《Enda (Boyxboy)》:3">Chapter Nineteen: Pfft, Assassins Can't Kill Me. I'm A Fucking Terminater. >:3


"Canton!" Dukey's voice shouts in the distance in the darkness. I groan in pain. My cheek stings and pulses in pain. Something is cold and wet on my stomach. My eyes flutter open. It blurs but slowly a worried Dukey with bags under his eyes stares back at me. I grunt. Touching my slashed shoulder. Dukem sighs and lays his head down by my side on the bed. "You scared the shit out of us, Canton. It's been 2 days. You passed out after you were brought here. Don't ever do that again."

"Sorry....I couldn't stop myself from passing out?" I croak out. Dukem lifts his head and pouts.

"I brought you this far, you can't fucking go die on me." He whines.

"Hm, I'll keep that in mind the next time a sword splices me open." I snarl, laying my head down.

"Smart ass." Dukem whispers, falling back into sleep. Finally relieved, I woke up.

He's been here for the 2 days worrying about me. I wince as I move my right hand. Then feel the breath get taken away from me as my hand slides over to Dukem's poofy head. Gasping for air. My hand brushes up his head and stays on top of it. Slowly I pet his hair. Good boy. I sigh and turn my head. Eyes widening as I see Zi laying motionless in the bed beside mine. Daegi laying with him with his head on Zi's chest. While his chest rises and falls as he's in a deep sleep. I keep petting Dukem's head. What happened to Zi? Were there more assassins? I huff and close my eyes. I'm worried, yes, but how can I keep them safe? How?


"Zi? Zimera? Zi? Zi?!" Daegi screams out, terrified. I jump up in my bed and immediately look at Zi in his bed. He still lays unconscious but something's off.


"What's going on, Daegi?" Dukem asks, concerned. My eyes stay glued to Zimera. Don't be dead.

"Zi isn't moving!" Daegi shouts, tears filling his eyes. Dukem chuckles.

"Yeah, he hadn't moved for 2 days already." He adds with a giggle. I glare at him. Then look at Daegi.

"Fuck you, Dukem." Daegi growls, shaking Zi's shoulders. Wanting a small reaction. Zi is stiff. Fuck!

"Is he alive?" I ask, "Maybe you should go get the doctor."

"Zi?!" Daegi hesitates, throwing the black book down. The lines connecting him and the book flaring brightly. Blinding us. I cover my eyes but quickly look back at him. Dragon Daegi sighs and grimaces looking at his follower laying limp on the bed. Then he growls, "Who did this? I'll kill them all."

"To put it nicely Assassins." Dukem answers, Dragon Daegi scowls at the answer.

"Umm..." I trail off, staring dumbfounded at Dragon Daegi. He glares at me.

"It is inelegant to stare at your King." He hisses, I continue staring pissing him off more.

"So...you can speak English." I say, Dragon Daegi rolls his eyes.

"Your stupidity defines the air clan race." He growls, putting a hand on Zi's chest.

A line of light shoots from him to Zi. I flinch. Zi gasps and his arms shake. Then I watch his chest rise and fall again. My eyes flicking to a suddenly normal Daegi with tears flowing down his face. In his hands the black book surging with power glowing bright. Daegi dives onto the bed and snuggles up close to Zi. I can only blink. No words can express how much we should really be thankful that the King of Darkness is on our side. Dukem coughs.

"So is Zi alright now?" He asks.


"Yeah, yeah he is." Daegi answers, resting a hand on the black book close to his chest and the other on Zi's chest. "It's beating again." Daegi tightens his grip on the book and wipes his tears, "Thank you."

"Hmm, my human." The Dragon King says through the book. My mouth drops. He can talk to Daegi? Since when? Holy Shit!

"I think I should sleep more." I announce and lay my head down.

"Night." Daegi says quietly. I nod, looking down by my hand as Dukem lays his head down for sleep again. I sigh and close my eyes. Everyone's okay. It's okay.

We'll be okay....


Hu hu hu. >:> Sooo what cha think of the King of Darkness? He's so awesome in my mind. But yup hehe.

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