《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter Fourteen: Kiss My Ass, Water King!


My mouth hangs ajar. Fish the size of fucking trains breezily swim by a glass enclosure that we walk in. It leads to a huge glass dome. The sunlight glimmers in specks from where we were this morning. Atlantis. On Earth it was swallowed by the sea. But here, the water clan brought it down here to be safe. Are they really?

I lean into the glass and see guys in big heavy golden suits using the water power to fix something on the outside of the city. Then am pushed to continue walking by Ujik. All of us end up in a line. Me, Dukey, Ujik, then Suzuki. People in golden silk dresses and clothes walk past us as we approach the city. Staring at us, judging us.

Large golden buildings with giant glass windows line the streets with the heavily planted and stoned paths. My mouth hangs wide open now. I smile. It's like something from a dream. Little kids run after another and women strut down the street like they were queens. Dressed in golden garments and jewelry. While men wipe the drool off their jaws. This is Atlantis.

"Where's the palace?" I ask, Dukem points to a big golden building that is in the heart of the city. I get excited. "We can see it all."

"Well almost all of it, I guess." Dukey responds, rubbing his neck.

"Dukem?" A heavily armoured man in gold asks. Then I groan.

"Yes?" Dukem steps out from behind me. I slouch. Dammit.

"Follow me."

We do as we are told and not before long we are in the middle of the city. Looking up at a colossal palace. My eyes cannot believe it. We are rushed into the Kings sitting room to talk about our mission. I glower sitting down in a comfy red love seat. Sighing.

"Canton Foster?" A man with a crown asks, his black hair long and braided going down his back. But his eyes a colour of Aqua I have never seen before. I stand up and shake his hand.


"Just tell me what I need to do." I request, I just wanna leave and explore more of Enda.

"Please, sit." The King ushers to the chair. I roll my eyes, plopping down onto the cushion. The king rests his hands on his lap and looks at me, eyes full of kindness.

"Well?" I ask, maybe he forgot what he was gonna say. He does look quite old. Ujik sits beside me. Dukem does a small bow before standing beside my side of the chair. Suzuki standing beside Ujik's. The King grins at us.

"That is your team?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.


"You have an Islandmin, assassin, and a useless vampire." He answers, my jaw tightens.

"I'm sorry, King but there seems to be something on your face there?" I respond, poking my cheek.

"What? What is it?" King asks, wiping his face.

"Well there seems to be a little bitch on your face there." I say, cunningly. King wipes his cheek again. Ujik snarls.

"Nope still there." He adds. Then we grin at each other and fist bump. Dukem slaps my back and I flinch. Lowering my head.

"I don't understand what else you would expect from me, King? I'm making due with what I have as a team. I'm alive, right? I mean, we're here." I protest, my jaw clamped tight.

"Oralile is a very powerful opponent, Canton. Do you think that a hit from water will kill him?"

"No." I hiss.

"I have found a rather interesting development in the Whysterian forest near the old city of Doldeen. Another boy...like you." King informs, my eyes widen and I look at him in awe. Another air clan?

"Could there be more than just he and I?" I question the possibility.

"No. We monitor the humans that can get into Enda. Just you and him. He is younger though. And an Orc guards him, heavily. Won't let him out of his sight. The Orc was rather hostile towards us water clan when we approached them. Drawing his weapons and killing one of our soldiers in a matter of seconds." King finishes before ushering the heavily armoured guard that lead us here into the room. He nods at me. I nod back.


"They are here, my King." The guard informs, King looks baffled.

"Did you subdue the Orc?" He asks, clearly confused.

"No, the boy told him to stop. The Orc killed 7 of my soldiers. But he's in chains now. The boy walks free. Shall I bring them in to meet Canton, my King?"

"Please." The King answers.

I sit up as chains rattle together and the door behind us opens. Then turn my head to see a tall man with light green skin and a severe underbite walking in, hastily. Eyes burning with hate. My eyes land on what's behind him. His precious cargo. A boy looking younger than Ujik walks slowly and holds a big black book to his chest, tightly. I stare at the book. What is it?

The Orc growls and I watch as he begins to breathe frantically. The boy puts his hand on the Orc's bare back and he calms down. The Orc only wearing a long handmade fur pair of pants with his feet bare. The boy wearing a white shirt, grey sweatpants and wears a undone fur sweater. The Orc's probably. They stop in between the chairs. With further inspecting, I see the boy has very pale skin, red auburn hair and grass green eyes. The Orc is mean looking and his muscles put Suzuki to shame. Especially with him shirtless. His muscles in his shoulders bulge up towards his neck and arms toned to match the gods. The boy looks at me. I stand and smile.

"Hi, I'm Canton. I'm from Earth. Uh, America to be exact. Where are you from?" I ask, kindly.

"Canada." He answers, quickly.

"Cool. So we're basically like neighbours. Awesome." I say, enthusiastically. The boy rolls his eyes at me. Then glares at me.

"You're an idiot." He says to me. I nod and sigh.

"What's your guys' names?"

"Zimera and Daegi." The boy answers, ushering to the Orc then himself.

"Is that you're real name?" I ask, confused. Why did he get a cool name?

"No, Zimera named me when he found me. I like it better than that stupid thing I was called." Daegi informs, I sink into myself.

"Everyone has cool names except for me." I whine, causing a shy smile to pop up on Daegi's face. He hides it behind the book. I usher to it, "What's that?"

"You don't wanna see." Daegi warns, voice loud and clear. I step closer to him and Zimera. Zimera growls at me. I stay a safe space away from them.

"How about this idea: I'll show you mine, you show me yours. That way everyone wins." I propose. Daegi slow blinks, unimpressed.

"I just said no. No means no." Daegi hisses. He may look sweet and cute but he has bite. I nod in defeat.

"Fine. Don't show me." I say, angry. Then look at King.

"Looks like your team will have to take some time to bond. You will stay and train for a few days before leaving permanently." The King announces, getting up and leaving us in the room. Only Zimera's breathing can be heard. Then the rattles of the chains. I sigh.

"So where do we sleep? I'm tired as shit." I ask the guard.

"Follow me."


(•o•) What's inside that book? You guys like Zimera and Daegi? Well they're staying until the end.

What do you guys think Daegi is hiding in that black book of his?

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