《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 23


We were in the club room studying for the finals.

L/n wasn't at school at all the whole day. I asked the Nishinoya and he didn't know, he just asked how I got on a first name basis with L/n. Of course I wasn't going to tell him. So, I asked Asahi but he only gave a weird reaction...

I just hope he's alright.


Saturday came and I decided to take a run outside at the park. There weren't a lot of people there, just a few kids at the playground with a few adults supervising.

I ran for a few minutes when I noticed a familiar head of hair.

Second guessing myself, I try to get a closer look.

I'm not being creepy...I'm just making sure.

As I got closer I heard someone yell. "M/n! Let's play volleyball!"


I see a little girl bring out a volleyball and start receiving to herself.

"I can't do it..Can you show me?"

"Sure," L/n smiled as he took the ball and showed the girl how to properly bump it. She takes the ball back excitedly before she turns my way.


"Uh, there's a creepy guy watching us M/n..."

Immediately, I panic. He straightens up and brought the girl behind him.

"M/n! It's me!" I yell.

"Tobio? Why were you-?"

Getting a better look at him, I saw he had bandages wrapped around his eyes...What?

"Kick him in the balls!" The girl shouted.

"What-? No, we aren't going to do that," He sweatdropped.

"Ohh, you guys know eachother?" She tilted her head, before looking at us with stars in her eyes. "Are you two together?!"

The tips of my ears started heating up.

"No, we aren't, S/n...Here, how about you practice with some other kids and teach them what I taught you, yeah?" M/n suggested. "I'll stay here with Tobio for a bit."


"Hmm, okay..." She looks at me skeptically before running off.

I turn to M/n.

"Whoops, you weren't supposed to see me yet..." He chuckled while rubbing his neck.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on let's sit down, and I'll explain."


"-And yeah! That's basically it."

I sat there with my mouth agape. He had surgery to fix his eyes?

"That's amazing, M/n," I congratulated. "You deserve it."

"Thank you. I have to keep these bandages on for a few days, though, and when I take them off I have to be careful not to rub my eyes and stuff," he explained. "I might have to wear glasses too."

L/n with glasses?

I started blushing at the thought.

"You're still going to come to the camp though, right?" I ask.

"Of course! There's no way I want to miss that."

I nod and look over, my eyes fall to the little girl he was with. She was receiving the ball back and forth to a little boy.

"Hey M/n, was that girl your younger sister?"

"Hm? Oh yeah. Her name is S/n. She wants to become a volleyball player just like her awesome brother," he beamed. "She's making me teach her, she wants to be a libero...But I'm not exactly the right person to ask," he chuckled.

"Does she, uh...Know?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yep! Her and my dad," he answers. "They both accepted me right away, I'm very thankful to have them," L/n smiles. "Not everyone is going to despise you for liking who you want. Even sometimes, they just need some time."

"Where's your dad?"

"His workplace called him. He usually works at home but I think something came up so they asked for him. I'm stuck babysitting," he chuckled.


I nodded. As he finished speaking his sister came up to us.

"M/n! There's this boy at the playground and he likes volleyball too! His name is Hiro, he's a setter! He's 11, only a year older than me!"

"Oh really? Is he cute?" L/n teased.

"Mhm, really cute! I think I like him," she announces with a slight blush on her face


"S/n you must stay away from that boy, you are too young."


I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling.

I was happy that L/n might be able to get his sight back, but something was worrying me.

What if he's disappointed when he sees me?

I know it's a stupid thought but I can't get it out of my head.

What if I'm not what he imagined? Sure there was that time in the gym but, still.

"That's nonsense, he isn't like that. I'm just overthinking."

"The things you do to me, M/n..."


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