《Larry One-Shots and Sickfics》Louis - Carsick


Louis' POV:

We had a day off today, so no concerts, interviews or photo shoots. We were in the middle of the WWA tour so it was a busy time for us and I thought that hopefully I'd have a day where I could spend some time with my husband. I know we're together everyday but we're always in the public eye and we don't get to hold hands or even look at each other.

When I woke up this morning, I had these insane stomach cramps that felt like someone was reaching into my abdomen and twisting everything around. As soon as I stood up, I was hit by nausea and dizziness that made me double over. I had stood there for a moment bent over trying to collect myself. I knew I had to get my shit together, Harry wanted to run a bunch of errands today. I had eventually gotten myself back up, and left the bunks to meet up with Harry in the kitchen area of the bus.

Harry told me yesterday that he wanted to buy a few things before the week started since we probably wouldn't have time during the busy week to come. I knew that we'd have to run those errands today and I didn't want to let Harry down.

We ended up going to a shop for some healthy protein bar shit Harry eats before working out. I knew that the car ride would probably not help the condition my stomach was in so I took a few stomach relaxers with my breakfast. Surprisingly my stomach had settled a bit and hadn't acted up for the first few errands. We'd bought all the protein bars Harry could possibly eat, we bought extra cereal, bread, milk, water bottles, the essentials. For some reason we didn't find all of those things in one store. We probably could have but Harry just got a new car and he really likes driving it around.

Now we're parked outside a dry cleaning place because Harry needs to pick up his outfit for the AMAs. He really didn't have to come himself, he could have asked anyone and they would have gladly picked it up for him. But no he had to come himself and drag me here with him. Maybe I should have told him that I wasn't feeling well.

I grunt at the thought. I don't want him babying me.

I guess he heard me because he's looking at me now.

"Louis are you feeling-"

"I'm fine, could I just wait in here while you go grab the clothes?"


"Yea sure babe, are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm just tired" I wish I was just tired. The stomach relaxers must have worn off because my stomach feels like it's about to explode.

"Alright if you're sure" and with that he leaves. I grunt with pain as a cramp moves through my stomach. I feel like I'm being stabbed over and over again with each cramp. I lay my head against the cool car window and close my eyes.


Harry's POV:

It's been ages since I walked into the dry cleaners. The line was endless and now I'm walking back to the car. I hope Lou's not pissed, he's been alone in the car for like 45 minutes.

I open the door to the car and see Louis lying against the window with his eyes closed. Is he sleeping?

"Lou, love are you awake?"


Wow I must have been gone for a while if he fell asleep. Should I wake him up? No, he said he was tired, I'll let him sleep. I might as well run a few more errands.


It's been 2 and a half hours since we left the dry cleaners and he still hasn't woken up. I'm a bit worried about him to be honest. He's been shivering this entire time and he's been sweating for the past hour. I think he might be sick and he's just not telling me.

Louis' POV:

I feel like shit. I've been awake for the past five minutes but I can't bring myself to open my eyes. I think I'm shaking and I know I'm sweating. God how long have I been asleep. I stir a bit and open my eyes.

"Hey Lou, how you feeling?" Oh no now he's onto me. Wait, why didn't he wake up?

"Why didn't you wake me up"

"You said you were tired, I thought it would be best to let you sleep"

"Alright" I sighed.

Harry takes a deep breath. "Louis, look I know your not feeling well. You've been asleep for the past few hours. At first I thought you were just tired but then you started shivering and sweating and I - I'm really worried about you. And I know that you probably don't want me worrying about you but dammit Louis I love you and you're my husband and that means that I never stop worrying about you whether you're sick or not. I just really need you to tell me, you know? I worry less when I know exactly what's going on and If I don't then I worry more. Is that what you want because I don't think it is....


Wow Harry can ramble. I was listening but now my stomach is doing flips and I can't decide what's worse the dizziness or the nausea. My head is spinning and I'm seeing spots. I feel the bile rise in my throat. No, no, no I need Harry to stop the car. I look over at him and grab his arm. His mouth is moving, what he hell, has he been talking this entire time.

Harry's POV:

... I just need you to be honest with me, Louis. I care about you and I really don't think that's a bad thing and I need you to just- " Louis grabs my arm. I look over at him and see him with an arm around his stomach and a pained look on his face.

"Lou, love whats wrong?"

He opens his eyes and looks at me. "Harry, pull over" he croaks.

"Oh god, okay" I pull over and stop the car. As soon as the car stops, Louis opens the door and hunches over.

I get out of the car and walk over to his side.

Louis' POV:

My breakfast burns its way up my throat as I gag and expel the contents of my stomach. My throat is on fire and I know my eyes are watering. I really hate being sick. I cough between gags, I hate this, I can't breathe.

I hear Harry open the door and walk over to me and feel him start rubbing circles into my back. "Lou, I know how much you hate being sick but I'm here. Breathe love, you're okay". He keeps talking until I'm done, I don't know if it was to distract me or if he knows that his voice calms me down. Either way I'm glad he did it.

I finally stop after ten minutes of non stop throwing up.

"It's okay, you're okay" Harry continues. I look up at him and he smiles. "Are you done, love?" He asks.

"Just wanna go home, Haz". I feel Harry kiss my forehead and I can't help but lean into it. I'm exhausted, I never should have agreed to leave the bus.

"Louis, you're burning up! We're a few hours away from the bus but we'll stop by a pharmacy on our way and get you some medicine. Why didn't you tell me you were feeling sick, Lou? I never would have made you come with me if I had known."

"I'm sorry, Harry"

"It's okay, let's just get you home".


Harry's POV:

Louis fell asleep in the car again. My poor baby isn't feeling well. I should have seen it, I should have noticed. "I'm sorry Lou, I'm a terrible husband, you deserve better" I whisper to myself.

"No you're not Hazza, you're the best husband anyone could hope for and I'm lucky to have you". He says sleepily with his eyes still closed.

I smile and reach out to lace our fingers together. "Rest love, we're still an hour from the bus". What would I do without my Loubear?


We're still twenty minutes away from where the bus is parked when I feel Louis squeeze my hand. I quickly pull over and rush to the other side of the car.

Louis only threw up once more during our car ride. When we finally got to the bus, he was sound asleep. I got out of the car and walked over to his side, opening the door. I picked him up bridal style and walked towards the bus. Once inside, I was greeted by Zayn, Niall and Liam.

"Look who's finally back- LOUIS?!" Zayn called out.

"Shhh he's asleep. He isn't feeling well and I didn't want to wake him" I reassured.

"Sorry mate"

"It's alright, I'm going to get Louis to bed now" I say as I begin walking towards the bunks.

I lay Louis down and press a kiss on his forehead. I should just let him rest. So I walk back towards the living room area.

Louis POV:

I feel Harry kiss my forehead. I feel like absolute shit. My stomach is doing flips and now my head is pounding. A wave of cramps move through my stomach and I can't help but let out a whimper.

I hear Harry walking towards me. "Louis are you alright, what hurts". He sits down next to me and instinctively puts his arm around me.

"My head and stomach are killing me" I nearly cry out.

"Aw Lou, I'll go get you some more medicine". He starts to walk away.

"Hazza" I croak. "Don't leave, just want you to hold me".

With that, he climbs into bed, facing me, and puts one arm around my waist. He uses the other one to massage my scalp. I move closer to him and rest my head in the crook of his neck. "I'm here Lou, you're going to be okay" is the last thing I hear him say as I drift off into a comfortable sleep.

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