《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter Seven: Yay, Let's All Go To Prison. :D


"Yes, this is what I am talking about. Some nice onion soup with toenail clippings in it. This is exactly how I imagined I would die."

Ujik's voice echoes, waking me from dream world. I lean on my elbows and look over at a small lantern burning away near them. Jumping as I see Ujik's eyes burn a bright red. Suddenly the bowl of soup is launched towards the wall and shatters. Ujik runs around the cell until he starts running up the walls and on the ceiling. I just stare in disbelief until he stands on the bars and leans down grabbing the bars. Dukem and I tilt our heads in unison as the bars slightly bend.

"I NEED FUCKING BLOOD, BITCHES!!" Ujik hisses loudly.

"Can someone calm down the retarded little vampire?" Another prisoner shouts down the hall. Ujik pulls at the bars more.

"YOU LITTLE FUCK! YOU PROBABLY TASTE LIKE A COW THATS BEEN RAPED AND WAS BEING FORCED TO SHIT!!" Ujik screams, scratching at the bars. I cover my mouth to hide a laugh. "I'M FUCKING HUNGRY!!"

"Enough." A guard demands appearing out of nowhere. Hitting Ujik down. Ujik falls onto his butt. I wince. Ouch.

"Ow fuck shit my ass. Cold turkey shit ow that fucking hurt. You.." Suzuki appears outside the bars and Ujik stands up quickly. "I mean, what's up my big delicious moon pie."

Dukem chuckles beside me and I stare in amusement at Ujik acting all cute towards Suzuki. The bars open and Suzuki walks in. Finally Ujik will calm down. Ujik waits until the door is closed to smile shyly at Suzuki and start to cutely point at his retracting fangs. Suzuki just nods holding his arm out. Ujik takes it quickly and his fangs sink into Suzuki's arm like a knife through butter. I stare as Ujik suddenly starts to moan, happily. Suzuki smiles and brings Ujik closer to him and sighs.


"Suzuki is Kindermin with you?" I ask, then glance at Dukem, "How long have I been out?"

"About a whole day."

"Kindermin is free. He was set free this morning." Suzuki explains, "Turns out the Fire Prince may have a soft spot for him. So Kindermin's not here, sorry."

"That little bitch." Ujik growls breaking away from Suzuki's arm for a little breather then digging back in. I just nod in agreement.

"I caught a glimpse of Prince Oralile. I think you could probably pass as his twin except your skin is not translucent with veins made of fire and glowing light red eyes and big firey red hair. You're like a human version of Oralile. That's a little weird to me." Suzuki says, furrowing his brows at me. Dukem looks at me to see the resemblance. I just stay quiet.

"Yeah, you do look like Oralile. Can't believe I missed that." Dukem announces. Suzuki shakes his head.

"I saw Oralile give Kindermin a kiss on the cheek."

"Oh, that cheating fuck. He's involved with Enda Canton and the real Canton. What a hoe." Ujik cuts into the conversation. My mouth kinda drops before I bite my lip. A little hurt.

"You okay, Canton?" Dukem asks quickly noticing my expression.

"Yeah, I kind of already knew. It was too good to be true." I admit, hurt, but put a smile on my face, "But I'm here with you guys. And..we're all in this together so...that's all I need."

"Alright Suzuki. Times up." The guard announces making Ujik tense up and stare up at Suzuki.

"But...." Ujik starts, my eyes widen. Is this is it? Is this what hurts him? Then he looks down at the floor, "Just go."


When Suzuki is gone we all sit down on the floor bed of the cell. A.k.a. Ujik's bed. We sit cross legged and stare at the floor. Dukem rocks back and forth humming some weird ass tune. Yep, I'm in a horror movie now. All we need is for Dukey to start crawling on the ceiling now. Then yep. All is complete. I peek at Ujik who is twirling his finger in a circle of sand near his legs. Looking like he could break down any minute. I smile. Finally realizing how precious Suzuki is to him. Then sigh.

"So...are you okay, Ujik?" I break our cells silence. Ujik peers over to me.

"Like I feel shit anymore." Ujik states, quietly. I huff.

Change of topic? I look at my jumpsuit and at Ujik and Dukem's which are red and blue while mine is yellow. Like I'm a fucking ray of sunshine. I stare for a while listening to the yells of other prisoners. Seeing Dukem pull celery out of nowhere and chomp down on it.

"So why the array of colours?" I finally ask, I need to fucking know.

"Well yellow means basically harmless. Blue means risky. Red, well, red means they are most likely to kill someone in the shower just for looking at them. Or just for breathing. That answer your question?" Dukem finishes and I nod.

So I'm harmless?

That's just sad!


What do you guys think of Kindermin and the Fire Princes little affair? Don't worry the creature Canton is supposed to be with wasn't him. Just to make you mad or happy. Whatever works, eh?

Thanks for the reads and votes.


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