《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》4: Detention


I woke up and got ready for school. Today I was wearing a white crop top with black jeans and a denim jacket on top.

Me and Ashton both enter the school together, side by side. I make my way to my locker beside Sydney's locker where both Hannah and Sydney are standing together. Ash makes his way towards his friends.

I start putting my things in the locker,when both Sydney and Hannah decide to join me.

"Hey girlfriend. What's up?" Sydney greets me.

"The sky." I answer.

They both roll their eyes at my stupid answer and chuckle.

"Hey is he your brother?" Sydney suddenly asks pointing towards my brother.

"Yeah?" I reply slightly confused.

"He is hot! I didn't know that he was friends with Jace and those boys." Sydney says.

"Neither did I until yesterday ." I mutter under my breath, wishing they'll not listen.

But Hannah's sharp ears picked my words. "What about yesterday?"

"Umm...." I hesitate deciding whether to trust them or not. I met them only 24 hours ago, can I really trust them or not.

"Oh come on JJ. Don't hurt us like that. You can trust us and we for sure trust you otherwise we wouldn't have invited you over to sit with us." Sydney says with an annoyed look on her face.

"Yes JJ." Hannah adds in.

Atlast I decide to tell them everything about yesterday. Well everything except the part where Jace asks me for a dance and a call. That boy was something else completely.

"He walked in on you dancing? Cute." Sydney laughs.

"Cute?" I ask with a sour face.

After I told them what happened, they both started laughing and me being me ,turned away from them and pretended to be angry with them.

"Aww look at her, we are just being good friends JJ." Hannah says when she notices me.


"Good friends,my ass." I mumble bitterly and start walking towards my first class,Maths.

Both Hannah and Sydney start walking beside me, Sydney putting her arm on my shoulder and Hannah making weird faces at me.

Atlast I was not able to ignore them, I started laughing at Hannah's weird faces and finally put my arms on both of their shoulders making them react with million dollar smiles.

They were correct, they were my only friends and I should trust them.


In maths I was desperately waiting for the bell to ring. Maths was boring and waiting for the bell to ring was a task.

I was just going to pass out from boredom until I got hit by a paper ball.

The paper ball hit my shoulder and fell into my lap. It was lightly crumbled. I opened the ball and inside it was written "HEY DANCER" in messy handwriting. I rolled my eyes because I knew who it was from. I looked over my shoulder at the spawn of Satan himself and yeah surely he was smirking at me. I just smiled a sweet sickly fake smile and showed him my longest finger and turned around not waiting for his reaction.

Again I got hit by a paper ball.

'I SAID HEY!' Written inside it.

I was getting sick of Jace! I know he is super hot and looks like a freaking sex god but at the same time he is an annoyingly frustrating stupid jerk.

I came up with the most polite reply my head could make up.


I crumpled the ball and threw it back towards him. He caught it without any difficulty and opened it. His expression was one of annoyance when he read the content I wrote. He uncapped the pen in his hand and wrote something again on that paper and threw it to me.


It looked like we were playing a freaking game of passing the parcel! The whole class was now staring at us ,the maths class completely forgotten.

I looked down at the written material in my hand. There, in his messy handwriting 'WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?' was written.

I quickly wrote down the reply 'I CAN ASK YOU THE SAME THING. LEAVE ME ALONE JACE.' and threw the ball back to him.

After writing something in the paper he threw the ball again at me and I caught it. I was just going to open the crumpled paper ball until an old hand snatched it from my hand.

I looked up to see a furious Mrs Smith glaring at me with the paper ball in her hand.

She opened it and read the whole conversation from the paper. Her expression going from furious to thunderous.

"DETENTION! Ms Jensen and Mr Brewer!Meet me after the school gets over and I'll assign the task to you."

Mrs Smith screeched.

Wow! my second day to school and I already got a detention.

Great! Freaking great. Just wait Jace Brewer, I am ready to kill you.


After the bell rings ,signaling the end of maths class I quickly make my way out of class ,trying my best to avoid Jace as much as I can. I was so pissed at him.

I go up to my locker and see Sydney standing there alone.

"Hey girlfriend! How was hell with Mrs Smith?" Sydney greets.

"Don't ask " I say ,still pissed.

She notices my mood and quickly puts a hand on my shoulder, comforting me.

In the last 24 hours Sydney and Hannah made me feel like they have known me for a whole lifetime rather than a day. They have gained my trust and been so friendly and understanding to me that I know that I could count on them. I sincerely like them and want them in my life as my friends.

I smile a small smile at the gesture and tell her everything.

She looks at me with thoughtful eyes and says, " I know Jess that you want to be in good books of the teachers but when someone has Jace's attention, it's just the starting"

"Very comforting" I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

She just laughs at my expression and shakes her head while I stick my tongue out at her.

I know really mature!


I succeed in avoiding Jace the whole day and pass my lectures without any disturbance. But the main thing had come : The detention.

I make my way to Mrs Smith's classroom. The school was completely quiet now as all the students have already left.

I reach the door and knock on it, come in says a voice. I go inside and see a pissed looking mrs Smith with an amused looking Jace sitting just in front of her. To be honest,Mrs Smith is always pissed at one thing or another. She is such a pissy, I know it's not a word but it describes her the best.

"So miss Jensen you are here. " she starts.

"Yes Mrs Smith " I say with an eye roll. I mean can't she see that I am standing right in front of her.

"Hmm. Yeah now,the detention,you and Mr Brewer will each write me a 2 page article on discipline.When you finish give it to me and then you can go."

She says and starts doing her work , not giving us another glance.

I sigh and start my work.

I hate my life and for sure, I hate Jace Brewer.


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