《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter Nine: So Perfect...Can't Breathe...(~o~\|/ Help Me.


"Woooowwwww." I gush, smelling the tomato vegetable soup. "It smells so good."

"It smells good but the taste says other wise. It's like swallowing powder with no taste and no water. Suffocating." Dukem states, drinking his water.

"Canton do you know that grey suit there?" Ujik asks, pointing with his spoon. I turn around and meet eyes with the Dragonheart. My heart skips a beat as he stares contently at me.

"Creepy Dragonheart." I say to myself, quietly. I face Ujik again and feel the Dragonhearts eyes burning a hole into my already wrapped in bandages head. Ujik grins.

"So did you find protection?"

"Eh?" I manage, as the soup does as Dukem stated and slowly gets stuck in my throat. I start choking. Dukem slaps my back and I have a hack attack.

"I told you." He states, crossing his arms. I just nod. Drinking my water.

"Canton, protection from the dudes that'll want to play with you." Ujik explains. My eyes widen and I choke on some water. Dukem slaps my back again.

"Like what Suzuki is to you?" I ask, confused. Ujik rolls his eyes.

"It's most likely the other way around. I protect his fine ass and he gives me yummy blood." Ujik corrects me.

"Oh, um no." I answer, understanding. Then looking over my shoulder at the Dragonheart. Maybe it's a yeah. He stares at me and then looks down at a book in front of him. Constantly looking over at me. I shrug and look at a grinning Ujik and Dukem. "What?"

"He's perfect. Go sit with him." Dukem commands, I shake my head. "Canton, I worried all day about you getting hurt or killed. There's no one better than a Dragonheart to watch over you."


"Yeah, and he is fine!" Ujik squeals like a girl. I face palm as dudes glare at us.

"Well...if you say so, Dukey." I respond, remembering how fast Kindermin was to leave me behind. I gained up all my courage and scurried over to the Dragonheart. He watched me the whole time sinking into his book more. Trying to hide. Nope, you ain't going anywhere this time! I sit down beside him and smile at him.

"Hi, my name is Canton. Thank you for helping me in the library. Looking at you up close now I see that you're not scary at all." I admit, that thing in the library scared the shit out of me. The Dragonheart tries to slide away from me. So I put my hand on his arm. "In fact, you're really handsome."

"I...am?" His low raspy voice asks, confused. I stare hard at him. Has he been told otherwise? Why?

"Have you looked in a mirror before? Look at you. All handsome and shit." I respond to his confusion. He shakes his head making some of his golden locks fall out of place. Damn. Why can't I be that fucking perfect?

"I...c..can't look into a...mirror." He says, quietly. That voice so low I have to lean in closer to hear him.

"Sorry, I forgot. Territorial." I remember Aoven now. I brush away one of the Dragonheart's golden locks out of his face. "But you are really handsome." I beam, happily, wanting to get a small smile. But get nada.

"I'm Mulnire Gravens. I'm 24. How...o..old are you, pretty Canton?"

I stare at him, dumbfounded. Another one. First it was Kindermin now it's Mulnire, telling me I'm pretty and beautiful. When on earth I was like a piece of dog shit on the sidewalk. Here I'm like a lottery ticket. A fucking miracle. Mulnire stares deeply into my eyes. Lifting his hand and letting his fingers brush against my cheek. I can feel my cheeks heat up. My stomach clenches and my heart does a flip.


"Do you mean it?" I ask, interested in the answer. Mulnire smiles. One word...perfect.

"You've been on my mind all day. My sweet sleeping beauty." Mulnire says out loud turning red as each word came out. Socially awkward Steve said. He kind of is but meh I like it.

"I...um...need time to think." I spew out standing up and feel Mulnire slip his hand around mine. Then look down at his pleading eyes. My heart flipping out. "I'll see you in the library tomorrow morning okay? Goodnight, Mulnire."

Mulnires's hands grasp on mine tightens. I freeze as he stands up and plants a kiss on my forehead. My face burning. I can feel the sweat coming. And exhale as Mulnire cups my face and stares deeply into my eyes.

"Dream only of me..."

Mulnire trails off as I fall into his deep red eyes. My knees feeling weak. I feel like I'm on a cloud right now. Until Mulnire breaks the intense gaze and sits back down. Letting my hand fall to my side getting cold. I like the warmth of his touches.

I mentally scold myself as I start to walk to my table. Stopping realizing that the whole cafeteria has been watching us in awe and terror the whole time. Some dudes jaws hanging open. Others look as they're anticipating something to happen. I rub my arm and keep my eyes on the ground. Sitting down near Dukem and Ujik again. Still feeling like I'm on a cloud. My gosh. Is this gonna last?

"You're so fucking easy!" Ujik's voice interrupts my time of wowzers. I look around.

"Why are we in our cell? How'd we get here?" I ask, confused as shit. Dukem chuckles.

"Dragonhearts have the ability to make people in a state of awe when they are to look into their eyes. I guess it was his move to make you fall madly in love with him. At first, you could tell, he wasn't too sure until he saw how vulnerable you are to being called beautiful. It was his chance to make you leave him alone so he kept using that towards you. Oh, Canton my beautiful. My sleeping beauty. Pretty Canton." Dukem snarls, laying down on his bed.

I crawl up to mine. Suddenly feeling like shit. I am easy. Ujik is right. Sadly he is. I touch the place on my cheek where Mulnire had brushed his fingers and snuggle with my blanket. Keeping my hand on my cheek. Holding my blanket like it were him. Then close my eyes.

"Dukey?" I say, my voice sounding childish.

"What?" Dukem grumbles half asleep.

"Do you think that Mulnire will like me for real?" I ask, knowing that it's too far fetched.

"Canton, Dragonhearts use that ability on their lovers. Squeal like a little bitch in your head and shut the fuck up. I want some z's. " Ujik growls.

A smile plasters itself on my face and I sigh. Happy. But frown slightly as Kindermin pops into mind again. I close my eyes and mouth his words sleepishly. Holding my hand on my cheek. Forgetting the Islandmin.

"Dream only of me..."

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