《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter Fifteen: It's Bonding Time. I'mma Do Your Hair :D


"Uh, thanks."

I bow to the guard and we get settled in a 4 bedroom suite. With big glass windows revealing the sea and it's beautiful creatures. My eyes catch hold of humans with fish tails. Immediately I smash my face against the window. Mouth ajar and in awe.

"What's up, buttercup?" Dukem asks, concerned. I point.

"Mermaids. Fucking Mermaids." I squeal, excitedly. Suzuki chuckles.

"Yup. That's what they are." He agrees, Dukem pries me away from the window and with his eyes ushers to Daegi and Zi. I stare in confusion. Eyes peeking at the mermaids outside the window.

"What the fuck am I gonna do? Daegi doesn't like me." I respond, eyes tracing the outlines of a mermaid guy with glowing pink eyes. I wonder if they're friendly?

"Canton, you're the leader." Dukem states. I sigh in frustration.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Follow the leader. I get it. Stand back, bi..."


"There you go, big guy." Suzuki's voice says, happily.

Dukem and I stare at him and Zi sitting on the couch together. The clank being from the unlocking of the chains that held Zi back from killing everyone. Ujik no where in sight. I stride over to Daegi, avoiding looking at the book. Still clutched to his chest. The book had to be the size of a fucking size 10 shoe box. What is in there?

"Hey, look-uh-Daegi? I just want us all to get along. So if you have any questions, ask away." I inform and plop myself into the couch near Daegi. His hardened expression softens and he sighs.

"Why did you get to come here?"

"I am one of the last air clan. I don't know how but there's always a reason for something, right? Well anyways, they say that I can find a way to save Enda. Many clans of different elements have gone into hiding because of the Fire Prince Oralile. He is...evil. Ya know like Ganondorf on Zelda. That evil." I explain, making Daegi smile.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Well I was always supposed to come they say but because I was in the lime light on Earth I couldn't come earlier. It took until a meltdown at my cooking academy for me to be able to slip off Earth here to Enda. That answer it?"

"Yeah, it does. If you don't like your name so much why not give yourself one?" Daegi suggests, I just huff and shrug.

"I'm already known as Canton here. Too many people know it as well. So why bother?" I answer sincerely with a shrug. "My turn. Where did you end up before meeting Zi?"


"I woke up on a beach and Zi was sitting beside me in the sand waiting for me to wake up. He was nice so I stayed with him. After a few days this book washed up on shore where I woke up and I opened it. It was a big mistake."

"Why?" I ask, wanting more info.

"I don't think I can tell you." Daegi assumes, I shake my head.

"No, you can. If we want to win this war then I need to know everything. So I know what position you're best for." I state, starting to sound more like a leader than a kid.

"Well....I changed."

"You...changed? How?"

"Zimera said that he saw me open it and saw a flood of light come from the book into my chest and flowing up my arms. Then within a few seconds I turned into this giant golden red dragon with big green eyes. When I moved I didn't realize how big I was and felt wet. I was so big that only my neck and head could fit on the beach and the rest of my body rested firmly on the sea floor. Huge whales looked like small dogs to me. I was so scared. It...was like-like I had all the power in the world. I had lifted my wing and parted the sea behind me. But let it drop and almost drowned Zimera. I started to feel hungry and really sleepy so I closed my eyes and when I opened them Zimera was holding me tightly and held the book close to my chest. So I tightened my grip around it. Knowing that he didn't want me to let it go. But after opening the book, I get paranoid easily. The book left marks." Daegi finishes, I stare dumbfounded. A dragon. A fucking giant of dragons!

"By marks, tattoos?" I question.

"Yes, all over my body is what Zimera called ancient dragon writings and pictures. The language is imprinted in my head. So I can understand Zimera when he speaks. But you guys may not. I am teaching him how to speak in English. It takes time. And with Zimera it'll take forever. He's just so...irritating sometimes." Daegi whispers the last part. I chuckle.

"Well, the book..could I look at it?" I ask, waiting for the fuck you answer. Daegi grimaces but rests the book on my lap. My eyes could pop out of my head. I trace my hands over the cover.

"Well? Look inside." Daegi commands, I nod flipping open the book revealing....blank as shit pages.

Daegi flips it closed. I look up seeing a small line of white connect from the book to his hand. Then look up into his eyes. Glaring at me. Wincing slightly as he rips the book from my loose hands. Then he hisses. Like...a dragon would.


