《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》5: Making Up


I make my way to the parking lot of the school after I finish my work given by Mrs Smith for the detention. Jace tried to talk to me during the detention but I completely ignored him. Doesn't this boy ever understand that I want to be left alone?

I mentally face palm myself when I see the whole lot empty. Ofcourse the school was finished hours ago and I told my brother not to give me a ride as I will be going with Sydney to her place. It was a lie,I know I shouldn't be lying but if he or mom gets to know that I got detention on the 2nd day of school it will end up really badly for me.

I make up my mind that I will walk to my place ,a half an hour walk! I am damn sure that my legs will not be fit for walking tomorrow because of my lack of exercise. I am really a very lazy person.

When I start my way out of the school I hear a voice calling my name. I quickly realise whose voice it is and ignore him,walking faster. I really don't wanna have any relations with him if it results in detentions or bad reputations. I am a nerd when it comes to studying. I take my studies very seriously but at the same time I believe in maintaining a good social life too.

A hand catches my wrist while I am walking, turning me around. I look up and see a really pissed looking Jace.

"What is it with you? I was calling out to you for the last 5 minutes and you just kept on ignoring me." He says ,annoyed

"The person who gets me in trouble? No, not interested. " I say and turn again to walk.


Before I can take a step I was turned again. Now he is really testing my patience.

"God Jace! What's your problem? Can't you just leave me alone!" I say, pissed.

"I know that you are pissed at me because of the detention and that too on your 2nd day . You have the right to be mad Jessica but at least let me explain." He says, hurriedly.

I am quite shocked that he noticed that it was my 2nd day of school. I decide to give him a chance as he looks completely sincere.

"I don't have all day, you better start" I say in bored tone. He smiles a little and says " I am really sorry for what I did today. Please let me make it up to you. Let me take you somewhere, I promise I'll make it up to you."

I was gonna protest and seeing my face he quickly added "After that I'll drop you at your place as you don't have any ride and your house is pretty far"

I don't have any choice now, I mean I have but who would walk for half an hour if a handsome boy is asking to drop you off after a make up something.

I nod stiffly and get into his car. The car is completely silent on the way.

We finally reach our destination, McDonald's ,yeah Mcdonald.

I didn't realise that I was starving until I saw that sign. I can surely eat the whole McDonald's at the moment. Jace saw my face and chuckled.

"Well I brought you here cause I was starving but figured I was not the only one." He said,smirking.

I ignored his comment and we went inside.I ordered two chicken burgers, French fries and a mega coke. Dont judge me. I am a growing child!


When the food came I ate without pausing for my breath. After finishing the two burgers and was satisfied that I was a little less hungry I looked up, Jace was looking at me funny. He looked like he was trying not to laugh.

"What?" I ask, suddenly feeling weird to be the centre of attention.

"The way you eat is really cute." He said then dissolved into a fit of laughter.

"Yeah whatever. I was starving okay?" I say, annoyed.

"Uh huh " He said before laughing again.


I roll my eyes at his stupid behaviour. The way I eat is just fine. I am just a starving little kid.

"Aw look at you. Angry bird." He says grinning at my expression.

"Angry bird? If I am angry bird then you are...you are..um..Tom. Yes, Tom from Tom and Jerry. Cruel and wicked." I shoot back at him.

"Ouch birdie, cruel and me? That's not possible." He says with a hand over his heart.

"Yes Tom, cruel and you. A perfect match actually. "I say enjoying the conversation.

Suddenly he becomes serious, one second he is all fun and laughing and them BOOM serious.

"So do you forgive me?" He asks.

I pretend to think, I have already forgiven him when we reached McDonald's ,food is the best way to make it up according to me cause who doesn't love food.

" Well let's see" I shrug. He raises an eyebrow.

"Okay then, I forgive you." I say with a smile.

He visibly relaxes and we continue talking about random topics.

Atlast when it was time to go he said "I enjoyed your company today birdie."

"I also enjoyed your company Tom." I say, completely honest which took me by surprise.

Jace Brewer was not as bad as people said.


After our little snack Jace dropped me at my place. I thanked him for the ride and headed to my door.

As I opened it I was face to face with a really furious mom waiting for me.

"Jessica Jensen do you know what time is it!Where were you. Answer me now!" she yells.

I look at the time and realise it almost 9 .I have been out all day. I didn't even realise. I did tell Ash but I am damn sure he forgot to tell mom.

I look up at mom and say, " I was with a friend of mine."

She starts to say something but thinks better of it and atlast says, "It's good that you are making new friends honey but at least inform us if you are going to be late or something. I was worried sick."

"Sorry mom " I apologise and head upstairs to my room.

When I reach my room an idea suddenly pops into my head.

I call both Sydney and Hannah to ask them to come over at my place tomorrow since its a holiday ,for a pool party (yeah my house has a pool in it) then a girls hangout. They quickly agree and I head to bed waiting eagerly for tomorrow morning.


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