《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter Three: Enda's Tragic Past


Something sticky and wet touches my leg. I lunge up in my sleep and hop to my feet. A huge leopard skinned snake slithers up and over Kindermin leaving him in his sleep. He simply mumbles a short 'away, go away' in his sleep and turns to face me. His eyes closed and his hand moving around my empty spot. Then he peeks through one open eye up at me. Tapping the spot beside him.

"Canton, Sleep." His husky voice commands.

I shake my head and look around us. The suns shining brightly. Twirling around each other like in a child's music box where the ballerina is being twirled around the guy, like that. It's so calming. I jump. A huge spiral of color in an eye is suddenly right beside me. I reach my shaking hand out. Then flinch as the eyes start to flap. Are these wings? I squint my eyes. Watching the huge butterfly fly away from me. So amazing. I screech as I'm flung back into Kindermin's stomach. He holds me tight and I struggle.

"Kindermin, let go." I demand, getting squished to death.

"Please, Canton, Sleep." Kindermin pleas. I sigh and let myself become limp in his arms.

"Will you show me the Island?" I ask, staring up at the huge clump of rock and grass high above with the clouds. The animals around us sing and play. Making me remember that this forest is their home and we're just guests in it. Kindermin tenses up and his stomach becomes hard. I look at him. Those once frightening eyes looking sleepily at me.

"Can't." Kindermin finally responds. I just nod.

"Okay, I get it. Can't go to the Island because we can't fly." I say, mocking Kindermin's deep husky voice.

"The Island bad place." Kindermin replies, making me look at him.


"Kindermin...bad." He says looking away from my gaze.

"No, Kindermin's good...to me. And only me." I say, truly wanting him to at least smile or smirk something. He just frowns more.

"Kindermin...likes Canton. Canton..beautiful. Kindermin...not." I frown after he says that. Then brush my hand against the hole in his cheek.

"What happened here?" I ask, changing the subject. Kindermin grasps my hand gently and pushes me away softly.

"Family hate Kindermin. Kindermin exiled from Island. Kindermin framed by Oralile." He explains, I nod.

"Who's Oralile?"

"Fire Prince." Kindermin replies, blinking his eyes as the sun blinds him. I smile down at him.

"What did the Prince do?" I ask, concerned. Kindermin sighs.

"Raped, murdered, a girl on Island. I took blame. Family hurt me. Made me this way. Bad person....I am." Kindermin says, I stare at him. Anger pulsing through my veins. I glare up at the Island.

"That Prince sounds like a conniving little bitch!" I hiss, angry.


"Oralile, very bad, bad leader, bad person, monster." Kindermin says, looking around at the critters.

"Is he the only Prince?" I ask, sitting down on the ground and crossing my legs putting my hands on the dirt in the middle of my legs.

"Oralile? No. Demise, Ice Prince. Oralile, Fire Prince." Kindermin answers, I play with the sand I'm sitting on.

"So 2 Princes? Why do you need 2?"

"Keep order. Enda needs order. If no order then Enda will die from war and famine. Islandmins will plummet to earth when the Island loses it's people." Kindermin finishes, I smile. He must be getting used to me. He's saying more.

"So are Islandmins what you are?" I ask, intrigued, He nods. "How did Islandmins get their powers? Does everyone have them?"

" Yes, One's that can handle the elements." Kindermin informs me. I nod my head.

"So that means you are very strong then? You use all the elements." I ask and point out. Kindermin just shakes his head.

"Not air. No one to teach it." He says, I cock my head sideways and stare at him.

"No one to teach the air element? Where are the teachers?"


"How? What happened to them?" I ask, scrunching my eyebrows together.

"Fire and Ice clashed. Air was thrown out of the way and the earth clan retreated to an underground city known as Aerola. Eventually the air clan disappeared leaving the Islandmin's in a trance knowing that they will no longer have the air power to get them up to the island, their home." A masculine voice explains as a man with a metal mask that covers his mouth and cheeks only leaving enough to see his eyes and forehead emerges from the crowds of trees behind Kindermin. Kindermin sits up and he smiles at the masked man.

"Dukem, back." Kindermin says happily like a child. The man know known as Dukem nods.

"If you need to learn more on Enda I can take you to see my father. He's old so he'll know." Dukem says, fixing the tight black toque that covers his whole head only leaving the small part of his forehead for others to see.

Dukem is dressed in black perfectly tight yet loose clothes that on Earth would be something a ninja would wear. The only two thing's that really define Dukem is his bright green eyes and the huge blade hanging in a sack on his back. Kindermin stands up and lifts me by my arms to my feet. He smiles at Dukem.

