《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》7:Found My Group Of Idiots


Me and Ashton make our way to the school building the next morning, talking about all the random stuff going around.

Me and him are really very close ,we tell each other every little thing.Yeah except for my love life because he is really protective towards me when it comes to boys or things that hurt me. It irritates me,yeah it does because whenever I talk to a boy, Ash would glare at him and the boy would run for the hills, totally scared. But I kinda like it too,this is the way of my brother to tell me that he loves me and care about me.

We enter the school building, Ashton pecks my forehead and murmers a goodbye before walking away,saying something about a sports selection.

I also make my way towards my locker.As I near my locker,instead of finding just Hannah and Sydney there like always I am actually surprised to see three boys standing there with them. Its Jace,Brad and Zach, Brad and Zach talking to Hannah and Sydney and Jace, as usual,flirting with girls in the corner.

I go to them with a big smile on my face.

"Hey JJ "They greet me.

"Ugh you told them too?!" I say addressing the girls.

"Yep" Hannah said smiling sheepishly at me.

"What's the problem? JJ is a good name,right Sydney?" Brad asks and Sydney turns a shade of deep red.

"Yeah it's all ok but I like my actual name better, you know." I say.

At that moment Jace turned up ,draping his arms over mine and Zach's shoulder.

"I like your name birdie, but angry bird suits you more, you know."He says, mocking me.

I make a face at him "you know what tom ,just keep your big mouth shut" I say slapping his arm away from my shoulders playfully.

"Hey hey hey. You guys gave each other nicknames? When did this happen and you never bothered to tell us?" Brad asks, raising one of his eyebrow.

Oh shoot! I never told Hannah and Sydney about the making up thing, they'll kill me. That was for sure.

"Yep we did gave each other nicknames when we went to McDonalds-"

"What! Excuse me!" Sydney and Hannah both say at the same time.


I am dead for sure. God help me.

"Yep McDonald's ,we went there so that I can make up to her because I got her into a detention on the second day of her school and nope we did not bother to tell you." Jace said unaffected by the looks our friends gave us.

At that time the bell rang thankfully.

I went to my locker and got my books avoiding Hannah and Sydney but they caught hold of me and said "Lunch time,you are gonna spill everything out you have got inside."

I nod and they leave for their respective classes, satisfied.


After the classes the bell rang for lunch, I made my way to the table Sydney and Hannah had occupied and sat down in front of them.

"Spill" Sydney said looking excited and Hannah nodded looking equally excited.

I told them everything from me being pissed off to Jace making up by taking me to McDonalds. After I completed they both squealed,excitedly, yeah literally squealed!

"Omg JJ you got the boy wrapped around your little finger " Hannah bursts out.

"Oh come on that was nothing, he literally does this to every girl." I say not really interested in the conversation.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Sydney asks suddenly.

"I forgot Sydney. You should have asked me yesterday when I pushed him in the pool, we were talking about it in front of you all ,remember?"I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"We were busy enjoying the show girlfriend. We didn't really remember the conversation especially when two people in front of us were just about to kiss." Sydney smirks

"Excuse me we weren't going to kiss okay." I say recalling yesterday in my mind.

"Yeah it surely looked like that." Hannah says.

I just opened my mouth to say something back but a voice interrupted me.

"What looked like what?" Jace asks sitting beside me.

Wow, now the guys are here too. The whole cafeteria has gone silent, all staring at us. The bad boys of the school sitting with the new girl and her friends during lunch. A big joke. Not. Us girls are gonna be dead by tomorrow. The girls are glaring at us, throwing daggers through their eyes, thinking how did we get the chance to sit with them. I am thinking that too. God please help us, I am just 17!


"Earth to girls " Jace and Brad says.

I almost forgot that the boys were here. I look up at Sydney and Hannah, they too have scared expressions on their faces which have gone slightly pale. I was not the only one who noticed the girls hateful glares.

"What's up girls, you all look like you have seen a ghost " Zach says.

They all seem unaffected by the silence in the cafeteria and the stares. Yeah sure! They are used to this but us..


"It's just. Um. The girls there, I think you should go back to your places."Hannah says.

"Oh the girls! Ignore them, they are just jealous, they'll get over their jealousy soon enough and as for our places, these are our permanent places from now on. Brad wants to sit with Sydney, so we accompanied him." Jace says with a grin.

At that Sydney and Brad both blush.

"Hey! It was not only me .You also wanted to sit with JJ. You can't fool me bro." Brad says with a smug grin.

Now it was my turn to blush.I may not admit it in front of everyone but Jace wanting to sit with me felt really nice.

"Yeah whatever" Jace said.

He did not decline that he wanted to sit with me. I felt soo pleased.

"So where is my brother?" I ask to break the awkward silence and to look somewhere else instead of Hannah and Sydney who were wiggling their eyebrows and smirking.

"He has gone for football practice." Zach says, answering my question.

"He got selected!?" I literally scream.

I know what football means to him. He is a die heart fan of football and he plays it well too. In our previous school he was the caption of our school's football team. I am so proud of him.

"Yeah he did. We saw his game,he plays really well." Brad says.

"Of course he does, he is my brother for God's sake." I say with a smug grin in a duh tone.

"Oh please." Jace snorts.

I say nothing cause he is right I don't know a single thing about football, I just stick my tongue out at him.

Really mature of me. I know.

"What are you? Five?" Jace asks, trying really hard not to laugh.

"No hon, I am a 105. I am a vampire!" I say in my most dangerous voice.

They all start laughing at that and I join in.

Atlast I found my group of idiots!


When the bell rings signaling the end of lunch we all bid goodbye to each other and make our way to our classes.

I was walking towards my chemistry class when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me in one of the empty corridors. I was about to scream when that someone clamped it's hand on my mouth,keeping me from screaming.

I was so scared until I saw who it was and all my fear vaporised replaced by confidence.

It was the queen bee herself .Susan.

I have a feeling that this encounter is not gonna be good, whether for me or her I don't know.

"What the hell!" I almost yell.

"Shut your mouth new girl. You wouldn't like being on my bad side now, would you?" She spits.

"What the hell do you want Susan." I say trying to keep my anger under control.

"What the hell I want? Yeah right! I am here to talk about Jace." She says.

I have read enough teen fictions to know what was coming next. Before she could open her mouth I say "You want me to stay away from Jace cause he is yours?" I raised my eyebrows.

She looks totally surprised and was caught off guard.

I continue "But I won't cause he is my friend. Understand? I have the right to be with anyone I want and you can't do or say anything about it." I spit and walk away leaving her alone who was so shocked to move.

When I am far enough I do a little victory dance in the empty corridor. That was something. I was low key proud of myself.

I was right ,it was not gonna end well, not for me but her. Ha!


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