《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 24


"M/n! Don't forget your walking stick!" I heard my dad yell from upstairs.

"I have it, don't worry!"

I open the door and walk out.

"See you later! Don't forget to bring S/n to school too! Also, the leftover food from last night is mine!"

Locking the door, I head on my way.


I reached the school and made my way to the club room. So far, I don't think anyone noticed me.

I was just surprised I wasn't hit by a car.

I quickly changed and entered the gym.

"L/n! Good to have you back, how was the surgery?" Daichi asked.

"Surgery?! What surgery??" Noya and Tanaka yelled in unison.

"Why did you get surgery, L/n?" I heard Yamaguchi ask quietly from beside me.

"I got surgery to fix my eyesight! Which is why I look like that one character from Jujutsu Kaisen," I announced. "Surprise!"

There was silence in the gym before two second years started yelling.

"HELL YEAH! I'm so happy for you, L/n! You deserve it, dude!" Tanaka congratulated.

"WOOHOO!" Noya jumped on my back.

"N-Noya be careful!" Asahi said worriedly.

I sweatdropped. "Please be careful not to poke my eyes, Yuu."

"Alright, that's enough," I heard Ennoshita say. "Let the boy breathe."

I felt the weight get lifted off my back and straightened up again. "Thanks, Ennoshita."

"Wait, did the third years know about this already?" Hinata asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah...I asked them not to say anything though," I smiled.

"So I'm guessing you'll be out of commission for a while?" Suga asked.

"Mhm. After a few more days I can get rid of these bandages and play again. I just have to be careful with my eyes for the next two weeks, maybe three."


"Are you sure you should be playing at all, L/n?" Tsukishima wondered.

"Aw, look at that. Tsukishima cares for me."


There was laughter before it got drowned out by Daichi's voice.

"Alright! Take a seat L/n. Let's get back to practice!"


The whole day, people kept asking why I had bandages around my eyes. It did get annoying after a while, but not wanting to seem rude, I just explained my situation.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts, when I bump into someone.

"L/n?" A familiar voice said. "Why do you have bandages around your eyes?"

"Long story, Megami...Well not really that long, I'm just tired of explaining." I replied.

"You look like an idiot."

"Thanks." I deadpanned.

"H-Hey, you have after school practice now right? Why don't I take you there."

Woah...He's actually trying.

I started smiling like an idiot.

"Ew stop, I'll leave if you don't," he threatened.

"No! I'll stop, let's go," I say quickly.

He dropped me off at the gym and hurriedly said goodbye, as he also had to go to his club.

I didn't want to just sit down during training, so I decided to stretch on the floor for a bit. Then, I heard footsteps run up to me.

"M/n are you alright? I saw you with Megami, he didn't do anything did he?" Kageyama asked quietly.

"What? No, I'm okay, Tobio," I chuckled. "He was only bringing me here."

"A-Ah, okay," he said reluctantly. "He isn't bothering you?"

"Not anymore, we're trying to get along now," I grinned. "I'm glad he's trying, I honestly didn't think he would."

"Just tell me if he bothers you or anything."

"Of course, my knight in shining armour," I teased.


As me and Kageyama were talking, I hear Kiyoko's voice coming from the doors.

"Hey, do you have a moment?"

"So you found a new person?!" Hinata yelled.

Confused on what was going on, I got up from my spot on the floor.

"What's up?" Tanaka asked.

"What's going on?" Kageyama hooked his arm to mine and lead me to where the others were.

"Um, she's joining the club on a trial basis as the new manager," Kiyoko explained.

"I-I'm Yachi Hitoka!" The new person introduced themselves.

"That's awesome!"

"Nice job, Shimizu!"

"You're a first year?" I heard Asahi ask.

"Eek! I-I'm in class 1-5, sir!"

"Sir?" I chuckled. "Azumane, I think you're scaring her."

"Hey! Don't stare like that! Its rude!" Suga scolded.

"Thank goodness, now there'll be a manager next year too."

"She actually hasn't joined yet," Kiyoko interjected. "I asked her suddenly today, and before work with the membership committee, so she's just dropping in to say hi today."

"I-It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Same!" We chorus

"Could you not surround her until she's more comfortable?!"

"Hopefully you'll like the club enough to stay, Yachi," I say with a smile.

I heard a little squeak before she said. "S-Sorry for the intrusion."

"I think you scared her away," Tsukishima teased.


"Your bandages, M/n.." Kageyama trailed off.

"What are you talking about? I look cool with these bandages on."

"Shimizu, so you were looking for a new manager..."

"Yeah. I don't think we got enogh response when we tried to find people in April." She said. "I thought it was important to find someone to carry on as manager, especially with Karasuno getting so much stronger."


I chuckled and went over to where I thought she was and put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, let's make the most of it, right? Glad you have another girl on the team, Kiyoko."

"Uhh, L/n...This is Daichi."

"Oh...That's why she felt taller."


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