"Canton. Dukem my friend. Saved Kindermin from dying after Kindermin was exiled from island." He says in his husky voice. I nod, glancing at Dukem.

"Was Kindermin hurt really bad?"

"With a plummet from the Island you would be too. My father and I were gathering flowers for healing powders when this big guy came falling into the open field we were in. He was so heavy that my Skanta was having a hard time carrying him back to the house." Dukem says, before looking at Kindermin. "Which reminds me. Kindermin, my father wants to keep his eyes on you. So please follow me back home."


"Okay, sorry, Dukem." Kindermin walks ahead of me before grabbing my arm. "Canton, come."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Kindermin, don't you leave my sight again. It is dangerous. Especially for someone to see you. Remember they think that you are dead." An older man with long silver hair that goes down to his butt in a braid says, causing Kindermin to look down at his feet. The older man wears an old white kimono that emphasizes his dark yellow pupils. This old guy is Dukem's dad?

"Kindermin saved a human from Earth while he was alone from dying in the purifier." Dukem informs his dad. I blush following Kindermin's actions looking down at my feet, embarrassed.

"Human from Earth?" The older man asks, his gaze looking through me.

"Yeah, I was just taken to a mental institute on Bosworth. I fell into an old sewer and was flushed away...here in Enda. Kindermin took care of me. Even going as far as creating a bathing bowl for me. Kindermin really has a kind soul. Why would they want to hurt him?" I ask after explaining to the older man. He nods and his eyes trace Kindermin's face. He sighs.

"On the Island the Fire Prince is someone that the Islandmin's look at as a King. Oralile goes there to feel superior. The Ice Prince well that's another story." The older man says, I stare at him. Scrunching my brows together. "I am Urian. Dukem's father."

"Oh, no. I wasn't giving you a dirty look. I was just...well tell me what you know about Enda. I want to know what I'm going to be living through here. So please, Urian, tell me." I plea, Dukem sighs and taps Kindermin on the shoulder.

"Come on, big guy. This is gonna take a while. Canton will be safe with my dad. Let's go to the powder room and melt up some mint." Dukem says, Kindermin nods and follows stopping once to look back at me. I send him a small smile. Then he turns and leaves with Dukem.

"Sit down, child." Urian commands and I do as I'm told sitting down with my legs crossed. Waiting like a child for their parents to tell them a story.

"This is going to take a while, isn't it?"

"Smart kid. Yes, it is." Urian responds before sitting down also, "Enda came to be in the early 1500's below Earth. That was the beginning of the Air, Earth, Ice, and Fire Clans. Sadly, the Water clan had been subbed as an enemy of the fire clan. They were to be wiped out. Each clan had a specific group of people put together to create a union of Clans. Or on Earth a small army. The clan went after the Water clan like savage beasts. Not allowing one to get away. The Water clan was wiped out in the early 1700's all over Enda. During the 1800's water started to become scarce. The Ice clan depended upon it for their way of life. The Earth clan suddenly started to disappear and reappear as monstrosities. Experiments of the remaining Water clan. All clans and people were terrified. The Water clan had created a secret Atlantis in the old swamps, now known as the purifiers location. The Water clans location nowadays is unknown. The Atlantis is destroyed in the 1900's. Fire and Ice start to have disagreements. Then the 1500 years war starts. Till this day it is still in effect. In the 1920's a small rock starts to float up close to the clouds. The Island. The chunk of rock starts to bloom and a new class of people emerge. The Islandmins. All clans say that this is the work of the Water clan's former success with their experiments as each Islandmin is born with the power of Water already in tact. In them was the successful experiment of learning and possessing new elements. Now, today, the Earth clan has retreated into the underground city Aerola. Aerola's location is only known by the Islandmin. They will not expose the Earth clans whereabouts no matter what. The Water clan is still hidden below the water. Fire and Ice are still at war. The Air clan was killed out in the 1920's by the Fire clan due to aiding the Ice clan. I know this because I was a witness to it and I am a lost remnant of the Water clan. My clan found a way to get to Earth."

"Really?" I ask, jumping in my spot.

"That is how they got Dukem for me. He was a baby. Only 4 months old when they had taken him. I was to be his father."

"Does Dukem know this?" I ask, concerned. Dukem was kidnapped.

"All too well. He commonly used you're not my real father many times when he was younger. You humans...are very capable of possessing the power of the elements. Humans are very interesting. Which is why I have no problem telling you that the Water clan will be waiting in Atlantis for your arrival. You were chosen. Not taken." Urian informs me. I stare at him, dumbfounded.

So I'm the chosen one? Like in a game? Can I save Enda?

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