《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter Thirteen: Farewell Friend. You're Free Now...


The water gleams as the Sun's start to rise up from behind towering mountains full of snow. The sky reflects off the water almost as if earth and sky have smiled upon each other. Ujik snores loudly. Suzuki walks with him hanging off his back. Eyes lighting up seeing the water. I sigh, taking it in.

"It's beautiful." I break our silence.

"Atlantis would have been right in the middle of this. If...the war didn't...then they could see how beautiful Enda still is." Dukem says, quietly, lowering his head.

"Yeah, they will see how beautiful it still is. Just...give me some time." I say, placing a hand on Dukem's heavy shoulders. He relaxes. Then slowly smiles.

"Beautiful..." Mulnire quietly says to himself running his hands through the water. That's the only thing he's said since last night. I feel like an asswole. Making him feel like he could be the one for me. Making him feel the way he does right now. I'm an ass. I walk to him and we meet eyes.

"Sorry, but our seals..."

"I know." Mulnire quickly says, pain in his voice, "bu-but I won't be far after the seals are gone. I'll watch you until I can finally accept that what I feel for you cannot be returned."

"I'm sorry." I repeat myself, throat squeezing itself shut. Eyes watering slightly. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be." Mulnire stands up, looking down at me. I stare into his eyes. Throat itching. Feeling numb. I close my eyes as Mulnire brushes his fingers against my cheek. Wiping away a fallen tear. A little nothing. He chuckles. I look at him with an aching heart. Knowing how much I hurt him. This is how much pain he's feeling. I shudder and bite my lip.


"I'm so-sorry." I repeat again like a broken record. Tears rolling down my face. His pain. It hurts too much. I clutch my chest.

"I can take this much. If I were to lose you...I don't know. I just don't know." Mulnire says, stepping away from me. "I can fly again. I'm so happy. I can fly again."

"Yeah, you can." I respond, voice weak, "And I'm not holding you back. So fly. Go and fly. Be free."

Mulnire's seal on his neck fades and he smiles at me, sadly. I smile back. Wiping my eyes. Watching his dragon spread its wings for the first time in more than a hundred years. Mulnire's wings shine in the sun light. His scales creating colors of the rainbow. But his eyes...beaming with happiness. The dragon with the wide eyes looks around and glances back at me one last time.

'I love you.' The dragon's loud, deep voice coos. I bite my lip harder. Holding tears back.

"Fly!" I command.

Mulnire nods and I watch as his wings spread out and he takes off. His wings reflecting off of the shimmering water. Then tears fall as the giant dragon disappears over the snowy mountains. My heart falls. But pumps itself back up. I grin. You're finally free. One last tear rolls down my face.

" was beautiful." Ujik says, wiping his tear stained face. I huff, smiling at him. Then nod as he puts a hand on my shoulder. "If you make me cry again..." Ujik points at me, tears still in his eyes, breathing still harsh, "...I will kill you."

"Hopefully this is the last time then." I simply reply.

Seeing the dark silhouette of a dragon above the mountains. A loud roar in the distance sends shivers up my spine but instead of me being scared, I feel nothing but happiness. I glower alone with my eyes on the silhouette. Tears rimming my eyes but refusing to fall. Then take off the long ripped black shirt that Kindermin had given me and throw it into the water. Knowing that, like Mulnire, I too am free. The shirt flows away from me. Washing away any feelings I may have for Kindermin.


"Now...I'm free. I am not Earth's Canton...I am Enda's Canton." I smirk, sideways, "This is where I belong. Why did it take them so long to bring me here?"

"Because you were busy on Earth. People would notice your disappearance in a day." Dukem answers, "But other than that, I am wondering the same thing." Dukem waves his hand, "Now, come on. We got some things to do."

Grinning, I nod and glance over the mountains searching for my dragon. But see nothing but snow and blue skies. I breathe in and out. He's gone.

'But never far...' A voice whispers as I walk towards the cave leading to Atlantis. Prepared for war.


Me writing this -> (/;u;) this shiza is destroying my heart. We've got some progress. Progress after like 12 chapters is good, right?


O my bay bay!!

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P.S New chapter updates will happen when I have close to chapter nineteen. So please, be patient. ^o^

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