《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter Four: Some Cray Cray People!


"Wear this." Dukem demands throwing a similar black suit at me. I flinch and it hits me on the face.

"Ouch." I whine.

"I said catch." Dukem teases, Kindermin smiles at me. I feel my cheeks flush red in embarrassment.

"Canton, dress." Kindermin says as he gets up and walks out of the room. I stare awkwardly at Dukem.

"What?" He asks, slipping his shirt off. Then he rolls his eyes. "I already have someone to goggle at me with their eyes. Don't stare at me!"

"Who is that?" I ask, standing. The room around us only has a small cot in the middle of the room. I pull Kindermin's shirt up and off of me. Then I quickly slide into the tight black one piece. Dukem removes his mask and I see silver hair fall out of the toque. His hair falls on his head like a mess and he just smiles. I look away.

"Someone my dad doesn't approve of. Eh, it's just to piss him off." Dukem answers with a shrug.

"Where is this someone?"

"Where are we going?" Dukem hisses at me with an evil chuckle.

"Atlantis?" I say, but really question myself as I do so.

"Canton look nice." Kindermin compliments from behind me. I face him and feel my face heat up. Kindermin's eyes gaze up and down me. I rub my arm.

"Thanks, Kindermin. You're very sweet." I gush, blushing furiously.

Yep, I'm definitely attracted to him. Even though we just met yesterday. I already wanna hang off him like a school girl. Dukem. Walks past me in a purple kimono. I stare at him. Wow. Dukem's....pretty? He has the left side of his bangs pointing up in a ponytail on top of his head and the rest of his silver bangs hanging close above his right eye. He glares at me as he brushes past me. He nudges Kindermin and points to a straw sack on the ground with a string circling around it.

"Bring that, big guy. It's healing powders and my weapons." He commands then glares back at me and bites his lip. "And stop eye raping Kindermin already!"


"What?!" I shout as my mouth drops. Dukem snickers and walks out the door.

Sliding it closed. Kindermin smiles at me as I stare down at my feet. Realizing that this whole time Kindermin has been shirtless. Damn, he's just too hot not to eye rape! Kindermin chuckles and brushes past me to retrieve the bag. I follow and grab his shirt on the ground. Wiping off the dirt from this morning. I hold my hands out to him. Grasping his shirt tightly. He looks at me, confused.

"Canton not like my gift?" Kindermin asks with hurt in his voice. My eyes pop out of my head.

"This..is for me? You mean it's mine? I can keep it?" I start to babble holding the shirt tightly to my chest.

"Yes." Kindermin says, happily.

"It's mine." I whisper, staring down at the ground. Smiling like the Joker. Kindermin chuckles and walks past me. Again, like a puppy, I follow behind him. "Wait, Kindermin...what about your clothes?"

"Urian make me new clothes." Is all he says.

I just nod and follow him down the hall. Down to the lounging area where Urian and Dukem sit having tea. Dukem smiles at Kindermin. Urian stands up and scampers away to his bedroom. Kindermin's clothes. He comes out holding a black suit with metal across the chest and back. Metal kneepads and metal shoulder pads. I stare at it. Urian made that? How?

"Like it? I sent Skanta fetching. She did very well. The metal is steel plating commonly used upon the Ice clans superior soldiers armour. You should be able to resist heat with it." Urian says, happily.

I feel something wet against the side if my face. I turn my head and jump back into Kindermin. A beast that looks like a huge black, blue, red, and orange lion with two heads looks at me. It's tail half fire and water. A circle of rocks spins around its left head like a halo and the right one has an ice circle filling the first. The beasts heads eyes are a beautiful yellow that glimmer in the darkest of places. Dukem laughs and hugs the big beast around its neck. He hugs it tight. The beast lowers it's left head and nudges my hand. My hand is grabbed by a bigger hand and slowly it puts my hand on its head. The fur brushes against my skin softly. I smile as the beast starts to purr like a kitten.


The big hand lets go of mine and I fall back onto my elbows as Kindermin gets up and walks away. I stare at the clothes in his hands. Then calm down. He's just getting changed. I sit up and chuckle as Skanta rubs her face against mine. So soft.

"Skanta is a very loving girl. Not like most Skanta's. Skanta's are a very hostile animal towards humans. It takes a great owner for a Skanta to really trust and stay with that person. Dukem is a very strong boy. He nursed Skanta back to health without my permission when he was younger. Till this day, I cannot thank her enough for all she does for us." Urian explains, with a smile frozen on his face. Dukem was strong and worthy enough. Am I?

"Could I have one?" I ask, tilting my head sideways.

"You can't have. You need to be chosen." Dukem says, taking a bite of a cracker.

"What if I am?" I ask myself.

"Then I guess there is hope for the future in Enda, huh? If you got one you could never return to earth without the creature growing lonely and dying. It needs attention and love from the chosen one." Urian adds to Dukem's information. I nod and look at Skanta. A little upset.

"Hey!" Dukem shouts as Urian claps his hands. I turn and see Kindermin in his new clothes and suddenly don't feel so upset.

"Very handsome." Urian says, causing Kindermin to glance at me quickly. Almost wanting me to add to that. I don't. He runs his hand across the metal plate on his chest.

"Nice. Very nice. Thank you." Kindermin says, smiling wide. Urian shrugs.

"Thank our girl Skanta. She found it all. Especially for a big guy like yourself. Enjoy it." Urian informs, Kindermin pets Skanta and gives her a small kiss on the head. I almost feel jealous. Kindermin looks at me and sits far away from me. I frown. What?

"Dad, we should head out after some tea. We should be there by morning then." Dukem suggests, Urian nods.

"Very well." He says quickly. "We'll have tea now. So you guys can get a head start. Come closer, Canton."

"No, I'm fine." I respond, shaking my head. "You guys go ahead."

Dukem gives me a dirty look. Kindermin frowns at me. Urian just nods and looks away from me. I shrink into nothing. I get up and walk out the door. I'll just wait. Skanta follows me out the door. I sit on the cement step. My heart feeling heavy. Do my parents notice that I'm gone? Does anyone notice? I stare up at the Island in the sky lost in thought. Skanta nudges me. I glance at her and smile.

"I'm okay. Don't worry about me, girl. I always have to be fine." I say to her, remembering that when I was at home my parents would have no time for me. So I basically grew up living my own life and having to pretend like everything was just dandy. It wasn't. I sigh. "I want an animal like you, Skanta. It would take care of me, right? I want to love somebody special and have a cool animal like you to keep me safe and fed. I want...a lot of things that are virtually impossible. Especially here. So I get a Skanta and a guy. I would name my Skanta Spyro and I would have a guy named....Kindermin...." I trail off, realizing how much I really liked him.

Is this love at first sight?

Or am I going crazy?


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