《Larry One-Shots and Sickfics》Harry - Asthma


Harry's POV:

I wake up and take a deep breath. I've got a bit of a stuffy nose. I really hate allergy season. I know it has to be allergies because I always get a slight headache when I have a cold. No headache today.

I roll over onto my side and take another breath. I don't know why but rolling onto my side usually helps me breathe better. I try to take another breath but it just comes out shaky and laboured. My chest feels kind of tight, I need to tell Louis.

I roll back over and gently shake Louis.

"Harry... What's wrong?" He grumbles, half asleep.

"I- I can't really breathe." I say, rubbing my chest, trying to relieve some of the pressure.

"Woah, okay. Stay calm. I'll grab your inhaler." He says, quickly standing up and running into the bathroom.

He runs back into the room and hands me a small blue inhaler.

"Here." He says.

I take two puffs and feel my airways open up. I take a deep breath, relieved that that didn't turn into a full blown asthma attack.

"You alright now, love?" Louis asks.

"Yeah, I'm good now." I say.

"What time is it?"

Louis turns and grabs his phone from the side table next to our bed.

"6:04" He says.

"No use going back to sleep then." I say.

"None." He states, laughing lightly.

He kisses me on the forehead and heads back into the bathroom.


"What do we have to do today?" Louis asks on the phone with Liam. "Mhmm.. Alright. Thanks mate." He says.

"So?" I ask once he's hung up.

"Well, our photo shoot got canceled. But we still have that rehearsal to do." He states.


"Isn't that outside?" I ask.

"Yeah, it is. Are you okay with that? I know it's allergy season and you know with what happened earlier... You don't have to come if you're not up for it. The lads will understand." He responds.

"No it's alright. I'll just grab some allergy medicine. I'll be fine." I say.

"Are you sure, Haz?"

He asks, concern evident on his face.

"Yeah, Lou, don't worry." I say, grabbing his hand.

"Alright if you're sure." Louis replies.

I stand up and walk over to the cupboard above our fridge. My allergies don't really act up too often so we keep the allergy meds there. I open the cupboard and look for the pills.

Once I find them, I down two of the pills with a glass of water.


We head to the rehearsal location and I park the car.

My nose still feels kind of blocked but I can breathe through my mouth.

We walk towards the stage and meet the other boys.

"Lads! You're here." I hear Niall yell from the other side of the stage.

"Yea mate! How are ya?" Louis yells back.

We've had the week off and haven't really seen the rest of the boys for a few days. That isn't a very long time but after being with people almost every minute of every day, for over five years, you get attached.

I step onto stage and am

greeted by a mic stand.

"Here ya go." Liam says, handing me the mic stand.

"Thanks." I say, taking it from him and walking further to the center of the stage.

We do our vocal warm ups and then go straight into rehearsing the set list. We start with Girl Almighty since it's an up beat song. Liam begins singing and I sing my part after.


"She floats through the room on a big balloon. Some say, 'shes just a fake,' that her love is made up. No n-" I feel a sneeze come on and I hold my breath to try and suppress it. Suffice to say, the rest of my solo comes out sounding strange.

Louis walks up to me, eyebrows furrowed. "Uh, Haz, what was that? Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, yeah, fine. Just didn't want to sneeze is all." I respond, still trying to hold in that sneeze.

"Just let it out, love. You really shouldn't hold them in." He says.

I try to respond but get hit by a sneezing fit.

"Ah-choooo. AH-CHOOO..." Sneeze after sneeze after sneeze. I try to catch my breath but can't because the sneezes just keep coming. Niall stops in the middle of his solo and turns around to look at me.

"Get it together mate." He says, looking slightly annoyed at me for interrupting his solo.

"I- ach-ooooo." I try to apologize but the sneezes just wont stop. I double over from not being able to breathe properly.

"Lay off Niall!" Louis yells. Then runs his hand up and down my back, trying to calm me down. "Harry, love, are you alright?"

The sneezes stop and I try to take a breath but it just comes out jagged. The pressure in my chest grows and I collapse onto my side.

"Harry!" Louis screams.

"Ne-eed i-i-nhaler." I manage to get out.

"Niall! Go get Harry's inhaler! It's in the glove department of our car!" Louis yells frantically.

Niall nods and runs off the stage, towards our car. Louis kneels down beside me and holds my hand.

"You're going to be alright. Just hang on. Niall's getting your inhaler." He says, trying to comfort me.

My vision goes blurry and I start seeing black spots. Before everything goes black, I feel Louis squeeze my hand. "Harry! Stay with me!" I hear him yell.

Louis' POV:

I see Harry's eyelids begin to flutter. I squeeze his hand in an attempt to snap him out of it but I get no response. "Harry! Stay with me!" I yell, trying to wake him up. Nothing.

Suddenly I see Niall running back onto stage with Harry's inhaler. He hands it to me and I immediately press it to Harry's lifeless lips.

Two puffs. No response. Another two puffs. Still no response.

I give him another puff and his eyes begin to flutter open. "Breathe for me, Love. There ya go." I say as he opens his eyes.

I put an arm around him and help him sit up. He gives me his signature dopey, dimpled smile. I instinctively wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"Lou, you're shaking." He states.

"That was freaking terrifying, you big dope. I'm never going anywhere without your inhaler, in my pocket, ever again." I say as he hugs me impossibly tighter.

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