《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 26


"Dad! S/n!!" I yelled as I arrived home.

Dad was the first to greet me, while S/n followed shortly behind.

"Hello, M/n! How was-"

They both stared at me.

"Oh my god..." My dad choked out. "C-Can you- Did it work-?"

"You bet," I said softly, with a huge smile on my face.

"M/nnnn!!" My sister yelled with tears streaming down her face.


We arrived at the training camp. I was very much pumped up.

I got off the bus with Kiyoko and Yachi.

I was glad I could see everyone's faces again. I was finally able to take a look at the first years. They were all pretty much as I expected.

Unfortunately, we were missing two very important teammates...Kageyama and Hinata...They have to take a supplementary exams.

Hinata failed English, while Kageyama failed modern literature.

I was thankfully able to make it, barely passing my classes, but I saw it as an absolute win.

I was walking alongside our two managers, as I offered to carry their bags, when...

"Th-There's two girls now!!" A Tanaka look alike exclaimed. Kiyoko put an arm out infront of Yachi, while I squinted my eyes at him. "Now, they've got a pretty one and a cute one!" He dropped to his knees.

"Do you see, Tora?" Tanaka started. "This is what Karasuno's true ability looks like."


"Let's go," Kiyoko said.

"O-Okay," Yachi replied as I followed behind.


"One lap of diving drills!"


Damn we are getting crushed so far. No sign of Kageyama or Hinata yet.

"I wonder how they're even going to get here before the day ends."

"Hey they're still at it! We totally made it. Not bad at all." Tanaka's sister bursts through the doors. Our two baby crows right behind her.


"Oh, nevermind."

"Saeko!" Noya exclaimed with stars in his eyes.

"Huh? Is that your sister Nishinoya?" Asahi asked.

"Nope, actually that's Tanaka's sister," I spoke up. "She's so cool!"

"Now that you mention it, they do look alike."

"Little Giant! Tobio! Get over here and help us win some matches!" I yell.



We finally won a match. After nine gruelling sets, we finally won atleast one.

I look at the team and they all looked tired.

"Here M/n," Kageyama came up to me with a bottle in his hand.

"Oh thanks." I took the bottle from him. "Hinata almost got caught on that last spike huh?"

"Mhm...We're just going to have to get stronger."

I look back at Hinata to see him thinking deeply. That close call must've bothered him a bit.

I give a small smile.

"Actually, why do you call Hinata 'Little Giant'?" Kageyama asked.

"What? Because he is..?" I answered hesitantly. "It's a reminder for what he wants to become and what he's already achieved...And also motivation, I guess...Why?"

"It's nothing."

I looked him skeptically then smiled softly. "Hinata is the Little Giant and you're the King of the Court."

He visibly flinched at my words.

"You know what happened..?" He says as he faced the floor.

"Yeah, pretty much," I chuckled. "What happened back in junior high doesn't define you, y'know? What's so wrong with being a king?"


"Plus, you're changing for the better right? We're a team. What's a player without someone having their backs?" I continued. "We're setters, the control tower of the team. We help the others fly, and in return...They help us fly too," I finish with a smile.

Kageyama stares at me speechless. I see that the team has already started leaving the gym.

"Let's go. Kenma said he would let me try out a new game he bought," I said patting his shoulder and running off.


I stood still as I watched L/n run off to the team...I stayed there for a few more seconds before following them.

"I am a King"


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