《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 25


It's been quite a few days since I've revealed my surgery, and the exams are just around the corner.

I still haven't taken the bandages off, besides the times when I had to change them.

I didn't want to take them off. I was scared to. What if the surgery didn't work at all and I still won't be able to see?

Plus, I was afraid of disappointing the team. They seemed so excited and are working really hard for this tournament.

"I'll just take it off tomorrow," Is what I said yesterday...


I'm currently sitting on the bench, still in the gym, tasked with minding Hinata and Kageyama.

Everyone else was too tired to stay, so I volunteered. Practice ended a while ago, but they wanted to stay a bit more.

When I say a bit more, I mean they've stayed here for probably about 2 hours since club finished. I seriously don't understand where they get all that stamina...

"Send me another one! I'll get it this time!" Hinata yelled.

They've been at it for so long, when are they going to take a break-


"Huh- AH-" I shrieked. I felt the ball hit against the wall just inches away from my face.

"I-I'm good!" I reassure with a shaky thumbs up.

"L/n! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! The ball just went whoosh and I couldn't receive it properly..." Hinata rambled.

"It's okay, Little Giant, I'm alright."

"Hinata you idiot! What if it hit M/n?! He could've gotten hurt, or worse.."

"Haha...I'm okay, Tobio..."

"I promise it won't happen again! I'll get better and stronger at receiving-" Hinata was cut off when he heard a phone ringing. "Oh, my mom's calling...I think I have to go now."


"Alright, Hinata! Take care!"

"Okay! I will. Sorry again!"

I laugh and felt movement from beside me.

"Sorry about that, I did a hard serve."

"Hey don't worry about it, Tobio! I'm fine."




"Shouldn't you have taken your bandages off already?" Kageyama asked.

"O-Oh! No? I think I have to keep it on for a few more days." I lied smoothly...ish.

"You're lying..I don't like it when you lie, you know," he said seriously. "What's really bothering you M/n?"

"Oh..Ha...Right...I'm just..Uh...Afraid..."

"Of what..?"

"That the surgery didn't work, and when I take these bandages off, I still won't be able to see properly."


"And I'm scared of disappointing you guys, I probably shouldn't have gotten your hopes up too high," I laughed with a sad smile.

"You won't know if you don't take it off."

"I'll take it off tomorrow."

"No, you'll take it off now, it's better if you do."

"Hmm. Tomorrow."



I can definitely be hard headed at times, and this is one of those times.

"You're being so stubborn, idiot," he said. "Come on, if you think like that, then there's no way it would've worked."

"That makes no sense," I sweatdrop.

"You get what I mean!" he said flustered.

I sigh. "Alright."

I bring my hands up, to take off the bandages. As I take off the first layer, I stop. "Maybe I should-"

"Here, I'll help."

Kageyama came closer to me, I could feel the heat crawling onto my cheeks. I felt him reach up to take the rest of the bandages off.

"H-Hey, how about we just wait till tomorrow, yeah?" I reason as I grab his wrists.


He stopped moving. I let go of his wrists.

He put a hand under my chin and said. "We can take it slow, M/n."

We stayed like that for a while. Then, I felt him leaning in. Subconsciously...I did too...

I felt his breath against my lips. His breathing was unsteady, he was definitely nervous.

I smiled and brought a hand to his cheek.

Just as I did....

...He closed the gap, and our lips connected...

He was definitely inexperienced, but I couldn't say anything, cause so was I. I didn't care though.

I smiled into the kiss, it was amazing, like a thousand fireworks just exploded inside my head.

Both of us having to take a breath, pulled away. I opened my eyes and saw Kageyama breathing heavily.


I opened my eyes...And saw...

I look down to see he had my bandages in his hand. He took them off for me while we kissed...

I looked at his face.

"Tobio I- you...you're beautiful."

He darts his eyes to meet mine. I smiled widely and wrapped my arms around him.

"You can see me." He returned the gesture.

I was laughing and crying at the same time, but mostly laughing. I let go from the hug, took his face in both of my hands and gave him another kiss.

"I can see! I can see you. I'm okay now.." I said excitedly, our faces still only inches from each others.

He smiled, both our faces still red. He gently wiped away the leftover tears from my face. "I can play with you guys, I can help you win. I'm so happy."

"I like you so much, Tobio."

"So do I, M/n."


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