《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter 29: And The Betrothed Air Prince (Part 2)


"Please, put this on, Freedom." A woman with bright blonde hair and orange eyes commands, handing me a long black trench coat, black button up shirt, and tight black pants.

So if dad and Lithu get those cool loose pants, why do I get these? The shirt'll be weird to wear since I've been wearing the tight black leather onesie that Urian gave me to wear. It has a few rips and tears but meh I can sew that shit up. Then good as new. I unzip the leather suit and slide it down to my waist. Feeling eyes burning the side of my face. The lady glares at me. I stiffen up. What did I do?

"Hurry up!" She hisses, throwing her claws at me. "We have so little time, child!"

"Well then don't watch so intensely." I say, she grabs the suit and forces it down to my knees. My eyes widen as she grabs my foot.

"Well?!" She growls, trying to force a pair of underwear on me. I've been ala nude under here. Huhu. Her hand touches the inside of my thigh. I flinch.

"Hey, stop right there!" I command, but she doesn't listen, her hand reaching up higher. I get a bit frightened. "Help! Rape! Rape! Someone help!"

"Canton?" I hear Dukem's voice ask. I relax as he turns around the corner of the wall.

"Oh, thank god." I say, relieved.

"Oh...um...wow." Dukem looks at the wall quite intensely, "That is um...well...uh...wow. You be baring it all for others to see now. Mmhmm. Cause that's how we do it nowadays. Yup."

"What are you rambling about?" I ask, glancing down at the lady. Looking at Dukem when I notice that yup I'm bare ass naked with a lady on her knees in front of me. I feel the heat in my face burning away at the flesh. Quickly face palming the lady, pushing her away from me. Then pulling up the underwear, grabbing the pants and tugging them on. Pulling on the black button up shirt and dashing to Dukem. "It's okay. You can look now." Dukem snickers and groans.

"Not when you're facing this way, no. I don't wanna see your pecker facing this way." Dukem rambles, crossing his arms, face red.

"I'm dressed now. Wanna see?"

"No, I'm good." Dukem answers quickly. I grab his face and make him look at me. He stares into my eyes.

"Now what are you doing?"

"Keeping eye level." Dukem smiles, creepily, "Best idea ever. Well...I'm going now." He scurries out the door. I am side faced hit by the black coat. Then glare at the lady.

"You hit like a bitch." I growl, throwing it on and running out the door. Scared the lady would beat me after that. Mynx appears. I jump.

"Agh!" I exclaim out of reflex.

"Good, you're ready. Let's get going. We can't keep them waiting much longer." Mynx says, "Follow me, Canton."

"Okay." I respond, seeing that Mynx is dressed in a long blood red coat and white pants. A mask that looks like the phantom of the operas mask on. He must have many. His blonde hair is side swept on his head and is quite nice on the eyes.


Dukem avoids me as we walk to the courtyard. People sit on benches all facing the same way. Lithu stands at the end with a man dressed in white, a smile coming as soon as I emerge from the behind Mynx. Lithu wearing the same thing from this morning except for the same coat as me now. I glance around. Eyeing up the guys all dressed up to a T.

"So...who died?" I ask, nervous. Mynx face palms. Then sighs.

"No one died. You're getting married." He answers, sluggishly.

"Married? Me?" I chuckle, then joke, "So who's the lucky..."

"Lithu." He cuts me off. I gaze at Lithu waiting. Now it makes sense!

"Why?" I simply ask.

"Because you are the next in line for the thrown. After mother dies of course. Father is still known as the temporary King while she sleeps."

"What if I don't want it?"

"Then you will be frowned upon by your own clan and shunned from ever coming back to Favera." Mynx coldly says. I stop before the first row of benches. Lowering my eyes.

"So it would be like with Dukem and his dad. Urian didn't wanna teach their soldiers how to step lightly and train them in assassin ways. So they were kicked out and shunned by their own clan." I mutter to myself, thinking about everything. I look in Mynx's white eye and have an idea.

"What if I give it to you?" Mynx's eye lightens up.

"Why would you...mother would be so mad." Mynx says, his white eye wandering around the ground.

"Fine. I guess... I'm getting married today. Didn't plan on it yet. But since it's gotta be done." I say, giving up a bit at the sight of Mynx's sadness. What's this woman got to do with everything involving Mynx's life?

I walk down the isle and stop facing Lithu. He grins, happily. A little too happy. The little guy beside him clearing his throat. My dad stands up in front of the crowd. Oh, great. More drama!

"Today, we gather for our Lost Princes arrival and for his betrothal ceremony to Lithuannai. As you all know, Freedom was sent away to Earth as a newborn. After years of waiting, he has returned grown and powerful like Mother Favera. The power that she had glows brightly within Prince Freedom." Dad shouts, raising his hands out to the sky, "After this ceremony, Freedom will awaken our dear Mother Favera and bring the clan back to life. We shall leave the hidden city and begin our new life up in Enda again. It is for the better that we do. For the earth, wind, fire, ice, and water, for the air clan!" The crowd below the deck cheers. I look up at a holographic video being streamed down to the Main Street full of people. So many air clan. "Let the ceremony begin!"

