《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter 26: World Beneath The Mountains.


Favera shines like the night stars at the end of the long endless tunnel. The soldiers complain and whine but are shut up by Mynx's lectures. Once we reach the end of the tunnel. My eyes immediately land upon the huge crystal below a huge glassed opening on the ceiling of the whole city. A bright light in the form of a limp silhouette floats in the crystal. Lighting up the city in the darkness and bringing it life. A forest surrounding the city. The sounds of crickets and frogs ringing through the air. Mynx drops back and stands beside me.

"That is Mother Favera, Canton. Our Mother." Mynx explains.

"How long has she been like that?"

"15 years. Mother Favera's powers have given the city enough life and light to plant food and hunt for wild animals that wander into the caves." Mynx responds.

"Why has she..."

"Mother Favera had to hide her powers from the world so she split her powers between you and I. But her power was still miraculously strong. She had to hide to ensure her clans survival." Mynx adds.

"So how powerful are we really?"

"I don't know." Mynx simply responds, looking down at his feet saddened, "When you wake Mother Favera up, I will have to go back to the confined room. You might not see me while you and them are in Favera. She won't allow it."

"Why did she confine you and not me?" I ask, confused.

"I..." Mynx trails off, "I was unwanted. So I was born with implications."


"My appearance is that of a monsters. So I hide it under this mask that Lithu made for me. He thought about how I always wish for others to see me smile and my only other beautiful feature, my white eye. The other eye is rather unpleasant to view by others." Mynx answers, I suddenly feel bad for Mynx. If Mother really loved all her children then why would she do that to her own child?


"Luckie!" Daegi yells, whipping a stick at Luckie's head. I stare.

"Oh wow."

"What the fuck?!" Luckie screams, covering his head. Daegi scans his helmet.

"There was a huge fucking spider on you."

"So you try to knock me out with a stick?" Luckie hisses, glaring harshly at his human pod.

"Well just think I may have saved your life, okay?"

"Little...." Luckie trails off mumbling the rest to himself.

"Ready?" Mynx asks me. I look at him a gleam in my eye.

"Are you ready?" I ask, seriousness in voice cutting through the air.

"I don't know." Mynx simply says, heading ahead to the city following a stone trail. The guys and I follow.



"They are nearing the city. Just outside the gates. I can feel the power already." Ollovis says, pacing back and forth on the porch connecting to his sleeping quarters. I tremble, nervous.

"Are the preparations done?" I ask, lifting my arms for the fitter to size me. Sighing, uncomfortable.

"Yeah, they are. Freedom will be happy about this coming of age ceremony. It will make my Favera very happy." Ollovis says, then stares blankly out at the distance that is so little but so far between him and his beautiful slumbering queen. His brown eyes lower and he suddenly looks saddened.

"What is wrong?" I ask.

Ollovis glances at me, forces a smile then shakes his head weakly before glancing back at the crystallized Favera with that smile seizing to exist in a world without her. I push the fitter out of the way and walk to my lonesome friend. Putting my hand on his shoulder and giving a squeeze of assurance that it'll all be okay like I have been for the last 15 years. Like the last 2 thousand years we've been inseparable. He is no longer a friend but a brother to me. When I was thrown away by everyone else in Enda Ollovis' father took me in and I was raised as his own.


Never would I hurt again. Never would I long for the time when a smile would cross the face of a person missing me. Never would I feel alone....again.

"Come on, Ollovis. We must finish getting ready." I say, my voice shaking from nerves. Ollovis looks at me, concerned.

"I should be asking you if you're okay, Lithu. Freedom will be here soon. You will be getting wedded soon. Are you...feeling alright?"

"Of course I am. I've been waiting for Freedom my whole life after all." I respond, eager to impress.

"I wonder if he looks like....her."

"Only a few more minutes and we will find out, dear Ollovis."


Curious about who Lithu is? Don't worry about it. I'll update in a week or two.

:P :D

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