《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 27


It was the next evening and the team were about to head back after a long day of matches.

Hinata tried to steal a set from the ace and announced that he wanted to open his eyes during the quick. He was subbed out for some of the matches.

Today was not what team was expecting.

They were currently saying their goodbyes to some players from the other teams.

"See you later, Hinata," Lev said. "I'll stop you next time."

"I won't lose!" The carrot head responded. "I may be 164cm, but I'll beat your 194cm butt!"

Lev smiled. "Also, you! Pretty Setter!" He pointed at the (h/c) teen. "You gotta set for me some time!"

The said male, who was talking to Kageyama, looked over and awkwardly put a peace sign up. "Okay, sure...?"

The dark haired male growled at the nickname given to the second year. The latter sweatdropped and put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.


The team safely got back. Right after leaving the club room Hinata came up to Kageyama.

"Kageyama, give me a toss."

The two of them went to the gym and set up some equipment.

Yachi and M/n saw the lights on and decided to check out who was there.

"Huh? You two aren't going home yet?" The petite blonde questioned.

"Yeah, you guys. It's pretty late already," M/n followed.

"Yachi, would you mind throwing us some balls?" Hinata asked. "You just have to throw the ball above Kageyama's head."

"H-Huh? Wouldn't M/n be more qualified for that?"

The second year chuckled. "Don't worry, you're only throwing a ball. I'll switch in if you feel like taking a break," he put his things on the ground and grabbed a ball to set to himself by the wall.


"Okay, s-sure I'll try!"

The three got to their positions.

"Let's do this!"


It's been a while and Hinata has been trying to do the quick with his eyes open. So far, he's missed all of them.

M/n even stopped his own practice and switched with Yachi.

"One more time!"

Kageyama was now agitated.

"Instead of practicing an attack we're not sure you'll ever be able to do, you should be working on the attacks we've been using, as well as serving and blocking," he yelled slightly.

"But if this quick doesn't work, there's no point in me being on the court."

"Your will isn't needed for that quick!" Kageyama was definitely yelling now. "I'll give you sets that won't be stopped by blockers!"

"But then I'll never get better!"

Yachi watched with a shocked face while M/n narrowed his eyes at the two. The second year thought they just needed to blow some steam, and would step in if anything were to happen.

"The spring tournament is next month, right around the corner, what do you think will be an effective weapon for us?" Kageyama picked up Hinata by the collar of his shirt. "A complete quick, or an absolutely useless quick?!"

"N-No fighting guys," Yachi piped in. "Calm down."

"I want to be strong enough to compete by myself!" Hinata persisted.

Kageyama started thrashing Hinata around. "Your selfishness is going to destroy the team's balance!" He threw the poor first year to the floor.

M/n definitely had to step in now.

"Hey! You two quit it! This is no way to solve disagreements!" He yelled, getting their attention. "We should go home, I think we're all a little stressed."

Yet, they turned back to each other and continued.


"I'll toss to anyone who's essential to winning..."

"Kageyama.." M/n said in a low voice.

"...But I don't think you're essential to winning right now, and I don't feel any different," he finished and started to walk away, before looking at his upperclassman. "And you're not even a starter, M/n...You don't know what it's like."

M/n sighed and went over to help Hinata, when he got up and ran towards Kageyama, latching himself to his waist.


The two of them actually started fighting physically.

"Hey!" The older tried to get them to separate, being careful not hurt himself and the two first years. "You guys are scaring Yachi! Stop it!"

Unfortunately, he wasn't careful enough and got elbowed in the stomach. Clutching his stomach, he yelled. "Yachi, get someone before they seriously injure each other!"


She ran outside calling for anyone's help. Soon, Tanaka came to the rescue, giving both of them a good hit.


They left the gym after that, going their separate ways. Kageyama and M/n walked in silence.

The (e/c) male gave occasional glances to the slightly taller boy next to him.

He was definitely hurt with what the other said to him in the gym, but frowned as he knew he was right. He didn't know why he joined the team, just to be put on the sidelines once again. Everyone said his sets were the best they've ever seen...Yet...He could only watch...

"I'm sorry," Kageyama blurted.

M/n flinched slightly. "Ah, it was nothing, I'm sure Hinata's doing alright now...But you know, he's sort of right, you can't stop someone from wanting to grow-"

"No not that. About what I said to you..And for elbowing you in the stomach."

"O-Oh, right...I can just put an ice pack if there's a bruise, just thankful I wasn't hit near my eyes...But, yeah, not gonna lie, what you said hurt," he chuckled quietly. "I don't even know why I joined again...I might just be wasting my time."

Kageyam halted, so M/n did too.


"Its not that I don't enjoy being around you guys!" He said quickly. "I just...I don't think the team actually needs me.."

The first year could only clench his fists. "Of course the team needs you." He wanted to yell, but the neighbours were most likely sleeping by now. "You're a setter, the team needs you to fly, even if its only from the sidelines."

M/n looked at the ground, before he felt a pair of arms wrap around him.

"You'll get your time to shine, I know it. A king can't rule alone, especially if he's still learning...So please, stay. For the team...And for me."

M/n sighed. "You're so lucky I love the sport, Kageyama. You have to apologize to Hinata sooner or later, though."

The male frowned. "Do I have to? And I thought I said you could call me by my first name..."

He started blushing at the younger's words. "You're so cute, Tobio."

"Wha- Don't just say things like that!"


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