《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》6: Pool Party


I woke up early the other day ,looking forward to the pool party. I thought that I should go and tell mom about this girls hangout.

I went down and saw that Ash was already talking to mom.

"Mommy" I say diverting their attention to me.

"Good morninggg " I say again, in a sing song voice.

Ash looks at me with an amused expression and pulls me towards him, kissing my forehead saying, "Good morning Panther!You are in a good mood."

My mom also smiles at me and wishes me good morning.

"Yeah I am in a really good mood, that's because my friends are coming at our house for a pool party, mom please don't say no. Pretty Please." I say with an innocent expression.

"What! No! I also invited my friends today Jessie. Tell your friends to come some other day." Ash says before mom opens her mouth.

Ash came up with a nickname for me 'Jessie' and always calls me that.

"Wha -No! I am not gonna postpone my plans ,you do it." I say ,my good mood long gone.

"Sorry Jessie I talked to mom and she said yes so you have to settle it yourself. " He says with an amused smile.

"No. My friends are com-" I start to say until-

"Shut up you both! Jessica you can call your friends as well and both of your friends can have a pool party together. You all enjoy and have fun , the whole house is all yours for today as me and your dad are going out for some work and will not return till tomorrow afternoon. Understand?" Mom almost screams.

"But-" Me and Ashton start saying.

"No arguments now, go to your rooms both of you." Mom commands.

We both are in bad moods and wanna say more on this topic but we know better than to argue with mom.


Doorbell rings and I hurry downstairs to open the door almost tripping on my way but mom is already there.

My mom opens the door to my two friends.

"Hi Mrs Jensen! How are you?" Both the girls greet together.

" Don't give me the old lady feels, Call me Rachel. I am great if you minus the hard time Jessica gives me." she says with a warm smile.

Sydney and Hannah both chuckle.

"Jessica would probably be upstairs in her room, go ahead and make yourselves at home." she says and gestures them towards the stairs.

Sydney and Hannah come upstairs and see me standing on the top of stairs.

We come to halt in front of each other and I was just gonna greet them and tell them about the pool party until Sydney said "You lucky rich bitch!"

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Your mom is so freaking cool , your house looks like a mansion and your brother ,don't even get me started." she says with a dreamy expression.


"Well if you like my mother and brother so much then you can always come here to hangout." I said.

"Great!" she said happily.

"Well speaking of my brother I would like to tell you something about our plans-"

I tell them about the whole coincidence thing and when I finish they look like they are gonna burst from excitement.

"Wow, a pool party with hot guys. It's like every girl's dream come true." Sydney squeals.

"How do you know they are hot? Do you know who is coming?" Hannah asks, her whole face bright with excitement.

"To be honest I don't but Ashton is hot so his friends will be hot too." Sydney winks.

I roll my eyes at their stupidity ,but to be honest I was curious and yeah a little bit excited too. But I was never gonna say that out loud.


We all change into our swimwear.

I am wearing a plain black two piece bikini that shows my flat stomach and long legs perfectly.

Sydney is wearing a purple coloured bikini that totally goes with her complexion and thin body and Hannah has chosen a one piece white coloured swim suit that has a deep neck. We all look gorgeous in our bikinis.

After posing for millions of mirror selfies we make our way to the pool in the backyard. As we come near the pool we hear laughter and splashes indicating that the boys are already here.

When we step out in the backyard my breath hitches in my throat. Standing right in front of me are three extremely hot guys one being none other than Jace Brewer. It was not a big surprise as he and my brother are friends but I don't know about the two guys.

Seeing Jace, there is only one thing going on in my mind ,damnnn. He is shirtless with his tonned stomach and muscular biceps full on display. Of course it will be, he is the star basketball player of our school. But God help me, this much hotness-

Sydney breaks me out of my thoughts saying "Damn! Look at them. I wish I could go and ask them for their recipes right now."

I give her disgusted look but she just shrugs innocently.

They hadn't noticed us yet but as we make our way to the seats they acknowledge our presence by, yeah, staring at us.

The boys are gawking at us, Jace has his mouth hanging open and his eyes are raking every inch of my body and the the two other boys are doing the same to Hannah and Sydney.

"Just be careful and don't slip on your pool of drool okay?!" I say,smirking.

This made them break out of their trance. When they realised what they were doing, the two boys turned red with embarrassment but Jace just smirked and was about to say something until Ashton turned up from the house.