"Oh my...gawd." I wince as the load cheers and screams agreeing.

"Freedom, first I would like to say that...the last time I saw you...you were only a baby. Everyone said it would hurt me not to have you around until you came back from Earth but I believe that somehow I made it, just to see you here today." Lithu says, I stare up at his nice face and realize what he's saying -> we're getting married. Then stare at him, unamused. "I know that you're very unsure of what's taking place but I will do anything to make sure you love me as much as I love you. Hehe, as much as I've always loved you, my sweet Freedom." Lithu keeps on and brushes his fingers against my cheek. I flinch at the action but blush like an idiot. It was okay. Besides Lithu was every games extremely hot guy. That I was getting married to. "Freedom, I've waited my whole life for you. To hug you, to hold you, to just...be beside you. Now I can't wait to know you. And the person you've become and the person you're becoming. I love everything about you already."


"Heh, shit." I mumble, my heart in a knot. This lover talk is getting to me. Tears well up in my eyes.

"Don't cry, my love." Lithu commands, brushing a falling tear off my cheek smiling at me sweetly. I could almost melt.

"Now Prince Freedom, are you ready?" The guy in white asks.

"Ready for what?" I ask, confused.

"Your speech to Lithu."

"I needed a speech?" Mynx face palms and shakes his head.

"Go ahead." The guy ushers.

"Uh, okay. So...uh...hi?" I say, Lithu chuckles, grabbing my hand pulling me closer to him.

"Before I would have done anything to hear you say that." He mutters to me. So okay, I did good.

"Well...I'm just gonna say it off the bat but I just got here last night. No one informed me of a wedding. So...what I'm gonna say? I'm not sure. I don't know what all of you know about the outside world. But there's a war going on." I inform, facing the crowd, "I can't stay and be your King. Not while the lives of the people of Enda are on the line. You can shun me and kick me out but that doesn't matter to me because I have a family that will follow me until the end. And with the war outside it may be soon or hopefully not at all. Lithu is probably a really nice guy but he won't come with me. I know because his loyalty is to my Dad. But..Da-father, I am freeing Mynx from this prison and if you all agree or not all of you too." The crowd chatters. My Dad looks around. I feel a weakness in my arm. Brushing it off, "Kick me out after the monster you all call Queen is awoken."

The people of Favera protest, argue, and chatter amongst each other. While I walk up the stairs behind the priest and glance at the glowing orb. Feeling extremely cold. I've upset her, I know. My arm is turning pale. It's her, my mind is telling me. She's doing this to me. Mother Favera is doing this to her son. I hiss, stopping at the orb. The air I breathe out showing through how cold she is. It's almost like seeing your breathe in winter. Her coldness is too much.

"Wake up, dear Queen." I growl, whipping my power at the orb with no hesitation. The orb's light dims then the only lights illuminating the orb are her white cold eyes. Glaring back at me. The orb begins to open. I turn my back as my Dad rushes past me to help her. Then walk down the stairs. Looking directly at the guys. Brushing past Lithu.

"Freedom, wait." He begs, grabbing my arm. I glare at him. Suddenly he doesn't look so composed and actually looks afraid of me. Before letting me go. I head to the guys and snicker as Zi rips his jacket off and the shirt he's wearing. Staring at me, diligently.

"Can we go get Aranok and Baerin now? Enough with the distractions." Zi asks, I chuckle.

"Yeah, let's get going. Ujik you know the tunnels let's go. Mynx, come." I command, Dukem slips out of the coat and looks around zipping up the rest of his tight black onesie. His assassin outfit.

"I was getting sick of this place anyways." Daegi agrees.

"Good, I can sleep." Luckie says from the black book in Daegi's book bag that he got from a guard. Daegi pulls out Zi's old sweater and throws the new coat on the ground happily putting on the old sweater. Zi looks away blushing. I begin leading the group.

"Canton!" My body stops on its own. I lower my eyes. It was mom's voice, that's why. "Look at me." I turn to see a short women with black as night hair, like mine, and bright white eyes. Her long bangs framing her perfect face. I gaze at her.


"Why are you upset with me? I am your mother." Favera asks.

"I thought you would be some fairy tale Queen all nice and sweet but you're just like my mom on Earth." I respond, her eyes darken.

"I am not like a useless human being." She hisses, I wince.

"And I am?" I shoot back. That shuts her up. Dad glares at me.

"Don't speak to your mother like that Freedom." He growls.

"You are both no different to those monsters on Earth." I hiss to him, taking my leave. Dukem walking beside me.

The doors of the city closing behind us. Dukey looking at me, concerned.

"You okay?" He asks, saddened.

"This is for the better." I answer, "I hope so."


Why do you guys think he did that? Caused a commotion in the city at his supposedly wedding? And just made it a jolly good time, hmm?

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