《Enda (Boyxboy)》*Special* Chapter Eighteen: How Many Years Has It Been, My Love?



Knock, knock, knock.

My body trembles. Why am I like this? Why? When I get a assignment to assassinate someone I don't tremble like this. I can slit a throat like it was water and skip away, happily. My hands sweat and my mouth becomes dry. I shuffle my feet back and forth. Shaking from nervousness. Are they not home?


I jump in fright. What was that just now? Nylia's dad? Oh god, oh god. I fan myself. Come on. You're a fucking assassin. Get a grip, Duke. The door opens and I meet those familiar sweet faded lilac eyes. Then I basically turn into jelly. Nylia's lime green hair on top of her head in a bun. Wearing a golden silk flowing dress that shows off her figure. And fuck that figure. I die a little on the inside. She stares at me, confused. Pursing her scarlet lips. I swallow my fear.

"Nylia, it's me, Du-Dukem." I stutter from my dry mouth. Nyla's eyes flicker and sparkle. She smiles and a small trace of a dimple appears on her left cheek. My heart skips a beat. I made her smile. Thank the heavens!!! She opens the door.

"Come on, Dukey." Nylia commands, grabbing my arm and dragging me into the house. Closing the door afterwards. "We were just going to have dinner, want some? I made it."

"Yes." I answer too fast, making her laugh. She cups my face and inspects me. My heart beats faster.

"You look so different, Dukey. All I could remember was you when we were 8. How's your dad?" She asks, leading me to the dining room.

"Good. He said that I should..."

"Nylia, who's that?" Gorgash asks, glaring at me. Nylia lets my hand drop from hers and grins.


"Dad, this is Dukem. Remember, Dukey?" She asks, Gorgash scowls.

"What do you think I'm fucking old? Of course I do. Sit down, stuff your face with food." He commands, I nod happily. He goes back to reading a book and mumbles to himself, "I'm too old for this shit."

"Here, eat up." Nylia says, placing a plate of vegetables and seasoned salmon in front of me. My mouth drops.

"Wow, Nylia." I compliment, she blushes and nods starting to eat. I do the same. Savouring each bite. My fiancé made this. My soon to be wife. I can't help but break into a happy dance but hold back. For 10 minutes it's nothing but silence and the forks scraping against the plates. So damn good. I grin at her.

"Sir Gorgash, a friend of Dukem's is outside. He requests to see..."

"Out of my way!" Ujik pushes past the butler. My eyes widen.

Ujik's hair disheveled and blood splattered on his clothes. A small rash of blood on his cheek. Instantly I shoot up from my seat and rush to him. Ujik frantic.

"What? What happened?!" I scream, in fear. My friends!

"There are assassins coming after us, Dukey! They got Canton and Zi. They were trying to get at Daegi but Zi stopped them. Holy fuck, I'm scared as shit, Dukey." Ujik shouts, obviously scared out of his mind. I grab him by his shoulders and look into his eyes.

"Calm down, Ujik. Tell me what happened from the beginning." I glance to the chair and pull it out, "Ujik, sit down."

"Okay, okay." He flops onto the chair. Nylia looks at me, frightened. I send her a small smile. Don't be scared. I'm here.

"So who got hurt first?"


"Canton, they stabbed him but he killed one. Then he was attacked outside the training room too. Daegi and Zi got there just in time to kill the bitch but she dropped a fucking grenade and Daegi got rid of it. They took Canton to the healer but afterwards they went back to the room. Those bastards were waiting in there and attacked Zi. Zi was pretty beat up so I helped Daegi take him to the healer." Ujik stops, shivering. "I don't want to be hunted, Dukem! Not again! I had enough of this fucking bullshit! I don't want to die! Not when I finally have Suzuki."

"Suzuki's alright?" I ask. Ujik scowls and rolls his eyes.

"Of course he is. I'll kill anything that threatens my baby." Ujik growls, scarily. I sigh. Looking at a scared Nylia. Then I frown.

"Nylia, I...I'll come back later. But my friends..." I trail off, defeated by her sudden broken hearted look. Her eyes water and she looks away from me.

"It's okay. It's your friends. It's like saying your family got hurt, so go."

"I'm sorry, Nylia." I walk to her side and embrace her. Feeling her tears wet my chest. I cup her face and plant a kiss on her scarlet lips. She leans in and returns the 'need' in our kiss. I slowly back away. Letting her hand go. "I'll be back. I can't let anyone know about you guys. I need for you to be safe. I may or may not come back but...I still like you, Nylia. In fact, I love you. You're so perfect. I feel like I'm not good enough. You're so beautiful. It's like a dream."

"Ohhh myyy..." Nylia gushes, bright red, covering her mouth hiding a huge smile. Her eyes sparkling. I smile and usher to Ujik. He follows.

"What kind of assassins were they?" I ask, walking on the paved road. Ujik sends me a confused look. Walking near our soldier.

"All black..."

"Hiskiton assassins." I simply say.

"Eh? How?" Ujik questions.

"They wanted to recruit me. I refused because they were awful assassins. Not the way I was taught. My dad taught me everything I know. They were like first time starters to me." I answer, lifting my heavy feet. Canton....

"Why were they so wicked then?"

"What do you mean?"

"They had at least 1/2 of your skills. They were like ninjas from the fairy tales and legends."

"I don't know how that was done but I'm gonna find the fuck out. For Canton and Zi." I declare, "And I'm gonna kill all those fuckers."


(^o^)/ Hey, Ya'll. So you guys like Dukem's short part? He's such a closet softy and romantic. Mind out of the gutter. Lol. What do you guys think happened to make the Hiskiton assassins better than ever? Something's fishy here!

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