《Larry One-Shots and Sickfics》Harry - Cold Part III


*Skip to car ride*

Harry's POV:

I rest my head up against the car window. The cool glass feels amazing on my fevered skin. My eyes are closed but I can practically feel Louis' eyes on me. I feel him reach out and squeeze my arm. He keeps it there, occasionally squeezing. Having Louis with me is the best feeling in the world, just knowing he's there makes everything better. He knows that. That's probably why he won't move his hand back to the steering wheel.

I groan as I feel a headache start to form behind my eyes.

"Harry, we'll be at the studio in a few minutes. Just hang in there, alright?" he says reassuringly.

I nod weakly, not sure if I moved at all but I guess Louis saw it because he doesn't say anything else until the car stops.

I feel the car slowly come to a halt and hear Louis unbuckle his seat belt. I can't seem to find the energy to do the same or even open my eyes for that matter. Louis opens his door and walks around the car to mine, opening it. He unbuckles my seat belt and I feel him put an arm around my waist, helping me out of the car. We walk like that until we get to the studio entrance.

"Harry, I really hate that you had to come here. You can barely walk. I'm so sorry" he says once we enter the studio.

"It's okay Lou, it's not your fault" I say.

I see Liam walking towards us.

"You two are late" he says almost annoyed. "Woah, Harry, are you alright?" he says just now noticing the state I'm in. I try to respond but I can't seem to summon the energy to speak.

"He's not really feeling that well" Louis says for me. "That's kind of why we're late, Liam, so lay off".

"Sorry mate. Why'd you come in if Harry was ill?" Liam asks.

"Management said we had to. Those shits just won't give us break. Harry can barely walk, how can they expect him to be here, for hours, and record?" Louis says.


Liam looks at me sympathetically. "Harry, do you need anything?" he asks.

"Would love to sit down" I say, finally finding a bit of energy.

"Right yeah, sorry. What are we doing just standing here?" Liam says.

Liam walks to the other side of me and puts an arm around my waist for support. Both Liam and Louis help me walk to the couch outside of the recording booth.

I lie down and instantly feel better.

I feel the pain in my ear come back. Its gone from a dull ache that was barely noticeable to sharp pains that feel like I'm being stabbed. I can't do this, I shouldn't be here.

"Ughh" I groan.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Louis says walking over and sitting beside me on the couch.

"My ear is killing me" I groan again.

"Aww, love I know. Let me go get you some more Advil" he says getting up from the couch and walking away.

I lie there with my eyes closed and before I can stop it, I fall asleep.

Louis' POV:

I get up from the couch and walk over to my bag, grabbing the bottle of Advil I brought with me, just in case.

Liam walks up to me and looks at the Advil in my hand.

"For the pills" he says handing me a bottle of water.

"Thanks Mate" I say, taking the bottle from his hand.

"How is he?" Liam asks.

"Terrible. I'm sure he has a really high fever and his ear is really bothering him"

"Poor lad" Liam says.

"Yeah. Anyway, where's Niall?" I ask.

"Oh, he's in the booth right now. Been in there a while actually" he says looking over at the booth. "It should be one of our turns soon."

"Really hope Harry's not next" I say turning to see my boyfriend asleep on the couch. "He really shouldn't be here". I walk over to him and put my hand on his forehead. It feels like it's on fire. Dammit, his fever's really high.

"Liam I don't know what to do. His fevers really high. He shouldn't be here. He's not okay Liam. He's not okay. I can't. I don't-"


Liam grabs my shoulders. "Louis calm down. He's going to be okay" he says taking off his sweater. "I'll go run this under cold water and we can put it on his forehead to reduce the fever". He gives my shoulders one last squeeze and starts walking towards the bathrooms.

I just sit beside Harry and play with his hair. He normally looks so peaceful and adorable while he's sleeping but right now he just looks like he's in pain. All I want is to make his pain go away.

Liam's taking a while. He should be back by now. I should probably go check on him.

I stand up and walk to the bathrooms.

Harry's POV:

I wake up alone in a room. My head is killing me, I feel my brain throbbing inside my head. Ugh, why is it so cold in here. I turn onto my side and pull my knees up to my chest in an attempt to warm up.

"Louis?" I call.

No answer.

Where did he go? He was here before I fell asleep. Weird.

"You're really taking advantage of that couch aren't ya lad" Niall says laughing and walking out of the booth.

"Huh" I say confused. What's going on, where's Louis. I was with Louis.

I sit up and look around frantically for Louis.

"Louis? Louis?" I call again, this time louder.

"Mate. Louis' not here right now, he probably went to the bathroom or something... Are you alright? You seem kind of dazed." Niall says walking up to me.

"I-I don't know where Louis is. Have you seen him? I-I swear he was here" I say, shaking.

"Harry mate calm down. I'll go find him" Niall says turning around.

"No, I-I have to find him. He's my boyfriend, I-I need him" I say standing up. As soon I stand up, a wave of dizziness washes over me.

"HARRY!" is the last thing I hear Niall say before everything goes black.

Louis' POV:

I'm halfway down the hallway when I hear a loud thud. What was that? It sounded like someone falling. Oh my god. Harry!

I run back down the hallway to where I left Harry on the couch. I get to the room outside the booth and see Niall crouched in front of someone on the ground. Niall's covering his face but I know who it is on the floor.

"Harry! Harry! Are you okay!" I yell, running over to him. "Niall what happened? Why won't he wake up?! Niall!" I'm practically screaming at this point.

"I-I don't know. H-He was just lying there and then he tried to stand up. He just fell, Louis. I don't know what happened. He was trying to find you and he couldn't and he panicked, Louis. I-I-"

Liam runs in with a soaking wet sweater and crouches down beside us. "What happened?"

"Liam he won't wake up!" I scream.

"Louis, calm down. He'll be okay. Niall, help me get him back on the couch." Liam says. Niall nods and helps move Harry to the couch. Liam places his soaking wet sweater on Harry's forehead in an attempt to lower his raging fever and wake him up.

I walk up to the couch and sit beside Harry. "I'm here now baby, I'll never leave you again. Please just wake up. I need you" I say running my fingers through his hair with one hand and holding his hand with the other. Soon enough he starts to stir and his eyes flutter open.

"Louis?" he says still looking a bit dazed.

"Yeah, baby. I'm here. You're okay. Thank god you're okay" I say, tightening my grip on his hand a bit.

"I didn't know where you were" he says.

"I know baby. I'm so sorry. But don't ever scare me like that again."

"I'm sorry, Lou" he says so quietly that I barely hear him.

"It's okay, love." I say moving loose strands of sweaty hair off of his face.

"You guys should go. I'll sort it out with management." Liam says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks mate" I say to Liam.

"Cmon, Haz, let's get you home".

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