《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 19


We're going to the spring tournament!

The team was in the gym, about to practice, when I realised someone was missing.

"Where's L/n?" I asked.

The team looked around.

"Yeah! Where is he?" Hinata wondered.

"Shoot, did he get caught up with Megami again?"

"I'm here! I'm here!"

We all look over and see L/n running to the gym...Before tripping and falling to the ground.

"Ow.." He said while laughing.

I started snickering a bit. I noticed he had his gym clothes on.

"L/n," Coach Ukai said. "Come outside with me, we need to talk for a bit."

He stopped laughing and got up quietly.

I heard the third years whispering, but decided to mind my own business.

When they came back inside again, L/n looked ecstatic. He was jumping all over the place.

"I wonder what's gotten him so happy.?"

Daichi then got our attention.

"Alright, team!" He yelled. "Please welcome our newest member!"

L/n smiled widely and said. "Hello! My name is M/n L/n! I'm 16 years old, and in my second year!" He gave a bow. "Please take care of me!"

I widened my eyes.

"WHAT?!" We yelled.

"Awww yeah! M/n gets to play again!!" Nishinoya and Tanaka shouted.

"Please send me lots of tosses!" Hinata beamed.

I stared blankly as the team surrounded L/n.

"H-Hold on!" I yelled, grabbing everyone's attention. "I thought L/n wasn't allowed to play? Didn't you say he could get hurt if he participates?"

L/n smiled...I blushed.

What's new?

I faced the ground so no one could see me heat up.

"If you didn't want me to join the team, you could've just said so," he chuckled.

I whipped my head to look at him. "T-That's not what I meant! I just thought-"


"It's alright, Kageyama. I was only messing," he said with a playful tone. He came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Let's fight together, yeah?"
















Practice was over and the sun was about to set.

"Captain," I heard L/n say. "Can I stay here and practice a bit more?" He asked. "I'm still a bit rusty."

"Sure," Dachi replied. "If you can get someone to stay with you and lock up when you're finished, I don't mind," he said. "Just don't stay too late."

Hearing this, I yell. "I'll stay and practice more! I'll keep L/n company."


I smiled internally.

"Hey! I wanna stay too!" I heard Hinata shout.

I start glaring at him.

"Ah! If you're thinking about murdering me, remember L/n will be here to kick your butt," he said hiding behind L/n.


"Alright L/n, here's the keys. Don't forget to-"

"Clean and lock up when we're done," he smiled. "I know."

When the team left Hinata went up to him.

"Can you send me a toss?"

He ruffled his hair and said. "Sure, Little Giant. I'll send hundreds of them your way, yeah?"


After a while we switched to receives. About 30 minutes in, Hinata was on the ground panting.

"W-Wait a minute, I need to catch my breath," he said.

"What? You're tired already?!" I said annoyed.

"Come on, Kageyama. Let's give him a break," L/n said. "I'll practice receiving next," he told me, then said to Hinata. "Have a water break, Little Giant."

"Thank you," he cried comical tears.

L/n and I practiced his receives, him failing to get a lot of them, when Hinata yelled. "Guys! I'm gonna have to go, my mom wants me home now."


"Alright Hinata, take care!"

Now it was just him and I alone.

A few minutes pass by. I sent a serve his way which he received with his face and landed on his butt.


I rushed over to his side and bent down.

"I'm good! I'm fine," he reassured. "Nothing broken...I think..." Saying the last bit quietly. "Man, I'm tired."

"Come on, get up," I said trying to pull him to his feet when I felt myself being pulled instead.

"Ow! L/n what the-" I was cut off when I heard chuckling.

"Let's lay here for a bit," he breathed. "It's good to have a rest too."

Reluctantly, I laid down beside him. We laid in a comfortable silence, before I broke it.

"Was it scary?" I asked. "When you lost most of your eyesight?"

When I didn't hear anything I turned to look at L/n.

"Not as scary as knowing you aren't going to able to do what you love," he replied. "You know, I only started actually liking volleyball when my eyesight went kaploot," he explained. "Volleyball felt like a chore to me. Then it happened and it was like everything around me was saying not to take stuff for granted. Even the littlest things that come naturally to us."

I was surprised at this.

"You're dedication to the team is really admirable, Kageyama. Even a blind person could see it," he laughed. "You're really cool, you know."

I blushed. It was directed towards me, not anyone else. I felt butterflies.

Then he turned to face me. "Are you staring at me or did you fall asleep," he whispered softly while chuckling a bit.

My blush darkened, not realizing I was still looking at him. I stared into his eyes and not knowing what to say, I blurted out.

"You're really pretty, you know."


L/n smiled with a light blush coating his cheeks. "Thanks, Kageyama. I would say you too, but I don't exactly know what you look like."

I stayed silent for a while, then I got an idea.

"Sit up for a second, L/n."

"Huh? What for, Kageyama?" He asked.

"Just wait."

We both sat up and I faced him.

"Alright, Can you give me your hand L/n?"

"Getting bold again, are we, Kageyama?" He joked.

"Be quiet, dumbass."

I took his hand in mine and brought it up to my face. L/n tensed a bit but soon relaxed.

His touch was soft.

I then brought his hand to touch my nose.

My ears.

My hair.

My cheeks.

My jawline.

I closed my eyes and let him touch there.


...My lips...

Both our breaths hitched. I opened my eyes to see L/n blushing.

Then it was like my body moved by itself.

My other hand gently cupped his cheek.

I leaned in. I saw he started leaning in slightly too.

Our lips were about to connect...

...Then a phone started ringing...

We were both pulled out of our trances. I stood up slowly and saw it was L/n's phone. It was his dad calling.

"U-Uh, Y-Your dad's calling," I stuttered.

"W-What? O-Oh...He probably wants me to go home..."

"D-Do you want me to accompany you?"

He smiled bashfully. "Yeah, I'd like that."

We both cleaned up, locked the gym and headed out.

"Stupid phone."


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