《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 10


We're finally at training camp and Hinata was being annoying.

But I mean it's nothing new.

"Is it really all that exciting?" I asked him.

"Of course!" he replied. "I've never been to a training camp!"

"It's just a bunch of loud, disgusting guys in your face," Tsukishima piped in. "What's so fun about that?"

"Hey! Take that back right now!" Tanaka exclaimed.

"Oh boy..."

"We're in a quarter mile radius of our gorgeous Kiyoko! So it's automatically pure and beautiful!" Nishinoya added.

"The air smells so fresh!"

Sugawara then decided to break some hearts.

"Kiyoko lives right by here," he started. "She'll go home when the day is over."

And just like that, the two of them died....

...But they both came back to life when they saw Kiyoko walk out of a nearby door.


We were all having dinner when Asahi spoke up.

"Uh, hey...Where's M/n?" He asked.

"Yeah! Is he not coming?" Nishinoya said.

"Yep, unfortunately L/n won't be here until the practice match," Daichi replied.

"Why not?" Hinata butted in.

"Well, since he's not a player or a manager on the team, he can't really come to training camps with us." Daichi explained.

"He will watch our match against Nekoma though, don't worry," Suga said.


It was the day of our practice match.

We arrived at the building, to see L/n already there.

I was going to go over and say hi to him, when Hinata beat me to it.

"L/nnn!!!!" he said as ran up to him.

"Little Giant? Hey! How are you?" he asked. "How was training camp?"

"I'm good! Training was awesome, I feel like I've improved a lot already," Hinata replied.


"Hey, that's great!"

Then, Nekoma's bus arrived.

"Kenma!?" The shrimp yelled and went over to the said person, pulling L/n with him.


We were all getting ready for the match and warming up.

L/n was helping Kiyoko fix some stuff when a stray ball started heading straight towards him.

"L/n!!" I yelled.

He started turning around.


A loud smack was heard and L/n was on the ground with a bloody nose.

"Shoot!" A Nekoma player said and went over to him.

"Hey man, I'm sorry about that," The black haired player said.

"It's alright," L/n said as Kiyoko was helping him stop the blood flow. "Thanks Kiyoko."

"Kuroo you idiot!" A shorter player from Nekoma said. "Be more careful next time!"

"Sorry Yaku! And sorry uhh..?"

"L/n," he replied.

"Yeah, sorry. I can help you with that nosebleed till the game starts if you want," Kuroo offered.

"Ah! No it's fine," he declined.

"Oh, alright. I'll check on you after the match."

"Dang, I should've saved L/n from that ball.."


"One more time!!!!" Hinata yelled.

"How much energy does that kid have?!!" Nekoma's coach exclaimed.

We've played so many sets already and lost all of them, but Hinata still wants to play more. Dumbass.

We're all cleaning up the gym, getting ready to leave, when I see L/n trying to help. I go up to him.

"L/n, you don't have to do that, just leave it to me," I said.

He tilted his head up a bit to look at me with those beautiful eyes and said, "Oh, I know I don't have to, but I want to," and gave me a cheeky smile. "I'm not that helpless you know."


My heart started beating rapidly.



We were all outside the building at this point, saying goodbyes to each other.

I was standing with L/n, his arm hooked to mine, when the Captain of Nekoma came.

"Hey! Sorry again for that nosebleed!" He apologized. "Is there any way I can make it up to you?"

L/n looked like he was thinking for a bit then finally said, "Take me out to dinner."

My eyes widened. "Was L/n really going to go on a date with a guy he just met?!"

"What?!" I yelled.

"I'm messing. It's alright you don't need to do anything," He chuckled. "Don't worry Kageyama."

I gave a silent sigh of relief.

Silenced enveloped us for while until the bedhead said, "You have really pretty eyes y'know."

I narrowed my eyes at him and moved closer to L/n ever so slightly.

"Kuroo we need to leave now!"

"Oh, well I have to go. I'll see you guys around!" He said as he went to board their bus.


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