《Larry One-Shots and Sickfics》Morning Cuddles


3rd Person POV:

Harry hadn't seen Louis all day. Louis got called into the studio early in the morning to finish up his solo for one of their new songs. This didn't usually happen, normally Harry would wake up with Louis lying beside him in bed, snoring softly. Louis' chin would be resting above Harry's head and his arms would be holding Harry close to him (yes Harry is the little spoon).

Today however, Harry woke up to an empty bed and a note on his bedside table. The note read "Got called into the studio, be back home later. Love you Hazza ! :)". Harry read the note and groaned. The bed felt cold and empty without his boobear.

Harry contemplated either getting up and making breakfast or continuing to lay here, miserable without Louis. He eventually decided that there was no point in getting up since he didn't have to go into the studio today and his boyfriend wasn't currently around to keep him company.

He ended up dozing off for another few hours.

Louis' POV

I got a call this morning at 6:00 AM asking me to come into the studio. Obviously I was furious, WHO CALLS SOMEONE INTO WORK AT 6 IN THE BLOODY MORNING? I'm not much of an early riser so let's just say that I wasn't in a very good mood.

The recording was only supposed to go for an hour, maximum two but we kept having technical difficulties. Now I'm sitting in my car at 11:00 AM waiting for the light to turn green so I can get home to my boyfriend. I hope he's okay, I haven't been able to call or text him all day because I've been so busy. I know how much he hates being without me. And I hate being without him.



I open the door to our flat expecting to see Harry sprawled on the couch relaxing and enjoying his day off but instead I'm greeted by an empty living room.

"Harry?" I call out hoping to get a response from him. Nothing. This is really strange, where is he?

I walk into our bedroom to see Harry curled up in bed, asleep. He's hugging my pillow. He must've missed me more than I thought.

"Aw Hazza" I say.

"Louis? He says sleepily, slowly opening his eyes to look up at me.

"Yea love it's me, why are you still in bed?" I ask.

"I didn't feel like getting up without you. I need our morning cuddles" he states holding his arms out signalling for me to get into bed with him.

I get into bed behind him. I snuggle up close to him and put one arm around his waist and the other in front of his head while I slowly play with his curls. I put my leg over his and line my chin over his head so that he's completely engulfed and there's no space between us.

"I missed you" he says turning over so that his face is in the crook of my neck.

"I missed you too" I say as I drift off into a comfortable sleep.

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