《Larry One-Shots and Sickfics》Harry - Panic Attack



Louis' POV:

We have a ton of work to do today. First there's a photoshoot at 8:00 AM, then there's a signing at 11:00 AM. After that we get an hour break for lunch. Once lunch is over we have to get right back to work with another photoshoot at 12:30 PM. An then, finally, we have a sound check at 4:00 PM before our concert at 7:00 PM.

Normally this kind of a workload would be no problem but Harry's been having a lot of stress related anxiety lately. He hasn't had any kind of an anxiety attack yet but I'm afraid with all of the pressure on us today, he just might.

He'd been complaining about shortness of breath and chest pains for a week or so but management wouldn't let me take him to see a doctor because our schedule was so hectic. His symptoms could've been caused by a heart condition but thankfully once I finally got him to a doctor, he was diagnosed with mild anxiety. The doctor didn't want to put him on any kind of prescription medication yet since Harry's symptoms were most likely caused by stress. He recommended chamomile tea, though, as a natural way to calm Harry down when he started to experience any kind of anxiety related symptoms. Obviously, Harry was all for this idea since it was all natural and that boy will literally eat anything "healthy" even if it tastes like liquid garbage. The tea's been helping for the most part but just in case, the doctor taught Harry some breathing techniques in case he ever begins hyperventilating or has a full-blown panic attack.

I roll over in bed and check the time. 5:50 AM. I'm up ten minutes before the alarm. This has been happening a lot lately with everything that's been happening and the insane amount of work management's been giving to us. I've had to go on a "date" with Danielle almost every night for almost a month now. This honestly feels like it's never going to end. Needless to say, Harry hasn't been taking my constant stunting very well.

"Harry?" He rolls over to face me.

"Yeah, Lou?" He replies.

"You didn't sleep much at all last night, did you?" I say. His eyes are almost bloodshot, like he hasn't slept in days.

"Nope." He admits.

"Babe you should really try to get some sleep, I don't want you passing out on me."

"Lou, I'm fine, honestly. Besides I can't go to sleep now, we've got way too much to do today." He says.

I kiss him on the forehead and get out of bed. "We'd better get going then." I state, walking towards the bathroom.

I walk out of the bathroom and see Harry lying in bed with this arms folded behind his head, staring up at the ceiling.

"What're you thinking about, babe?" I ask.

He turns his head and stares blankly at me. "Nothing really." He states before turning his attention back to the ceiling.

I sigh and walk towards him until I'm standing at the foot of the bed. "Alright, Haz, but you have to talk to me if something's bothering you. It's not good to keep this shit bottled up." He just continues staring up at nothing. I rest my hand on his leg. "Harry? Are you hearing any of this?" I ask.

"Yeah, Lou. Don't worry about me." He says. I huff at that. Yeah, right, as if I could ever not worry about him.


I shake his leg to try and pull him out of his trance. "C'mon get out of bed, I'll whip us up some tea." He doesn't even attempt to get up.

"Alright, babe, you're forcing my hand here." I say, walking closer to where he's lying on the bed. I wait a second for him to protest but when he doesn't, I reach out and tickle him. He giggles and squirms but I continue.

"Okay, okay, Lou... I'll get up... Ju-just stop." He says between spurts of laughter. I stop and grab his hands, pulling him up out of bed.

He stands up and slowly walks towards the bathroom. I know what'll speed him up. I lightly wack him on the bum, gaining a gasp from him. He speeds up and looks at me with an eyebrow raised. I smile at his confusion and walk towards the kitchen.


In the car, on the way to the photoshoot location, we sit in silence. Well, except for Harry's incessant fidgeting. He's tapping his fingers on the car door. He only does that when he's nervous, he doesn't even know he's doing it. I'm about to ask him what's bothering him but just then my phone rings. I connect it to the bluetooth in the car and pick up.

"Hey, mate." I say.

"Louis, hey. Management called." Liam's voice echoes through the car.

"And, what do they want?" I ask, annoyed.

