《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter Twelve: Ya'll In For Breaking Out Of Prison???? I Was Just Kidding!!


A hand touches my arm and shakes me a little. I stir from my sleep and look up at Mulnire's concerned eyes. My face heating up remembering looking into his underwear last night. Then almost as if Mulnire realized it too he started blushing. I avoid eye contact but find my eyes looking down his stomach. I am a pervert!

"Yeah, I didn't know you did that." Mulnire responds, then I die inside of embarrassment. Blushing, furiously.

"Sorry. I was confused."

"And so you looked at your forever there lollipop." Ujik teases. I sink into Mulnire's side and fight the redness on my face.

"Sh...shut up, Ujik." I growl.

"Get up." Dukem demands, I look at him, confused.

"Why?" Ujik asks, crossing his arms.

"I found a way to contact the water clan. It wasn't easy and I didn't like it but...a guy named Moe helped me. We are getting bailed out today. All money will be paid, all 357 years...." Dukem says, glaring at Ujik. Ujik shrugs, "Will be forgotten and we will be free."

"Did you sleep with Moe or something?" Ujik asks, we all glare at him. He shrugs again. "What?"

"No, the fool has hopelessly fallen for me. All it took was one kiss."

"Where?" Ujik shoots back to Dukem's innocent response. Making his eyes pop out as he glares at Ujik.

"Shut up, slut!" Dukem hisses, Ujik chuckles. Nodding his head.

"You are so not wrong about that." Ujik says, happily. My eye twitches slightly.

'No shame. No shame.' Mulnire sings to me in my head. Which causes a smile to pop up on my face.

"So did you or what?" Ujik asks, pissing Dukem off more.

The cell door slides open and a dude with a big spiky black, brown and blonde mohawk smiles at Dukem. Dukem immediately sinks down. Lowering his head. The guy walks into the cell and holds his arms open. His shining lilac eyes steady on Dukem.

"Come here, my beautiful, Dukey, dukey." The guy, I presume is Moe, says, excited and too happy. Dukem rolls his eyes and walks around him. Moe's smile twitches but stays on his face and he chuckles. "Well you missed my arms but maybe you'll get it next time."


"Oh, hello Moe." Mulnire growls, throwing his feet over the side of my bed. Almost hitting Moe. Moe's eyes widen and he lugs at the door.

"Run for your lives!" Moe screams, running down the hall. Dukem laughs.

"You're coming with us too, ya know." Dukem announces, I stare wide eyed at Mulnire who is just as surprised as I am. Why was he even in here?

"I murdered someone." Mulnire simply says, with no trace of emotions in his voice. I nod. I shouldn't push it.


I just frigging have to. Gah, I'm such an idiot. Mulnire lands on the cement floor and pulls me out from the top bunk. I grimace as my body flings like a rag doll over his shoulder. Then I just hang limply. In pain as my body aches. I groan in agony. Watching the floor and Dukem's feet walking behind us quickly. I sigh. Feeling like shit.

"Where are we going?" I ask, giving up.

"Out. For good. I can finally leave. After 147 years, I can leave. I wanna fly." Mulnire informs, happily and hopeful, "I can't wait. I've waited for so long."

"I can imagine." I reply, 147 years.

"Yay, sunlight." Ujik gushes, jumping around like a weightless fairy. That is definitely the wrong person to be cheering for the sun.

My eyes look at Mulnire's shuffling feet and I feel happy. We finally get to leave. I sigh. Finding myself frowning. Where is Kindermin now? Is he thinking of me now? Does he ever think of me? I mentally scold myself.


"Who is Kindermin?" Mulnire breaks the silence. I feel my teeth sink into the inside of my cheek missing a cooked piece of chicken, that Ujik killed, and wince. Water fills my eyes. Owwie.

"Kindermin is a piece of shit, 2 timing asswhole that lied to and broke Canton's heart." Suzuki snarls, rolling his eyes at Kindermin's name.

"Well.." I add, a mouth full of food, "He didn't break my heart and I wasn't in love with him. I admit that I have a crush on him but that's it."


"When are we heading to Atlantis?"

"Tomorrow." Dukem answers.

"Oh, really now?" Ujik whispers near me to himself. I stare at him, confused. What did he mean?

"Let's get further away from the prison. I want as much distance from it as possible." Dukem announces. I nod. Following Dukem. The guys whine but follow.

The trees in the forest bunch around us and I feel a weariness like no other. Something's wrong. Something bad? Already? Dukem pulls my collar and I face plant into the dirt and peer up at a guy with transparent skin with veins overflowing with flames. His hair flaming atop his head. Eyes lighting up his finely defined features. Behind him no other then Kindermin. Glancing around carefully. I gulp. That's Oralile.

"What was that?" A soldier asks.

Oralile grins to our whereabouts having obviously seen us. Then snickers at the soldier before flicking his hand. The soldiers head falls to the ground before his body. My mouth falls ajar. One move. This is the feared Fire Prince. Kindermin has noticed the eyes on him as well and is looking harshly at me. I shudder, quietly.

"Prince, what did Rion do?" A shaking soldier asks, I flick my eyes closed. Too much death. Too soon. Another grunt and things falling on the ground is heard.

"I want to go home. Quickly before another of those useless ice soldiers show up." Oralile orders.

I peek through my eyelashes. Catching Oralile grabbing Kindermin's hand and walking away out of view. Until footsteps are gone. Looking at the ground. The bodies lay sprawled out on a stone path. Mulnire pulls me up from the ground. I sigh, upset.

"That's Oralile?" I ask Dukem. He nods, looking at me concerned.

"If I'm so powerful, then..." I trail off, losing myself in sadness.

"You're too good for an Islandmin like that." Suzuki sneers with hatred in his voice.

"If I were to separate Mulnire and my seals, it would be for...someone stronger." I gulp down the sadness, curling up my fists, furrowing my brows and glaring down the direction that Oralile went down. Mulnire stiffening near me. Looking pained. "I need someone who will help me the Fire Prince and Kindermin. They are running Enda down to its core. I...If I am so powerful, I must start taking this seriously. I must be ready to fight and be ready to shed the blood of many." I hold my hand up, inspecting its cleanliness. Then tighten it into a fist. A small light illuminating from my palm. I grind my teeth. "I will stop giving up when I am so close to what I want. I must fight...(The pressure is hitting me..)...I will fight for Enda. I want my friends to be safe. I want for all of Enda to be safe. I want so much, I shouldn't give up here and now because I think I'm weak...(..I can't leave. I can't give up my dream. I want to become a chef. The best chef I could ever be...)...I want to be the end of this story's hero. I want to be the new chapter for Enda. For you guys. For myself. For....the world." I finish, my voice strong and stern.

Heart beating rapidly as if it has suddenly awoken. Giving me that feeling that I've felt a long sad time ago. When I cooked. When I had it all. I have it again. My skin shines bright with the moons in the night sky and I look up grinning.

Before I was taking steps away from my future.

But today....

I take steps towards it.


Sorry for the long hiatus but I'm back I like where this is going!

Mulnire may not be permanent.

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