He acknowledged Sydney's and Hannah's presence by giving them a smile and greeting them by a simple hi to which both of them replied with a smile of their own.

Ashton's entry made this entire awkward environment back to normal. He introduced me to the two guys whose name were Zach Matthew and Brandon Cooper also known as Brad by telling that they were Jace's best friends and his new friends. We gave each other a smile but nothing more.

We had so much fun together in the pool, playing various games and watching Brad flirt with Sydney who flirted back. We all came to ease with each other, joking and teasing each other.

After about 3 hours in the pool we all came out, running here and there for our towels. Ashton went inside the house looking for his towel,making the carpet completly wet. Looks like someone will get in trouble. Bwahaha.

Suddenly an idea pops in my head. I mouth watch me to Hannah and Sydney and make my way to Jace who was standing with his towel in his hand talking to Brad and Zach.

I touch his back, he suddenly turns around but when he sees me a smirk comes on his face. I come closer to him and he wraps his hand around my waist. Wow his hands feel so good on my waist.

Stop Jessica! just stop!

"I want to say something to you." I whisper in his ear, letting my hand roam on his muscular chest and stomach.

"Yes." his voice is husky and unstable.

I go more close to him and he sucks in a long breath. I was really enjoying this.

"I just want to say that- DONT MESS WITH ME!" I say loudly and push him in the pool. He was caught off guard and fell into the pool with a loud splash.

God, I am laughing like a maniac!

He comes on the surface of the pool looking pissed "What was that for?"

"That's called revenge mister" I say still laughing.

"But I made up to you and you forgave me too. If you remember." He says.

"Yeah I did forgive you Jace but I believe in revenge." I say, winking.

I didn't knew that I was standing on the edge of the pool as I was so caught up in laughing but the next thing I knew I was in the pool myself.

I came on the surface and was just about to punch Jace but he caught hold of my hand easily and pulled me close to him.

"Now that was something." He says, smirking.

I don't say anything, my mind is completely blank because of our close proximity. We are very close, our whole body touching each other. He also notices this and goes silent.

We do not move. My eyes looking straight into his blue ones, admiring them. We stay there looking into each others eyes, completely pressed together until a voice that sounds like my brother breaks our thoughts.

"Jessie, Jace what are you doing inside the pool? Get out." He says,completely ignoring the situation and going inside again.

We break away and climb out of the pool without saying anything. I look at Sydney and Hannah and they are smirking.

Those idiots!


After getting changed we all met in the hall and decided to eat pizza followed by a movie.

We did eat pizza but I was not able to swallow half of it because of my laughter. I was laughing so hard because of the stories that the boys told, I got a stomach ache.

After that we decided to watch a movie but that broke a war between Hannah and Zach. They were fighting over which movie to watch. Hannah said 'Papertowns' and Zach chose 'Fast and Furious 8'. I was with Hannah but the boys and Sydney voted for fast and furious 8. Yeah you are right Sydney betrayed us for the boys. How rude.

We all got comfortable in our respective seats. I was sitting between Hannah and Jace. Sydney with Brad, Ashton on the couch and Zach on the ground.

I was so sleepy after the swim and eating three big slices of pizza just added to it. The movie was so boring, I don't like action movies at all! I didn't know when my eyes started to close on its own and my head started to blob.

No one noticed that except for Jace because my head again and again fell on his poor shoulder. I tried to keep my eyes open but failed terribly.

Jace just pulled me towards him and whispered "Sleep".

I did not even protest and kept my head on his chest and closed my eyes.


I was sleeping soundly until a voice said, "Omg look at them, they are so cute" followed by a click of camera.

Wait, a camera?

I opened my eyes and saw that everyone was standing in front of me, Brad with his phone in his hand and a mischievous grin on his face, Sydney, Zach and Hannah with smirks and Ashton with an angry expression. Then I realised why ,I was sitting in the lap of Jace Brewer who was soundly asleep. I didn't know how I ended up in his lap!

I quickly jerked back and Jace's eyes flew open. He also noticed all this and gave a sheepish smile to my brother.

"What was that?" my brother asked, angry.

"Oh nothing, she was asleep so as a great friend I gave her a support to lean on. " Jace said and shrugged lightly.

"Friend." my brother scoffs.

"Yes Ash, friend. Geez." I said and explained the whole situation to him.

He nodded, understanding but he didn't look convinced and as for Hannah and Sydney they had such looks on their faces that clearly said 'we know better than to believe you.'



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