"They're just letting us know that the photoshoot location got leaked and it's too late to switch locations."

"Oh, god." I say.

"Yeah, mate. There's swarms of fans and paps outside the location. You and Harry, better stay close. Uh, but not too close obviously." He says solemnly. I roll my eyes and hear Harry quietly groan.

"Alright, Li, thanks for the heads up."

"Yeah, mate, no problem. See ya, when you get here." He says.

"Yup, bye." I hang up.

At some point during the phone call, Harry's tapping got louder. Something Liam said must have added to his uneasiness.

"Babe, what's got you so riled up?" I ask, holding his hand once we reach the red light.

"I really don't want to face a big crowd right now, Lou." He says, so quietly that I barely hear him. He must be really worked up about this.

"I'll be right there with you, Haz." I try to comfort him.

"Yeah, but you won't be able to hold my hand." He states, wistfully.

I have no idea how to respond to that. I know he'd feel so much better if I could just hold his hand while walking through the swarm of fans but I can't and there's nothing I can do about it.

I give his hand a reassuring squeeze and put my hand back on the steering wheel as the light turns green.

"Don't worry too much about it, love. I might not be able to hold your hand but I'll still be there to protect you." I assure.

He just nods and resumes his tapping.


Once we get to the studio, we see thousands of fans spread out through the parking lot. I decide to park in the neighbouring parking lot so that we don't get mobbed before we're even out of the car.

I park the car and look over to Harry to see how he's doing. He looks like he's seen a ghost, his skin is the palest I've ever seen it. I reach out and squeeze his hand. He looks over to me, eyes wild and afraid.


"Lou, I don't think I can do this." He says.

"It's alright, Haz. I'll be there, with you, every step of the way." I reassure. I give him a minute to collect himself.

"You ready to go, babe?" I ask. He nods and takes a deep breath.

Suddenly, I hear my phone go off. It's a text from Niall.

: Hey lad...where are ya?

: Parking lot, bout to come in...why ?

: Apparently there's too many fans for you and Harry to be brought in together. You guys are gonna have to come in separately.

: Oh fuck no. I am not letting Harry go through that crowd by himself ! He has fucking anxiety !

: Mate... I know. Management isn't going for that though. Sorry Lou.

: Get them to send Preston and Alberto then because I'm not letting Harry go unprotected.

: Location sent

I wait for Niall to reply, becoming more and more worried about Harry by the second.

: Alright, they're on their way.

: Thanks mate.

: No problem.

I know Harry's been watching me this entire time. I look up to see his eyebrows furrowed, waiting for me to fill him in on what's happening.

"That was um... Niall, apparently management isn't too keen on us being seen walking in together." I say, dreading Harry's reaction.

"What do you mean? Do they expect us to walk in by ourselves? Through th-that mob?" I can practically hear his heart beating a mile a minute.

"Not entirely alone. Alberto and Preston are coming. They'll make sure we make it into the studio in one piece."

"I guess that's alright." He states. I know he's not completely satisfied though, the colour hasn't returned to his face yet.

We sit silently in the car for a few minutes, waiting. I haven't let go of Harry's hand, my grip tightening every time his breathing starts to accelerate.

Finally, we see Alberto and Preston crossing the parking lot and coming towards our car. Preston knocks on Harry's window and waves for us to come out of the car.

I let go of Harry's hand and we exit the car.

"Alright, lads. Now, we've been instructed to take both of you into the studio through different entrances." Preston says.

"So Louis, I'll take you into the studio through the north entrance." Alberto turns to me and says. "And, Preston will take you in though the east entrance." Alberto continues, now facing Harry. "Those two entrances have the smallest group of fans." Harry and I nod even though neither one of us is comfortable with the plan.

I follow Preston towards the North entrance and turn my head to look at Harry. He smiles at me but it seems a bit forced. I hope he feels safer now that Alberto is there to protect him. I should be with him too, I don't know what I would do if anything happened to him.

I smile back and continue to follow Preston.

