《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 17


Round 3...Aoba Johsai.

I released a sigh as the team walked into the building, L/n's arm hooked to mine.

"Going up against your former upperclassman must be nerve racking huh?" He said.

"Hm," I cursed myself for the dry response.

"Hey, don't worry alright? I can feel you tensing up a bit," he said unfazed by my reply. "You guys can do it...And if you just happen to fail miserably," he continued playfully. "I'll be there to help bring you all back up."

My ears start turning red, I looked into his eyes. Still, even though its not directed to me only..I can feel butterflies.

"Right...Thank you L/n."

His phone then started ringing.

"Oh, sorry I should take this," he said. "You guys go on ahead. I'll be up in the viewing stands in a few minutes.


We were doing warm ups. I look up at the stands and see two members of the Neighborhood Association Club.

"Good luck, Oikawa!"

"We love you!"

Oikawa's fangirls again...Geez...Quit boosting his ego.

Then I hear.

"Good luck, Karasuno! We love you!"

I follow the voice and so does the team. L/n arrived at the viewing stands, his hands up high, smiling widely with the two men sweatdropping at his behavior.

The team chuckled at him.

"L/n you shining star!" Tanaka yelled back with comical tears.

I smirked and looked at Oikawa, challenging him silently.

He only smirked back and went to his team.


The game was starting. I went to my postion on the court

"Hey Tobio," Oikawa called. "I came here excited to take down the genius setter...But it seems something else has gotten my attention," he looked over to L/n. "I want him on my team," he said. "I will take him back with me to Aoba Johsai...After all, I won't be their setter for long and you're just letting his skills go to waste," I felt my blood start to boil. He smirked at me.


"So do your best, and hold on."

"Idiot, it's not safe for L/n to play," I thought. "He just happened to accept my request that day."

I stared at him...Before Hinata decided to butt in.

"We will win! We won't lose!"

"Don't butt in when I'm talking, Hinata you jackass!" I shouted.

We both looked at him.

"We won't..." I started. "...Lose this time either!" We both finished.


I looked at the score...


...In Seijoh's favour.

I was on the floor, on my hands and knees, not looking at anyone.

"Hinata, Kageyama..We need to line up," Daichi said sadly.

"C-Captain, I'm sor-" Hinata was cut off.

"No...it wasn't a mistake, so don't apologize."

We all lined up. "Thank you!" We chorused.

They started clapping.

"It was a great match."

"We'll get them next time."

I looked up and L/n was smiling, even though I was a good distance away, I could see the tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

I wanted to wipe them away.

We cleared the court for the next match and headed out.


Coach Ukai decided to buy us food after the match.

Before we started eating L/n spoke up.

"You guys will get them next time," he said with a sad smile. "But for now...Just eat and let it all out."

It was silent for a while, before we heard sniffles...And after that we were all crying.

Well, except for Tsukishima.

I looked over to L/n and he wasn't crying either. He wasn't eating too.

He just sat there with a hint of determination.

"You guys will beat them next time," I heard him whisper ever so softly. "And this time...I won't be so helpless."

I tuned him out, not knowing what he meant..And continued eating.


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