《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 21


I almost kissed L/n...


I couldn't believe what I did at the gym.

My heart was beating out of my chest. Was this okay?

He's a boy and I'm a boy...People might think we're weird. I don't want others to make fun of L/n, he already had Megami to worry about.

His skin felt so soft against mine. I wanna hold him and never let go.

"I'm going to confess properly tomorrow!" I thought as I laid in bed.

I thought about the spring tournament. "We're going to win the tournament and go to nationals!"

I silently hyped myself up for the next day, gathering courage to tell L/n my feelings.


"Tobio no! This is not how you confess your feelings to someone!!"

I was avoiding L/n for the whole day. Whenever I saw him, I did a 180 and walked away.

I silently cursed myself whenever I walked away from him.

I didn't know why I was avoiding him. I liked him and I was 70% sure he liked me too...Yet, I kept my distance from him.

I can just tell him after practice when classes end.


Practice was about to start and there were no signs of L/n so far.

Then, I saw two figures by the door: L/n and....

...Megami?! What the hell?!

"L/n who's this?" Daichi asked.

Before he could answer Megami spoke up first. "Hey, I'm Megami Taro. I'm a friend of L/n's."

Friend my ass...

"Do you mind if he stays and watches our practice?" L/n asked.


"I don't mind, take a seat next to Kiyoko...And quit making that face Nishinoya! Tanaka!"

We were currently playing a match between us. Megami hasn't caused any trouble so far. He just look bored.


I set to Hinata, but the dumbass hit the ball a bit too hard and it headed out of the court...

...Straight to Megami.

I was waiting for the impact between the ball and his face.

There was an impact...But it was between the ball and L/n's face. He received the ball so Megami wouldn't get hurt...

He got back up with a slight nosebleed and kept playing, till his team finally got the ball onto our side of the court.

"M/n!" Nishinoya yelled, bringing a few pieces of tissue to L/n.

"Why did you go after that ball!?" He scolded. "It would've been out anyways!"

"But Megami would've gotten hurt," he replied. "And I don't think he knows how to do a receive."

I glared at the boy who was sitting on the bench.

He just sat there, no 'sorry' no 'are you alright'.

I huffed and went back onto the court.

We were cleaning up the gym and from the corner of my eye, I saw Megami follow L/n to the equipment room.

"Do you think Megami is interested in playing volleyball?" Hinata came up beside me. "He probably came to watch L/n play."

"He's probably already in a club, idiot," Tsukishima said.


L/n and Megami walked out. Both having small smiles on their faces. I looked at them suspiciously.

"Captain, uh. Thanks for having me," he said.

"No problem! Maybe you might think about joining the volleyball club?"

"I'm already part of the soccer team so, no thank you," Megami declined.

"That's a shame. Hopefully we'll see you soon."

"Right. Thank you," he then left.

"Alright let's lock up!"


I was walking silently next to L/n, I volunteered to walk him home since the team stayed pretty late.


There was an awkward silence, until he spoke up.

"Soo...How are you?" He asked.

"Good," I replied.


"Just tell him, Tobio!"

"Uh actually I wanna say that, uh..." I started. "Sorry for avoiding you today."

"That's alright," he smiled.

"I didn't know why I was avoiding you, I mean...It was embarrassing, I guess, with what happened yesterday," I explained. "But I really like you and I'm 70% sure you like me too. I'm not that worried of being rejected...So I don't..."

We both stopped walking.

L/n faced me and smiled sadly. "You're scared."


He continued. "You're scared aren't you? Of being unaccepted I mean. By your friends and family."

I clenched my fists.

"It's okay, you know? Being scared is natural," he said.

"I like you too, Kageyama."

I looked at him.

"But I can wait," he grinned. "I want you to be comfortable and you can do it at your own pace."

He's right...I am scared. I don't want others to look at me weird, and I don't want my friends to abandon me either.

"If you want.." L/n started. "We can take it slow."

"I, uh...Right L/n... Thank you.."

"Pfft, call me M/n!"

I started turning red.

"Okay! Call me Tobio."

"Alright then, Tobio," He beamed. "Let's do this together!"

I smiled slightly at him. "Okay M/n."


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