《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 22


Its been a day or two since Kageyama's 'confession'.

My surgery's tomorrow, so I get to miss school. I was really nervous, who knows if it would even work or not..

The team is doing another away game with Nekoma and three other teams.

We were on the gym floor as Takeda gave an announcement. "You do realize, you have finals next month, right?"


"Right? So I think you know what I'm getting at.."

I tuned him out. Knowing I was already dead from the start. I really want to go to the training camp, but if I fail any of my subjects I'll have to take supplementary classes.

I might as well get hit in the head with a volleyball.

I am soon brought back to the disappointment that is reality.

"M/n! You gotta help us pass!" Noya begged.

"You're good at school, right?" Tanaka grieved.


"Please tutor us!" I heard Hinata yell.

"Funny, actually heh..." I sweatdropped. "I can not see properly, therefore, it is difficult to get a high mark," I said as if it was the most obvious thing ever...Because it was...

"I can barely get over 50%...Even before, my average was at least 70%," I slumped. "If you want to get a good grade I suggest asking someone else for help. How am I even supposed to help tutor you guys..?"

"I honestly never would have thought you got bad grades, L/n," I heard Tsukishima say from behind me. "But then again.."

"Should I take that as a compliment..?" I asked.

"Take it however you want," he replied dully. "How are your tests even done anyways?"

"Quite a few are done orally, but the written exams are really annoying," I sighed. "Say, you get good grades don't you Tsukishima? Would you mind tutoring me for a bit?"



"We still have time before finals start," I heard Daichi say. "There's no way Karasuno could bring our best without these four idiots!"

"I dunno if I should be flattered or not.."

"We're going to go to Tokyo..!"


We were in the changing rooms, and Daichi was lecturing the four idiots about studying for the exams.

"Listen up guys, the one thing that you're going to promise me now....is that you wont fall asleep in class!"

"Staying up late through sheer willpower."

"Screwing up in your classes and in club."

"It's all absolutely unreasonable!"


"Yamaguchi and I are heading out," I heard Tsukishima announce.

"Okay, later you two!" I respond.

I was about to grab my bags and head out as well, when Hinata stopped me.

"L/n, can you please come with us?" He asked.

"What for? You guys aren't going to kidnap me are you?" I joked.

"N-no! Kageyama and I just need help with something.."

"Tsukishima!" Hinata yelled as we caught up to the duo. "Help us study...Please."

"What? No," he replied flatly.

I sweatdropped. "Come on Tsukishima, just like, less an hour a day. These two really want to go to the training camp."

"It wouldn't hurt to do it a couple minutes before or after club," Yamaguchi piped in.

"Mhm," I agreed.

"Hey I don't think it's fair that your having the shrimp and our upperclassman ask for the three of you," Tsukishima teased.

"Ah, no you don't have to help me anymore, Tsukishima. I think I can manage on my own."

"What do you have to say, big guy?" He continued

I could literally hear Kageyama growl.


"Kageyama ask him!" Hinata jabbed his elbow to his side.

"Please teach us," he asked.


"Please, teach us how to study.."

"I don't think I quite heard you."



"SHUT UP! YOU'RE DISTURBING THE NEIGHBOURS!" The voice of Coach Ukai taking over.



Kageyama volunteered to take me the rest of the way home. His arm linked to mine as always.

"Hey, why did you and Hinata need me to go with you guys?" I wondered.

"Hinata thought that if you were there, Tsukishima would be more persuaded to help us," he responded.

"Why's that?"

"Well, you seem to get along with Tsukishima, You're someone he can tolerate I mean, so we thought you would be more able to convince him."

"Ohh, pfft," I laugh quietly. "Hey Kage- I mean Tobio. Are we near my house yet?"

"Uhh a bit, we're not that close though, why?"

I stopped walking, unlinked our arms and faced him. "Perfect, then my dad won't nag me about this."

"About what?"

"What I'm about to do," I smiled brightly.

"What are you-"

I pull him down a bit and plant a small kiss on his cheek.

"Y'know, because our last moment was interrupted," I scratched my neck, blushing. "That was okay right? Sorry I didn't ask for permission."

"I- Uh- That- Yes-" He squeaked.

I chuckle and link my arms to his once more.

"Let's get going again!"




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