《Enda (Boyxboy)》*Special* Chapter 27: The Confined Air Prince.



Canton, doesn't know how to react to the things that I've said to him. Who would know? I was 3 years old when mother had me thrown into the confined area in the castle. I had little to no connection to the others as possible. She controlled me while she was awake. How much I could eat. How I dressed. Always hiding my face from everyone. Telling me on her own that I was unwanted and ugly. Who would do that to their kid? Her. For a long and endless period of time I was locked away. I would cry myself to sleep. I would wonder why a person would allow a creature like me to be born. I would pity myself. Tear away at myself knowing that no one would truly find me beautiful nor handsome. Just horrid and ugly. But with those thoughts in mind everyday of my life, I still had the power to keep moving one foot after the other. But mother....

What had I done to make her hate me so? Was I not her child?


"Open this door." Fathers voice commands outside my cell. I hop out of my bed and rush over to him as the door opens and Lithu's familiar smile is all I see. I smile back, looking at my dad. Then quickly cover my face and dash for my mask. Father lowers his eyes as if he was sad for me. I bow in front of him.

"Yes, father? Did I do something wrong?" I ask, eager.

"No." Father answers, "Mynx...I want you to go through the army training starting tomorrow."

"You..." I am speechless, "You mean I can leave this room? I can see others? Be around the others? Won't mother be angry?" I pry.


"Yes, Mynx, you can leave the room for training tomorrow. I want you to lead one of our platoons."

"So you mean I would be...a Master? But don't people work hard for that position?" I ask.

"Mynx, don't overthink. Just accept the newly found freedom I'm giving you my son. It's been long enough. You don't deserve this in my eyes." Father responds.

"So that means...you love me? You really love me?" I ask, quietly clutching my aching chest.

"Silly, why would I not." Father simply says with a grin.

"Thank you, father, thank you."

That happened when I was only 11 years old. The day after that I met Ravinous for the first time, whom was only 15 years old. He wanted for us to agree to friendly competition over the Master position. Our training went on day and night for a month. We slept a total of 30 hours during that month having to keep awake for endless training. Air clan are whipped into shape as if been training for years during that month. Then given their positions. Some would even die. Others would give up. Only the strong survived. The best air clan elementalists always made it through this month.

If I would try to sleep Ravinous would push me around. I did the same to him. Soon after postings came up and I was positioned as Master. Ravinous was scarcely around me. Upset at his loss. But I approached and asked for him to be my second in command. The highest rank a soldier could get from their Master of the platoon. Ravinous accepted, of course.

About 2 years after that we admitted to our feelings and became an on and off couple. It was stupid. We had our fights but we also had our moments. But...my mind was always elsewhere. Always on the King of Dragons......always on...the black book. I wanted it. To find it meant that he would be mine and I would be free of Favera. I could happily live my life in the Underworld as their queen. It didn't matter to me what I was but I wanted to be queen in his eyes. The King of Dragons. He adventured with father and Lithuannai when they were younger. Them and another named Ujik the vampire.


Right now, Ravinous and I are on a break. It pains me to say it but I'm happier when we are not together. Because it pains me more to know that Ravinous won't truly love what I am on the outside. When we admitted our feelings he said that it didn't matter, that I shined with beauty on the inside and that's all he needed. Lately, he's been distant looking at others who have no masks. No secrets from the one they love. This I cannot do.

"Oomph." I am pushed forward but strong arms wrap around my chest pulling me back onto my feet. I grimace as Ravinous stares with burning hatred at the one touching me.

"Luckie, what the hell? I thought a King would be graceful?" Canton mocks. Luckie's arms? I blush. He slowly lets go and I turn to look at him,happy I'm wearing my mask. He cannot see me blushing. No.

"Don't do that again." I hiss.

"What would you do if I did again?" Luckie questions sending me one of his player grins.

"I'll have you thrown into the dungeon in the castle for harrashing me and attempting a sexual assault." I inform, hastily.

"Will you come visit me? I need a cuddle buddy so I can sleep throughout the night. Stroke my hair and hold me tight." Luckie flirts, I turn scarlet red.

"Good god. Piss off." Canton growls, pushing Luckie away from me and glaring at him, "You touch my little brother then I'll kill you."

"It's alright. He will walk behind the group now." I command.

"Fuck that idea." Luckie whines.

"The doors...ah." Daegi squeals as guards open big metal doors to the city. The Main Street glimmers brightly. I sigh.

Am I ready to cease to exist again?

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