Harry's POV:

I head in the direction that Alberto is taking me. I know I should feel safer now that I have a body guard here to protect me but still something about the crowd of fans, up ahead, is making me uneasy.

As we get closer and closer to the crowd, the screams get louder and louder.

"HARRY!! HARRY!! HARRY," is all I hear.

I grab Alberto's arm.

"Yeah, Harry?" He says.

"Is there another way into the building? One where we don't have to go through the crowd?" I ask, hopeful.

"I'm sorry, Harry, there isn't but don't worry about the crowd. I'm here to keep you safe."

I nod and continue following him.


All the questions blur together and create what feels like a never ending buzz around me. I can't tell who's talking when. Arms are grabbing at me, left and right, pulling at the sleeves of my shirt.

One fan pulls at my arm so hard it knocks me off balance. I sway for a second and try to steady myself.

"Guys! Give him some place!" I hear Alberto yell before he grabs my arm and starts walking faster towards the studio entrance.

Suddenly, a fan lunges at me, almost tackling me. My heart must me going a million beats a minute as my head starts to swim.

"HARRY OH MY GOD!" I hear the fan yell.

I can feel my chest getting tighter and tighter as it becomes harder to breathe.

"I-I c-c-can't b-breathe." I struggle to get the sentence out.

"Harry! Are you okay!?" The fan yells.

I fall to my knees, not being able to support my weight. The pressure in my chest grows as my breaths get shallower and shallower.

Alberto tears through the crowd until he gets to me. He throws me over his shoulder and walks as quickly as possible to the entrance.

"I've got you, Harry. Try to calm down."

I just go limp in his arms, my muscles not being able to move from the lack of oxygen.

My head become heavy on my shoulders as I try to keep from blacking out. Everything is spinning and my thoughts are cloudy like there's this fog keeping me from thinking clearly.

I vaguely register arriving at the entrance and Alberto yelling for someone to get me a chair.

I feel myself being set down, all of a sudden, and hear someone running towards me. "HARRY! Baby, are you alright!?"

Louis' POV:

"HARRY! Baby, are you alright!?" I yell, running towards him. I was just coming into the studio when I saw Alberto running in, looking panicked with a disoriented Harry slung over his shoulder.

I get to him and see him struggling to sit up. His breaths are coming out quick and shallow." Shit. Shit. shit! He's having a panic attack!

"Someone call an ambulance! Can't you see he can't breathe!?" I yell to anyone who'll listen.

I rub Harry's back to try and comfort him. "I'm here, baby. You're alright. Okay? I've got you. Just hang on." His body goes limp and his eyes begin to flutter. I hold onto his head and gently try to get his attention by tapping his cheek.

"Harry! Harry, look at me." I say, continuing to tap his cheek.

He opens his eyes and looks at me. His eyes are glassy and full of panic.

"Harry, baby, try to take deep breaths, okay? I'm here. I won't let anyone hurt you. Please just try to calm down. You're safe."

He takes a deep breathe and I continue rubbing his back.

"There ya go, love. Just like that, keep breathing. You're gonna be okay."

Harry's POV:

"You're gonna be okay." I hear Louis say. I register his ocean blue eyes staring into mine. I instantly feel safer with him beside me. I try to take a deep breath. And then another, and another. I feel myself calming down as my heart rate goes down and my breathing steadies.

"L-Lou." I say.

"Yeah, Haz?" He says, smiling when he sees that I'm breathing a bit better.

"I r-really don't l-like crowds."

Louis laughs and wraps his arms around me. "I know, Haz. I know."

"I-I'm sorry." I say into his shoulder.

He pulls away and looks at me. "Harry, you have nothing to be sorry for."

"B-but I- we were on schedule and I ruined it." I say, my voice wavering.

Louis sighs. "Baby, you are more important than this stupid schedule. We've been so busy and overworked lately. This was bound to happen. I'm sorry I wasn't there to hold your hand. This never wouldn't happened, had I been there."

"Don't blame yourself either, Lou." I say and Louis resumes our hug. He nuzzles into my neck and whispers "I love you."

"I love you too, Lou"


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