《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》9:What Is Happening To Me


It's been 2 weeks since that library incident and from that day onwards we have been hanging out in the library after school hours,reading and talking. These hours were really amazing and I enjoyed it a lot.

Today was ,as usual the same. I attended my classes and went to the cafeteria in lunch,sitting on our permanent table with the boys.

We chit chatted, joked and laughed about various things. Brad being Brad flirted with Sydney and Hannah and Zach fought as usual.

Suddenly a phone rang, we all looked around and found out that the phone that was ringing belonged to Jace.

"Hey mum!" He answered his phone,a smile on his face.

As his mother answered, his face began to pale and his smile disappeared replaced by a panicked expression. He quickly got up and left without saying anything. We all looked at each other but decided to drop it thinking that he'll return soon.

But he didn't.


In english,the class me and Jace had together,I did wait for him to turn up but he didn't. I was not able to concentrate in class,my mind kept on drifting back to his paled face and thought of certain possibilities of why he didn't turn up started haunting me. I don't know why it was effecting me like that, he would be bunking this class,he is a bad boy for God's sake. But my mind was not ready to accept it.

After the school bell rang indicating the end of school I hurried off to the library hoping eagerly that he would be there. He didn't for once skipped the time we had in library after the school hours,he was always there with his nerdy glasses on and looking cute as hell.

I reached the library early,picked a random book and seated myself in my den,waiting. Time passed,half an hour, 45 minutes,my patience on edge,I got up and decided to go home early today as he did not show up and I was not feeling like reading for once in my life.



I took the bus home and reached it by 3:50 p.m. I entered the house,it was completely silent,I was alone. Ashton was still in the school for his football practice and mom and dad were out for some business stuff.

I quickly had a shower,helped myself with a cold slice of pizza and seated myself on the couch,watching 'The Vampire Diaries' on Netflix.

The door bell rang,echoing through out the empty house. I glanced at the clock beside the T.V. It was 4:15,too early for my brother or parents to return home.

I got up and went to the door. I opened it and was surprised to see Jace out there.

"Hey Ja-" before I could complete, he tackled me into a tight hug.

His body was warm against mine,his arms were around my waist and his face was hidden in the crook of my neck.

I awkwardly patted his back because I didn't know what else to do, until I noticed that his body was shaking. I got out of his tight grip but stayed close,within his reach and looked up at his eyes. I regretted it as soon as I saw his face.

His face had an expression that looked like he was in great pain,his eyes were filled with unshed tears while some escaped down his face leaving a trail through his cheeks.

I quickly hugged him again,all the awkwardness gone. "Jace. Are you alright?Come on in." I say in my most calm and soothing voice.

I grab his hand and take him inside, help him sit down on the couch I was sitting earlier on and give him a glass of water.

He gulped some water down that helped him calm down. I sat beside him and interwined our fingers together,gently squeezing his hand.

I don't know what made him cry but something was definitely wrong if he was crying. He was in great pain,his expression showed that much and the tears in his breathtaking eyes were heart breaking.

"Jace are you ok?" I asked softly.


He looked up and took a deep breath,he looked hesitant at first but then thought better of it.

"My grandmother and I are very close."He started. "Today morning my mom called me saying that granny just got a heart attack. They rushed her to the hospital and I also went there. The doctors said that she was in a critical situation, she may or may not l-live." He finished with his voice cracking in between.

I shifted myself closer to him and kept my head on his chest. He also reacted to my touch by keeping his chin on my head and wrapping his arms around my waist. We stayed in that position for a long time,not moving,a comfortable silence between us.

When I felt his fast breaths turn into even breathing I thought to break this silence.

"Jace I am so sorry for what happened with you. But you should face it,now your grandmother needs you the most. She wants her grandchild with her so that he can support her through this rough time. She will be so happy if you will go there to her and help her with a smile on your face rather than crying here. I don't know if she will be ok or not but seeing you smile will make her really very happy." I say softly.

He didn't say anything for a while. He just sat there totally still. After what seemed like an eternity he whispered "You are right. She needs me right now."

We got up from our seats and made our way to the door. When he was going to open the door he suddenly stopped and turned around.

"Thank you" He said softly."Thank you so much birdie. When I got to know about my granny I was so panicked and sad that I didn't know what to do so I came here,to you. You,birdie,know the real me. All of me. You knew the real me and never for once judged me for that. Instead you stayed with me in my rough times and helped me."

I was taken aback by his words. I never expected it, never ever. I looked up at him,in his beautiful blue orbs, and smiled. The smile was not a polite smile, small and hesitant,it was a big one that stretched from ear to ear.

"You don't have to thank me softie. This is what friends are for. Now stop making me emotional and go to your grandma. She would be waiting for you."

He smiled and pulled me into a bone crushing hug, pecking my cheek after that. Then he was gone.


After Jace closed the door behind him I was still standing there,looking at nothing specific,touching my cheek where he kissed me and grinning, grinning like an idiot.

God, What was happening to me?

To distract my mind from all this drama and especially the last part I continued watching 'The Vampire Diaries' but my mind didn't let me concentrate. My mind kept on replaying the peck ,his speech and the raw pain on his face when he came earlier.

I finally decided to give up and call him to ask about his grandma.

I called him after about an hour and he picked up after 3 rings.

"Hello?" He answered,his voice tired and exhausted.

"Hey Jace. " I said.

"Hey birdie." He replied.

My heart raced at that. What was new, he called me that always. I ignored my racing heart and asked about his grandma.

"She is out of danger but still she has to stay in the hospital for a few days. " He said, sighing in relief.

"Ohh that's great. You should go to your grandma now and spend some time with her. I'll talk to you later ok?" I said and was about to hang up until he said "Thankyou birdie. His voice was soft."

"Your welcome softie. Now go! Bye." I said and hung up but not before I heard him chuckle a little.

My stomach started having butterflies in it at that sound.

What is happening to me?!


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