《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter Twenty-One: Brush Off Your Shoulders, Off We Go.


"Everyone ready?" I ask, glancing from the guys to the soldiers.

"Yeah, was ready like years ago already. Can we go now?" Ujik asks, in a scarily good mood that leaves us knowing that Suzuki and Ujik had fun last night. Which also horribly scars our minds.

"Yeah, sure, go." I command, Ujik and Suzuki walking ahead of everyone. Poor Suzuki having dark bags under his eyes. Ujik almost skipping. Way to giveaway yourself to the enemy.

"Are you good enough to leave? The Water King said that we could stay longer." Dukem asks, keeping a firm grip on my shoulder and I just sigh and nod.

"I'll be fine. I'm healing fast, I'll be good in a few days." I reply, taking his hand off my shoulder.

"Well what if you don't heal up in a few days? Then what?"

"Then I'll heal up in a week or so. The healer said that the power of air is one of the main elements that can heal quickly. So I should be okay." I say, walking beside him.

"But....ngh." Dukem trails off, looking away worrying himself silly.

"Guys, wait." A voice I haven't heard before shouts from behind the soldiers. I stiffen as Dukem drops down on one knee. Who?

"My Prince." Dukem answers, I glance up and catch a short boy with light pink shoulder length hair and bright blue eyes and transparent skin revealing the water power flowing throughout his body. Should I bow too?

"Where's the air clan?" The Prince asks, gazing at me. I shrug.

"Beside me, Prince." Dukey answers, irritated.

"Sorry." I say, unamused. We should be moving already!

"It's okay. Here. Please have this necklace." The Prince says, opening his hand to reveal a necklace with a rainbow coloured seashell. "I was given this by a mermaid named Merridan. He said so you'll be safe. You may not know it but he was the one that saw you getting attacked and went to alert others."

"So it's him." I take the necklace and quickly put it around my neck. Looking at it in my palm. That mermaid guy made this?

"It has a power concealer within it. It's not to limit your power but to keep your power at a safe flow instead of running rampant throughout your body when you fight. It will help you control the air power like you have been training for a while with it. Only remove it in dire situations." The Prince commands. I stare.


"Canton, you're power is greater than mine. Were you not watching when you disintegrated the assassin? You may be the last air clan but that doesn't mean you can use it for naughty things."

"What happens if I remove it in a dire situation?" I ask, tracing my finger over the ridges.

"Your power will explode from within you and it might take over your physical form."


"Eh?" I grimace, scared and confused glaring at the seashell.

"Wear it until you really need it. If it's in the fight with Oralile, I recommend that you take it off. But anyone other than that is a no go. Please, respect your power. It is much greater than anyone can imagine." The Prince finishes and turns away from me stepping towards the soldiers, "Canton, you're the last air clan alive. Don't screw this up."

"Alright, your holiness." I tease, dropping the seashell onto my chest. Sighing. "I take this off and I might die. He, he, he."

"I don't like that. You shouldn't have put it on." Daegi says, inspecting the seashell.

"I had no choice."

"You did but you didn't think about what it was." Suzuki chirps in. Then I sink into myself. Damn.

"So who do we get on our side first? Demise?" I ask, wondering if the ice kingdom is nothing but ice.

"Why not. Let's go to one of the strongest Princes in Enda with a crazy blood driven army 'cause that's always the best idea." Ujik responds with fake enthusiasm.

"I guess that's also a no go. Then who?" I ask with a long shrug.

"The Earth Princes, Aranok & Baerin. They are our best bet. But they will also be the hardest to get to. They live in the underground city Kllozvanoz. The biggest earth clan city in Enda." Suzuki recommends, I scoff and kick at the ground.

"It's always dangerous. Jesus." I whine, Dukem pulls me behind him. Ujik stares at me, is there something on my face?


"We can take a short cut." Ujik declares, I now stare back interested in a shorter walk to the Earth Princes.

"Go on."

"Through those mountains there's an old air clan city called Lithuannai. It was abandoned hundreds of years ago. The doors seal a shortcut to the earth clan underground walkways. We can use those for a safer, productive route instead of just going on land facing the dangers of monsters or random soldiers." Ujik suggests, with a small shrug. We all look at him, dumbfounded.

"So...let me get this straight, there are doors blocking anyone from entering the air clan city?" Daegi asks, finger pointed up.

"Well it's an air clan city. Of course it's gonna be locked up tight." Ujik answers, "But if you guys haven't noticed Canton is an air clan. He just needs to use his voice to open up the doors."

"So what's up with every air clan city being locked up so tightly?"

