《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 18


The day after the match, the team wasn't in their best spirits.

M/n was with the other second years talking about the spring tournament.

"The first day that Hinata and Kageyama came to the volleyball club, Daichi said we'd be going to the spring tournament," Tanaka said.

"The spring tournament...Aren't the first round preliminaries in August?" Noya wondered.

"We said we'd go once more," M/n piped in. "So, we can't keep thinking about one match that we lost."


M/n was looking for any one of the third years with a page in his hand. He left shortly after his little statement with the second years.

Finally, he heard three familiar voices.

"Of course, I want to keep playing volleyball with you guys!"

"Daichi..." M/n smiled to himself. "Of course they would be staying, you couldn't kick them out even if you threatened them."

"That's definitely good to hear," He said, scaring Asahi.

"M/n! Don't scare us like that!" He scolded.

"It was only you that got scared, Asahi.." Sugawara sweatdropped.

"How much of that did you hear, L/n?" Daichi asked.

"Not much, but enough to know you guys will keep playing," he smiled. "You three and Kiyoko are sacrificing so much for the team...We couldn't possibly thank you guys enough," M/n said and gave a 90° bow.

"Woah get up, L/n!" Daichi said flustered. "No need for that," he said with a slight blush from embarrassment. "Hey...What's that you're holding?"

M/n didn't move from his position and stuck out the letter...

...It was a form to join the volleyball club...


"M/n, why do you..."

"Please let me join the team again!" He said with determination. "I want to play with you guys before you leave! I promise I'll train really hard to catch up for all the missed practices!" He stood up straight again. "Please! I promise I won't hold you guys back!"


"Let's go to nationals together," he finished.

The third years stared at him in shock.

"I'm sorry, L/n, but-"

He cut Suga off. "My dad said I'm going to have surgery to fix my eyesight in a few days, and if it works, I could play volleyball again," he stated seriously. "And the recovery time will take a week or two, maybe three...Just in time for the tournament."



M/n's phone started ringing.

"Oh sorry I should take this," M/n said. "You guys go on ahead. I'll be up in the viewing stands in a few minutes."

He answered the call.


"Hello? M/n?"

"Dad?" He thought.

"Hey, yeah it's me," he replied. "Something wrong?"

"No! There's nothing wrong!" D/n said, with a hint of excitement in his voice. "In fact it's great!"

"Uh, okay? So...What is it?" M/n questioned.

"We've got enough money for your surgery! Surprise!"


"I'm sorry dad, what surgery?!"

"Your eye surgery!" S/n yelled in the mic. "So you can play volleyball again!"

M/n nearly dropped the phone at that statement.

"I- What- When-" He mumbled. "I don't remember-"

D/n let out a sigh. "I've been saving up some money for your eye surgery for a while already," he chuckled. "I kinda expected this reaction. How about we talk about this when you get home yeah? For now, cheer on your teammates, I'm sure they'll do great."

M/n blinked a few times.

"Alright, dad," M/n said with a small smile on his face. "Thank you, I love you guys so much."

D/n smiled at his son's words. "We know M/n, we love you too."

M/n then ended the call.


He smiled to himself.


M/n arrived home, with a newfound determination and a frown.

"M/n! M/n! How was the match? Did your team win?" S/n beamed excitedly while hugging her brother.

"Sadly no, S/n. The other team was just a little more stronger than us."

"That's too bad, you'll get them next time!" She started pulling M/n. "Come on! Dad's in the kitchen."

They entered the kitchen.

"Heya, son," he greeted. "How was the match?"

"We lost interhigh...The team was pretty put down," M/n responded.

"I'm sorry, M/n. I'm sure they fought their hardest."

"I'm sure they did too...Hey, can we talk about..."

"...Yeah, come on let's sit down."

The three of them sat by the table in the dining area.

"So...it was a surprise, right?" M/n started. "Why?"

"Well, I've been saving up money for a while already, your sister then found out and helped out a little," he laughed lightly. "When I heard about your little part in a practice match against a powerhouse team, it just motivated me more." D/n explained.

M/n's head fell to face his lap. "How did you find out," he choked out sheepishly.

"Well, your supervisor, Takeda, was nice enough to email me about it," D/n said. "I've known for a while now."

"And you weren't mad?"

"Honestly...I was. I couldn't for long though, it just showed me how much you loved the sport and is wasn't fair for me and your disability to keep you away from it...And I expected you would go behind my back and start playing again sooner or later," he chuckled. "You're headstrong and a bit stubborn...Just like your mother."

They all smiled.

"Now you won't have an excuse to not teach me how to play volleyball" S/n said seriously.

M/n sweatdropped at her tone.

"So, when will the surgery be?" He asked.

"I already booked it, it'll be in a couple of days. You might have to wear glasses after the surgery though."

"Have you already paid? I won't have the surgery unless I can pay at least some of it."

D/n chuckled. "You're really headstrong..."

"Thank you."

M/n looked down all of a sudden.

"Hey! Don't you go doubting whether you deserve it or not! This isn't only for volleyball, it's for your future," D/n sweatdropped. "You deserve it. We want this for you, and I have a feeling you want it too."

"Yeah! Mom would've wanted it too!" S/n exclaimed.

"You guys are so...Pfft, give me a hug."

D/n and S/n both engulfed him in a warm hug. "We love you, M/n."

"I love you too...Thank you so much."

~Flashback end~

"Please! It's your last year here and I want to help it be something you remember when you leave," M/n pleaded. "I know the surgery is not 100% guranteed to fix my sight, but it's better than nothing," he smiled. "Just...Think about it."

He then left.

"Also keep it a secret? Please? Thank you!" He said and rushed off.

"L/n sure does love volleyball, huh?" Suga breathed. "His family is so caring."

"Well, I mean after having something natural to you taken away, you learn not to take things for granted," Asahi explained. "So, Daichi..?"

Daichi smiled. "I guess we better bring this to Coach then."

The other two beamed with excitement.

"Let's make this year memorable."


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