"Zimera, fá hann í burtu frá mér! (Get him away from me!)"

Something with a deep patchy voice commands over Daegi's voice. My eye twitches. This is some exorcist shit! I jump away from Daegi as Zimera carves me into sandwich meat with his eyes. Kneeling down before Daegi. The guys and I glower before them and mentally shit ourselves as long streaks of war paint appears upon his clean face. A line painted from one side of his face to the other with the word on his forehead.

"Krjúpa fyrir konung í myrkrinu. (Kneel for your King of darkness.)" Dragon Daegi commands. We suddenly fall to our knees. Ujik face plants onto the stone floor. I grimace. Ouch. But look up, Daegi's eyes on me unimpressed. I bow my head. "Gagnslaus Prince of Ijós. (Useless Prince of Light.)"

"Konungur minn, nóg. Losa um mönnum. (My king, enough. Free the humans.)" Zimera says with his strong voice echoing through the large room. My body feeling weak. Dragon Daegi scowls. Zimera growls, angry. "Nög. Losa um mönnum. Koma aftur Daegi. Sofa. Sofa, konungur minn, sofa. Fyrir nú. (Enough. Free the humans. Bring back Daegi. Sleep. Sleep, my king, sleep. For now.)"

"Fínn, kalla mig fljótlega. (Fine, call me soon.)" The Dragon Daegi says with a long sigh. My body lets loose and Daegi returns to normal. He looks at us, confused. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah, for now we are." I respond for all of us before inspecting the guys seeing Ujik with a bloody nose from his nasty fall. Suzuki whisking him off to the washroom.

I sigh in relief. Returning back to my scary mermaid watching. I don't really want to talk much after what just happened. The guy mermaid with snowy lilac hair and bright pink eyes spots me and we stare at each other for about 4 minutes. Before I break the 'who's-more-confused' staring contest. Daegi holds out a halved apple. I take it and bite down. Smiling slightly. Daegi watches the mermaid guy with me.

"He seems quite confused." He pipes up. I huff out a chuckle.

"Yeah, I am too. But I am also very sure of the future now."

"Why?" Daegi questions me, I shrug and feel like it couldn't get any better.

"I have strong friends. I will have a strong family. I will have those people that will catch me when I fall. And I will do the same if they ever were to as well." I answer, licking away some apple juice on my hand. Daegi looks down at his feet. Quiet. Unsettled. Why?

"I'm guessing you had a rough life on Earth." Daegi assuming, I return his puzzled look.

"I'm guessing you had a rough life on Earth too." I respond, making Daegi shuffle nervously.

"Bullies, adopted parents, feeling like I was never wanted. Way to hit the bull in the freaking eye." Daegi admits, I lower my head inspecting the apple closely.

"My parents...all I did was disappoint them. I couldn't ever have them smile like they were proud that I was their son. They just frowned when their names were mentioned after mine. I never belonged anywhere." I smirk sideways, trying to leave the past in the past, "All I wanted to do was make them happy. It became an obsession that made me suffer. I-I wished that I could disappear for so long." I say out loud facing Daegi seeing a saddened expression on his face, "When I found something that I liked and that made me happy I stuck to it like glue. Not wanting to let it go. Cooking on Earth made me feel...alive. Like I was finally needed for something. I had a reason to live. After trying to die so many times...." I cover my mouth, there it was. Daegi's eyes fill with pain. Then he smiles, weakly.

"It's okay. Everyone feels that way at some point in their lives. You're not the only one. It's proven by studies and shit." Daegi says trying to make me bury the past again. I just nod and rub my neck.

"I should go to bed. I'm tired. I need to sleep." I state, proceeding to walk to my room. But Daegi taps my shoulder. I peek at him.

"Hopefully, we can win this war as a strong family, right?" Daegi asks, my lips curl into a small smirk.

"Yeah, hopefully. Goodnight."



Holy Shiza, way to build up a bullet proof team. (^o^)b Way to go, Canton. Leave a comment on what you think of Daegi. I get a little ting of accomplishment reading them. (^o-)

So the King of Darkness lives in Daegi's book. Cool, eh? Guess you're thinking why they don't just use Daegi to kill Oralile. Well it's not that simple. Sadly.

Vote and Comment. (^•^)

P.S the language that Darkness King, Ancient Dragons, and Orc's speak is Icelandic. I'm learning it, so why not use it. (^.^)/

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