeah." I say fist pumping in the air while my three living siblings chuckle at me.

Nik and Rebekah smile wryly at each other.

"Niklaus, I need you to come with me. I need five minutes alone with Davina. You need to make certain that I am not interrupted." He tells Nik and I smile at the thought of her.

Then he points to Rebekah and thinks for a moment before giving his order. "You stay here and watch Hayley." He tells her and turns to me. "Lex yo-" He starts but I cut him off.

"Don't even try it, big brother. I'm coming with you." I say with a big grin, excited to she Davina again. He looks confused for a second but nods.

As if he could stop me, I think with a scoff.

He turns around and leaves the house.

"How did I get elected super-nanny?" Beks asks annoyed.

"More importantly, who put him in charge?" Nik complains and I chuckle at them.

Nik reluctantly follows Elijah out of the house and I link arms with him.

"It's won't be that bad." I tell him.

"You only say that because you want to see the little witch again." He says with a knowing smirk and my eyes widen.

"What? No." I try to lie as I unlink our arms but it's no use. As much as I know when he's lying, he know's when I'm lying.

"Sure." He says with the same smirk still on his face and I huff.

"Shut up." I tell him and speed off, but not before hearing him laughing his ass of.


Ariving outaide the church I feel a little nervous and giddy inside.

"Are you okay, Lex?" I hear my twin ask and I look over to see both my brothers looking over at me in corcern.

"Yeah." I say uneasily and I step inside and as soon as I step acrros the threshold I smell her heavenly scent and my nerves calm and the giddy feeling intensifies and a smile takes over my face.

Elijah and I arrive at the attic and he leans against the doorway as he knocks on the door I stay behind Elijah, wanting to surprise her. I see Davina smiles at him as he holds up several pages of my mother's grimoire wrapped in a cloth.

"I made you a promise." Elijah says holding up the pages.

"Come in!" She says excitedly and I grin at her excitement. She looks adorable. Elijah enters the attic and looks back only to realizes I can't enter.

"Davina, can you invite a friend of mine inside?" Elijah asks with a smirk and I glare.

"I'm not inviting Klaus in here." She says not even turning to me. I suppose he deserves it.

"How about me? Can I come in, love?"


Bored af. Here you go, enjoy.

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