《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter Eight: B*tch, You Need Protection! (To Live.)


"Hey, little ray of sunshine. Time to play with the big guys."

Cold water splashes on my face and I dart up in my bed. Gasping for air. Holy Crap. Something grabs my leg harshly and I am flying out of the top bunk bed. My head colliding with the cement floor. I stare at the stars and little birdies flying on the ceiling. My head pounds. Ouch.

"Did we just break him?" A guard asks the other beside him. He shrugs.

"Is he okay?" I hear Ujik shout, angrily. The guards try to get me to sit up. I sway side to side until my body gives out and I fall against the wall. Sliding down slowly. Until a pair of hands grab my arms.

"Canton, are you okay?" Dukem's voice asks, I kind of nod but shake my head.

"This prisoners death was your fault this time."

"Yeah, I know."

"Ujik." Dukem's voice commands.

"Alright, alright." Ujik snarls. A fist connects with my face...I go limp.

•________• •______• •_______•

"Canton..hello..Canton, are you alive?" A voice echoes from somewhere in this dark as night room. "Open your eyes."

"My eyes." I grumble, as I open my heavy eyes. Everything is blurry but it slowly clears up. Revealing a man with big pointy ears and a white coat on. He waves his hand, happily.

"Well hello there. How do you feel? I'm the prison healer. My name's Doctor Munchkin." He says, happily. A smile breaks onto my face. Then he chuckles. Leaning in closer to me. "I'm kidding. It's Steve. Ya know..." Doc stiffens up and turns around flexing his arms. "Steve." He says, deepening his voice, flexing. I start laughing.

Leaning myself on my elbows sitting up. I look to my side and see a little yellow suited guy like me laying on the other bed unconscious. Small circular rimmed glasses on the desk between us. I search for Doctor Steve who suddenly disappeared. A guy with a grey jumpsuit walks into the little hospital. I tense up. He looks scary as shit.

The guy in the grey jumpsuit has many tattoos on his arms that look like snake skin and a head with nothing but tattooed snake skin on it. His eyes are a combined green and red. Something small and pink slithers in and out if his mouth. He glares at me.


"Hunny! What happened now?" Steve's voice screams from no where making me and the guy jump. Steve comes rushing from another room. Looking the guy up and down. The guy makes a hissing noise. Steve just rolls his eyes and points over to my bed. "Sweetheart scootch over a bit. Snake sit down." The guy does what he's told and I move over on the bed. Closer to the wall as he sits down. Looking at Steve. "Snake, were you playing in the sewer lines again?" Snake stops glaring at me and looks down at his feet, guilty. Steve walks up to him, angry. "If I tell your mother that you play in the sewer, boy you are in so much trouble. Now put your head on that pillow. I'll heal you up."

Snake does as he's told and lays down beside me. We stare at each other. Snake's cheeks a slight pink, embarrassed. My head pounds so I slide down and lay my head on the soft pillow. Covering myself up with the blanket. Snake watching my every move. Steve checks the other boys pulse and lifts up the safety rail to his bed. Then comes to us.

"Snakey, strip."

My eyes widen at Steve's command. Snake unzips his suit and slithers out of it. I sigh in relief as he has underwear on. I swear with a body like Snake's wow. That's all I can say. I cover my face with the blanket as Snake looks at me and smiles at me. My face instantly heating up. So I close my eyes.


I groan and open my eyes to see Snakes face. I blush, furiously as I sit up making Snake groan. Steve touches my foot and smiles at me.

"Well good morning again, Canton. You gotta crawl over here to get out of here. Snake, my baby, will have a fit if you wake him." He says, smiling at the sleeping Snake. I crawl to the end of the bed and stand up. Steve gives me a small pill jar. "These are for headaches and pain. Take one during dinner."

"Okay, thank you."

I step out from the hospital and smile going up the stairs but stop as a red suit shows up and punches me in the face as I reach the top. My head snaps back and I fall back. I close my eyes.




"Fuck Off, Ujik!" I groan in agony as someone pokes my face. I start to relax again. They do it again. "Well god fucking damn it!" I shout, jumping up in the bed and glaring at an amused Steve. Then look beside me at Snake who is smiling up at me. I pout and cross my arms. "That's so fucking funny, Snake, I'm dying inside."

"Hi, again. Sweetie." Steve yells, happily. My head pounds a little.

"What happened?"

"You made it up the stairs but fell down them. I guessed wrong letting you go early." Steve says, crossing his arms.

"Can I go now?" I ask, impatient.

"Fine, but don't get hurt again." Steve commands.

I step out of the clinic again. Second time today. Steve had told me there was a library. I should go there if I wanna stay safe. This time I walk up the stairs with caution.

The library doors open and I am blinded. I cover my eyes with my hand and look at all the books. They gleam in the sunlight. This is a prison library? I walk through the doors and smile. I was always a nerd at the academy when it came to studying recipes. I sigh, relieved, as it is almost empty. A table near the window catches my eye and I proceed towards it.


My head snaps forward. I glare at the culprit but find no one there. My eyes widen as a book flings itself at me. Then duck. It still hits my head. I clamp my eyes shut as more are flung towards me. Something wet trails down my forehead. Then something heavy lands in front of me. I peek up.

A giant eye of red veins stares down at me from a dragons face. I squeal and fall back onto my back. Holding my head, I stare up at the ceiling. Paintings of dragons, snakes, Islandmins, and various elemental clans stare back at me. A hand appears and a strangers face appears.

"Need help?" The strange guy asks, his small square red tinted glasses hiding big red veined ones like the dragons. I stare at him, silent. "Well?" His low raspy voice asks. My eyes get heavy as his bright golden locks fall in front of his face. My heart aches as he runs his hand through his hair. I can feel it coming. Steve is gonna hate me. My eyes close shut and darkness takes me away yet again.


"Ouch, fuck!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Snake snarls and smiles dreamily at the other boy on the bed from this morning who is up and laughing at me. I blush. "Go screw yourself, Snake."

"Snake? That's what your name is?" The boy asks, looking interested in Snake. Snake sits on his bed.

"Yesssss." Snake says, his tongue slithering for a while afterwards. I chuckle.

"Yesssss." I tease, causing Snake to glare at me. I get frightened as his eyes become straight like little razors. Then look at an angry Steve. Shaking his head.

"Your first day. Do you want to die so bad?" Steve growls, I flinch from his harsh words.

"How did I get here?"

"The Dragonheart brought you here. You just had to put that poor socially awkward boy to the test, did you? He was refusing to leave you." Steve answers, still hissing his words.

"Dragonheart?" I ask, pulling at the bed sheets covering my legs.

"A Dragonheart is half human, half dragon. They are the remnants of the air clan. They are very territorial." The boy explains to me. "I'm Aoven by the way."

"I'm Canton."

"And I'm Steve. Also known as Doctor Fabulous also known as Everyone's prison mother." Steve covers his red face. "Which is so embarrassing. Am I right, Snakey-baby?" Snake face palms and hides his face from Aoven.

"Snakey-baby?" Aoven retorts and Snake's face turns deep red. "That's cute. Can I call you that, Snakey?" Snake stares at him, embarrassed but stays quiet. I smile.

"Aoven, you can take the blushing as a yes." I state, making Snake glare scarily at me again. I shrug.

"Get out of bed and go for Dinner you guys. I'm fucking hungry." Steve demands. I pull myself out of the bed and sway but steady myself as Snake holds my shoulder. I nod to him.

"I can do this, Snake. I'm fine."

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