"The Dragonhearts would look for their master air clan after they would perish. It is a way for the Dragonhearts to move on but the Dragonhearts would instead kill themselves trying to break down the power enchanted door. It's quite a sad truth to why the doors are there. A lot of older cities have dragon remains beside the doors. Those are the dragons that waited forever for their masters because a lot of them didn't know whether or not their masters were dead. The doors are a sad reminder of the war that destroyed a race and many strong dragons perished with them." Ujik finishes, I cross my arms.


"How do you know all of this?"

"I was there, okay? I am not a few hundred years old....I'm a few thousand years old." Ujik says, shoulders slumping looking saddened, "I wasn't born here in Enda. I was brought from Earth to Enda."

"What?" I ask, unfolding my arms and staring at him in disbelief.

"I was a stupid kid on Earth. In a rich family, had everything. I was a noble. Betrothed to a beautiful girl but had been tempted into a relationship with a guy that had suddenly shown up to the village I lived in. The guy was a vampire. A master vampire, scouting the most innocent out of people to turn into his fledglings. I had loved him...once but never again." Ujik stops, eyes becoming haunted then suddenly become saddened, "I was hunted by my own family a day after my 17th birthday. My brother drove a stake through the wrong side of my chest to convince my father and the others that I was dead and lied about disposing my body in flames. In truth, my brother let me go and told me to flee. The last thing we ever said to each other was I love you..." Ujik abruptly stops as tears form in his eyes. Biting down on his bottom lip. "I'm sorry, Canton." Ujik quickly says, retreating starting to cry. Suzuki follows and wraps his arms around Ujik tightly. By the sounds of it Ujik and his brother were very close before he was brought here.

"The vampire brought him here. Then...left him all alone." Daegi says quietly. I breathe in and out, deeply.

"I know how he feels." I state facing Daegi, "I said I love you to my little sister before I went to the academy and that was the last time I ever said those words again. And ever really meant it. It hurts remembering it but it slits my heart knowing that I didn't ever say goodbye properly. I just said I'll see you later. I screwed up on Earth so much. I'm just noticing now."

"Everyone screws up, Canton. You can't live in the past. You can only move forward. And you're not on Earth anymore, you're here in Enda. You had no meaning on Earth but here you have meaning...to save Enda. Unite the elements that have been at war for so long now. Only then can Enda flourish the way it did thousands of years ago." Dukem says, sighing.

"Ujjie?" I ask, walking to him and Suzuki. Ujik wipes his face. "You know something don't you? What aren't you telling me?"

"Yeah, don't be mad, but you're the Prince of the air clan." Ujik says weakly. I scowl.

"No, I'm not. I'm just some random person blessed with..."

"I'm taking you to your parents you idiot. Why do you think I keep at a close distance and why do you think I won't leave you alone? I know I'm crap at fighting but I when I felt your presence and...it felt like your dads I had to go to you. That's why Suzuki and I weren't very far away from you and that bastard Kindermin." Ujik informs me, his voice loud and clear. I scoff and smile.

"My dad is on Earth..."

"No, your adoptive dad is on Earth, your real dad is in Favera. Canton, your name means freedom in the air clan ancient language. Favera holds the remaining air clan however few there may be." Ujik cuts me off, I just stare.

"I didn't ever like my name. I knew it meant something cheesy." I say, scratching my head.

"Did you not hear him, Canton? You're a Prince!" Daegi shouts, happily, "I'm jealous."

"You're a king." Zi says in English. So he has been learning English but where'd he learn that from? Daegi gazes at him amazed then his expression suddenly angers.

"You can speak English you stupid little..." Daegi tightens his jaw.

"You didn't ask if I could." Zi simply states leaving us nodding our heads and pouting. In agreement. Daegi glares at us.

"But I did. I did!" Daegi focuses his anger on Zi, "You little craptard. Pissing me off when I was trying to teach you English. You were just doing it to annoy me, craptard."

"Well I didn't know that word craptard. What is its meaning?"

"That's not a word. That's Daegi refraining from swearing at you." I respond to Zi's question. He nods.

"We should move to Lithuannai then. It will be the start of the evolution of Enda. Doors will finally be opened after more than a thousand years." Suzuki states, I nod and we start walking. Ujik leading. I stare at his back. He knows my dad. That means I have a mother here. Will she love me?


Long one. Sorry to drag it on but the guys are getting there. A lot of bombs were dropped in this chapter. Canton knows about his momsy and dad :D Mulnire might show up in a few chapters coming up but meh what do I know? I'm just following the movie playing in my head.... :O

it's super long. (>o

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P.S. Next updates will come in a few weeks. I have no internet at home... :F Wish I did though.

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