《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》8: Our Little Secret


During chemistry, which I did not attend because of Susan.

Thank you so much Susan.

I spent the entire chemistry period in the girl's washroom counting my pimples,trying different hairstyles, making weird faces and clicking thousands of selfies.

I didn't dare go to the chemistry lab because I was like 15 minutes late. If I would have gone it would only have resulted in a detention which I did not want, so instead I decided to pass time in the girls washroom. Which almost resulted in me dying of boredom.

After the bell rang at the end of chemistry I finally sigh in relief.

I exit the washroom and go to my locker. Near my locker I find him, Caleb,my chemistry partner.

"Hey Caleb what's up ?" I say as I near him.

Caleb Johnson, a nerd with blonde hair and green eyes that has a pair of thick glasses covering them is my chemistry lab partner. The glasses were not normal that made people look more hot but were thick and round that almost covered half of his face. Without the glasses he looked really hot,that I got to see only once when I accidently slapped his face that made his glasses slip down.

"Nothing much. Everything alright? Where were you during chemistry?" He questions.

"I actually got caught up with some work today. You got the notes?" I ask.

"Umm yeah" Caleb says handing me a notebook where he wrote down all the notes.

"Thanks" I say, grateful.

He smiles at me and walks away to his next class.


After what seemed like an eternity the bell rang. I sighed in relief as I made my way out of the class and towards my locker. Atlast the school ended.

"Sup JJ " Hannah says when we girls gather near my locker.

"Don't ask. Maths is a real torture."

"Seriously it is. I don't know who the hell invented it" Hannah agrees.

"Shut up bitches! Maths is fun, physics is a headache." Sydney says. She is really good at maths but physics is not her cup of tea like me with maths.

"You'll say that cause you are good at it but look at us. Poor us." Hannah says giving me a high five.

"Whatever. Need a ride?" Sydney asks both of us.


Ashton because of his football practice in the afternoon is not able to give me a ride back home anymore.

Hannah nods but I shake my head.

"No thanks. I am going to the library now. I will go there and read some books and then head back home by the 4 o'clock bus." I say as I finish packing all my stuff.

"You sure?" Sydney asks.

"Positive" I smile.

"Ok we should get going then." Sydney says and they both leave.


The corridors are completely empty as I make my way towards the library.

The school has ended 20 minutes ago and not a soul can be seen except for some teachers in their respective classes.

I enter the library and nod a greeting towards the librarian who smiles back. The librarian is a friendly lady in her late twenties who knows me well because I keep on popping in the library in search of one book or other.

I am a novel addict if something like that exists. I love reading novels especially the ones with a lot of romance. If only our textbooks were novels instead of the super boring shit.

I move inside the library and go to my favourite section : Romance and Teen Fiction.

I select the book I want to read and make my way to my favourite reading corner,my den. My den consists of a comfortable couch near the windows which opens to the back of the school. Nobody visits the back of the school so it is usually silent with a light breeze of wind blowing through the window. I love it there, the silence and all takes me to a complete different world,my imagination,the world of books that is far away from the real world, away from problems with only me and the novel there.

As I near my den I notice that someone's there. It's a boy with black hair and thin black spectacles that cover his blue eyes. I move ahead,he hasn't notice me yet,he was reading a thick novel,completely lost in it. When I come closer I notice that it's not just a boy it's Jace, yeah Jace Brewer! What? Him an novels? From when. And when did he started wearing novels?

I look at him, he is unaware of my presence,totally engrossed in the novel. I observe that with the spectacles on he looks nothing like his ordinary self, the one who has a bad boy reputation, the one who is the biggest player of our school and the one on which the girls drool because of his hotness. Instead he looks like a simple boy minding his own business. Nothing like the real Jace. And boy I should tell you, he looks so damn cute in those specs that I'll melt due to the cuteness that is totally overloaded.


A mischief suddenly pops into my head. I quietly move behind him and whisper BOOO in his ear. He gasps loudly and the novel falls down on the floor. His hands reach up and touch his chest where his heart should be.

He looks behind him and his eyes find mine. He exhales and lower his hands from his chest.

"God birdie I almost had a heart attack." He says,exhaling again.

I smirk and say " Why tom you almost gave me a panic attack because I thought my eyes are all gone when I saw you reading a novel. I mean seriously when did this happen huh? You and novels"

He turned a deep shade of red when I said that.

"Aww look at you, a softie and a nerd in disguise of a bad boy turning all red, you literally surprised me." I say pinching his cheeks.

Now his face looked like a tomato, bright red. He looked down and was about to pick up the novel he dropped earilier. I looked down at the novel and almost screamed when I saw the title of it.

" Oh my God! You are reading THE INFERNAL DEVICES! Don't tell me! These are my favourite from all the teen books." I yelled. He didn't expected that and dropped the novel again,startled.

"Jeez birdie can you stop screaming and talk like a normal person, my ears are asking me if I can cut them so that they can run away from here." He says.

I roll my eyes at him but I can't stop feeling excited about this whole thing.

" Yeah whatever" I say and take a seat in front of him.

"You are seriously reading that or its just a joke?" I ask, now completely serious.

"I am completely serious. No one knows about it and I don't think you will believe it either but I love reading novels " Jace says with a serious look on his face.

"Aww softie. Why are you reading this?" I ask completely believing him as I remember him reading before, totally engrossed in the book just like I am when reading.

He turned red at that again.

"Umm.... I actually liked that book series when I read it the first time and now when I have nothing to read I thought that I can read that again." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"I also loved this book when I was younger. Whom do you like the best? I like Will,he is the best." I say.

He answers me and we keep talking endlessly about our favourite novels, book series,TV shows and many more.


I had a really good time! When you find someone who has the same interests as yours the time passes by so quickly that you don't notice it.

Same happened with me.

I was so engrossed in our conversation that I didn't notice the time and when I did it was almost 5 o'clock.

"Shoot!" I cursed.

"What?" He asks.

"I missed my bus home." I reply.

"I can give you a ride back home if you want." He says casually.

I nod and we make our way out of the library and into his car.

As we reached my house I thanked him and was about to step out of his car when he stopped me.

"Birdie I really had an amazing time with you." He says with a small smile.

"Me too" I reply,smiling.

"I want you to do something" He suddenly says.

"What?" I asked,confused.

"I want you to keep this whole me and my reading thing a secret." He says slowly.

I smirk and say" Why softie? Scared that you will not have that bad boy reputation anymore?"

"Please" He says with a little pout and puppy dog eyes.

I laugh and shake my head at him. "Okay"

He smiles at that and brings his hand forward as if wanting to shake my hand.

"Our little secret?" He asks.

I smile shaking his hand and say "Our little secret."


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