《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter 28: And The Betrothed Air Prince. (Part 1)


"Oh my god." Daegi squeaks out.

"Wow." I say, excited and taken back by the beauty of the city.

It feels like we're walking through a small town of people that know everyone and are happy to see each other. Air clan line the sidewalks close to the houses and shops as we walk by them in awe. Big fancy windows and carvings line the Main Street up to the big old Victorian style castle. The crystal gleaming brightly behind it in the courtyard. My head can't help but look everywhere as I try to take it all in. The castle nears. Big wooden doors lay open and feel inviting as flowers line the door frame. I suddenly feel nervous. Why?

"Freedom...uh, Canton...there's Father standing there." Mynx points, my eyes wander over to a tall man with fair hair and fair skin like mine. A long grey coat covering his loose fitting black pants and his dark red shirt. I lower my eyes. This is my dad.

"Dad..." I trail off, pressure building up. My veins pump with blood and heart beats in my ears.

"Father, Freedom is back." Mynx proclaims, chocolate eyes lay upon me. So that's where my eyes come from.

I stand in front of him frozen. A man with tanned skin, yellow pupils like an Islandmin's but instead of being the whole eye they are like Mulnire's full of desire and power, with dark black slicked back hair comes walking from the main entrance of the castle. He stands beside my dad with a white shirt and the same loose black pants as my Dads. With a long ripped brown trench coat hanging tightly on his waist but falling freely around his knees. I feel my face burn up. Did the guy notice me checking him out?


"Freedom, you've grown into a wonderful man I see." My Dad says, quite pleased. I look him in the brown eyes I inherited from him. Mynx is probably the one with his fair hair. Probably.

"Canton, can we stay here?" Daegi asks, the black book clutched to his chest again. Luckie must be tired.

"Uh, well..." I shrug, my Dad and the guys eyes land on the black book Daegi has.

"What? What's up air King?" Daegi asks, freightened by the intensity in their eyes. Holding the book tighter. My Dad steps forward.

"Is that...Luckie?"

"Yeah, but he said he was tired."

"Wake him up." Dad commands.

"What? Why?" Daegi hesitates.

"Wake him up, child. I will not ask nicely again!" My Dad shouts, I flinch. He sees my reaction then lowers his eyes. Saddened.

"Luckie!" Daegi screams, whipping his book at the ground. "Luckie!"

"WHAT?!" Luckie hisses, emerging from the book in an instant, in his horrible true form. Eyes glowing red with blood and anger. Daegi stiffens, scared. "Why you." Luckie growls, raising his huge claws. Zi slips an arm around Daegi and spins him around so that Daegi is behind him and he is in front of Luckie's attack, with his axe raised ready to defend. I can't help but snicker. Throwing my hands out. Igniting the whirling winds around myself. Stepping towards Luckie. Mynx raises his hand at Luckie. A black light in his hands. Black?

"Looks like you can't win." I hiss.

"Enough of this childish game." The guy beside my Dad commands. "Power away, weapons down."

"Watch yourself, little Orc." Luckie warns, then tilts his head grinning evilly at Daegi, "You must be some kind dof special in bed for him to go against his own King. Little slut."


"That's enough, Luckie." Dads voice echoes, harshly but clearly. Luckie stiffens at his voice and turns to look at them. That evil smile fading into a childish one.

"Ollovis. Lithu. It's been a long time." Luckie announces. My power fades away. Weapons are sheathed. Dukem stands beside me. Watching Luckie closely. My Dad smiles at me. Eh?

"It's been a thousand years, right?"

"Yah, it has." Luckie huffs, "I have to admit dat I missed you guys." Lithu smirks at that remark, eyes glancing at my Dad.

"And we missed you."

"And Ujik." Lithu adds.

"Ujik?" Luckie questions, Ujik's short frame emerges from behind Suzuki with a black hood covering his head. He walks to Luckie lowering the hood with a toothy grin. Luckie puts an arm around him and shakes him returning the grin. "Dhoothy little fella. I knew I felt someding familiah."

"I hid as soon as I seen you." Ujik says, my Dad and Lithu form a square then it feels like it's like teenage boys seeing each other after a few days or week. They smile as chuckle together. Glancing around suspiciously. Suzuki stands by Ujik smacking Luckie's hand away. Dad snickers.

"Looks like you found someone to replace Lithu." He teases.

"Well, you know I always thought he was hot so I thought I'd get myself a real Islandmin." Ujik teases, Lithu groans and turns his face away. Dad laughs.

"So you find anyone special yet?" Luckie asks, gazing at Lithu. He glances my way. Eh?

"Yes, I do. Today is very special."

"Special? Why?" Luckie asks, Ujik whispers to him. They glance my way with big grins on their face.

"Uh, Mynx, what's going on?" I ask, a bit concerned about my well-being. Mynx sighs.

"Come follow me. Let's get you's settled in." Mynx commands, flicking his finger at us. I follow, reluctantly. Looking back at Ujik and Suzuki standing together with the old guys. Catching up.


Is it obvious? ;p

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