《Enda (Boyxboy)》*Special* Chapter Twenty: Every Story Needs A Villian...



"Lay your head back and sleep forever..." I glare back at my father's door as I close before gritting my teeth and hissing, "My King."

"Oralile." Kindermin ticks, "Soon my love. Soon."

"I'm tired of waiting." I growl, pushing Kindermin aside and walking down the corridor of flames. The flames in the magical walls glow bright. The moon and stars from the outside of Enda behind the forever flames. I scowl.

"My love, please wait." Kindermin begs, grabbing my arm. I snap. Slapping his hand and sending a whip of fire to burn his wrist. He winces as I stare at him.

"You're pathetic. I'm sick of you too." I shout, it echoes down the hall. The hurt clear in his eyes.

"Oralile...Kindermin is trying. Why you mad at Kindermin?" He begs, pain in his roughed out voice.

"Please." I hiss, "Save it for someone who gives a shit."

"Then Kindermin will leave." He replies, walking away from me. My heart gives out and my eyes water. I hold my hand out to him.

"No, Kindermin. Don't go. Please. I need you. Please." I plea, tears falling down my face like a waterfall. Sniffing loudly. Kindermin looks at me, unimpressed.

"How many times?" Kindermin asks himself, "How many times has Kindermin stayed? Then been hurt. How many times?"

"I won't anymore. Please, I need you. I...I'm nothing without you. Don't leave." I croak out, falling to my knees.

My hands smacking against the floor. Tears falling onto the floor like raindrops. My world feels like it doesn't matter. Like I am not wanted. I couldn't be loved by anyone for what I have done but Kindermin. I love him, I do. I clutch my stomach and sob. Falling onto my side. My world crashing down. I close my eyes and tears escape. Warm arms wrap around me and I hide my face in Kindermin's chest. Sobbing uncontrollably. I clutch onto his back digging my nails in. Sniffling.

"Please, don't leave me. I need you. You keep me sane. You keep me under control. I'd...I'd kill everyone, everyone I came across here in Enda. I would and no one would be able to stop me if I did. If I hadn't met you the-then I probably would be in prison for killing daddy and-and..."


"Quiet." Kindermin commands, my world instantly rebuilds itself. I peer up into his yellow eyes. These yellow eyes...

Yellow eyes peer down at me. I glower and bow my head. Father stares down at me, unamused with his guard Rafeale. I just ran into an Islandmin. Why did I get so jumpy and excited when Dad said that I could look around? A hand let's go of my arm and I peek up embarrassed at the Islandmin before me. Spiky red hair, killer yellow pupils, and yet very kind gestures towards father and I. Does he know who we are? Has he talked with father before? I can't say anything but stare up at him as he holds out a hand towards me. Even then, I'm confused.

"Oralile, get up. The Islandmin is being generous to you so except it." Father commands, hastily, walking away from the Islandmin and me. I take his hand and am pulled up. I blush, keeping my hand in his. Then bow.

"Um, thank you..uhh?" I trail off like an idiot. Father has a teacher trying to teach me how not to stutter when I speak. But I'm nervous. Who isn't at 13 years old?

"Kindermin." The guy says, "Let go of my hand now, Prince."

"Oh, uh, s-sorry." I stutter again.

I mentally curse myself. Demise would tease me that freak. My hand slips from his and I just watch him walk away. Rafeale grabs my arm and drags me back to my Father's side. They both believe that I am an embarrassment to the Royal Family. I wince as Father lays his cold eyes on me. The hate clear in his eyes. Though, the Islandmin wouldn't catch it.

"We are heading back to the castle, so don't do that again or else I'll leave you here with these things." Father growls at me. I nod, scared. He's mad.


"Father, I'm going to bed now." I say to him in my jammies. He hisses and pushes me away. I just smile, though my heart is filling with sadness. "Okay, goodnight."

"Where do you think you're going?" Father snarls, harshly grabbing my arm and squeezing.


"It hurts. Let go." I beg, struggling to get away. "I won't do it again."

"You always say that but you still do it again." He says, tightening his grip on my arm. "Rafeale."

"Yes, my King?" Refeale answers with a bow before glaring at me.

"Take this useless thing and dump him where he belongs." Father commands, before throwing me down in front of Rafeale. He nods and grabs a handful of my hair dragging me behind him.

Pain, so much pain. My eyes water. I scratch at Rafeale's hands. Kicking away at the air as he drags me down to the dungeon. I scream as he throws me into a cell with a murderer. Then he glares at me, evilly. I shudder as the killer smiles at me. Then close my eyes.

Tomorrow, I will run and hide.


"Where is he?!" Father screams in the distance. We're on the Island again. I see a big figure before falling flat on my ass. Looking up to see Kindermin looking back at me, concerned. I grab his hand.

"Please, hide me. Please. Help me. Please, Kindermin, help me." I plea, he tightens his hand around mine. Then nods and pulls me up from the ground.

We run for what seems like hours until we reach a waterfall away from the town and sit down. My feet aching. But my eyes wandering over to Kindermin. They haven't left him even as we were running. My heart is beating funny and feelings are confusing me. I don't understand myself.

"Do you need someone to protect you, Prince?" Kindermin asks.

"Don't call me Prince. Call me Oralile. Please." I inform, making him nod and sigh.

"My question, Oralile, answer it, please." Kindermin commands, I smile. Kind and caring. My heart flutters. What is this feeling?

"Yes, yes I do. At all times. Even protecting me from Daddy." I answer, bowing my head admitting the abuse I get.

"Then I'll protect you. Take me back and I'll protect you."

"Really? Would you also stay with me in my room?" I ask, knowing that Rafeale would act without permission from my father. He would do as he pleased with me.

"Yes. I will take you back. But I will stay with you. No one will touch you." Kindermin declares.


A year later, I realized what my feelings were and he admitted to them as well. My father was a mess the day I brought Kindermin back from the Island telling him that he was my guard. Rafeale stopped doing as he pleased the night Kindermin attacked him for coming into my room as I changed. Kindermin didn't stop until I told him to. Never again did Rafeale come near me. I was thankful. 2 years later, I gave myself to Kindermin. We never left each other's sides. Kindermin was mine as I was his. I was so in love.

I still am. 8 years later.

Kindermin lays his head on my bare chest and I brush my fingers through his hair. Our naked bodies pressed tightly together. My eyes grow heavy. I smile down at him.

"I can't live without you." I whisper, pressing my lips to his forehead and beginning to snuggle closer to him but to do so is impossible. I sigh. "Don't ever leave me. Take me with you."

"Oralile...sleep." Kindermin commands, tiredly. Laying his head on the pillow. My heavy eyes follow the order and slowly close as the last thing I see is Kindermin laying right beside me.


I hope you understand the Fire Prince more after this. Just for your info Oralile is 23. Canton is 20. Kindermin's age is a secret. Because I have an awesome idea ;D hehe. Oralile did not live a good life as a Prince. It sucks. But sometimes it's how life works. Btw, Demise is the Ice Prince. He's mentioned in this chapter. :3

Want more of these chapters? Just give me who you want to know more about and I will, promise.

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