《Larry One-Shots and Sickfics》Louis - Migraine


Louis' POV

I wake up to darkness. I look over at the clock to check the time and wince when I see the bright light coming from it. It's 3:45 am and I'm lying here with my head pounding. I shut my eyes and stay completely still hoping that maybe by not moving I'll somehow prevent this headache from getting any worse.

I've been lying here motionless for the past ten minutes trying to drift off into sleep. It feels like someone is pounding at my skull with a hammer. I don't know if I can take much more of this. I roll over to face Harry and wince at the sudden movement. Harry is sound asleep, without a care in the world. I want to wake him up and tell him how terrible I feel, but I can't. He just looks so peaceful, we've been working nonstop for the past couple of months, writing the album and touring. Even now after the tour is over, we still have a full schedule promoting the album. We've gotten barely any sleep these past weeks and I'm happy that at least one of us is getting some much-needed rest.

It's just a headache, I need to stop being such a baby and get over it. Maybe drinking some water will help. I slowly get out of bed trying not to wake Harry. As soon as I stand up, I get hit by a dizzy spell, black spots clouding my vision. I close my eyes and reach for the wall for support. I hear Harry roll over on the bed. Damn it, I woke him up. I stand there waiting for the dizzy spell to pass before I turn around to see Harry still sound asleep. I guess I didn't wake him up.

I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I'm still a bit dizzy but I make it to the kitchen without losing my balance again. I'm just glad we're doing promo in London right now because even though I feel miserable at the moment, at least I'm miserable in my own home.

I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and drink the whole thing. I throw out the now empty bottle and make my way back up to me and Harry's room. I lie back down on the bed. The water helped a bit, I'm not as dizzy now but my head is still killing me. After five minutes of tossing and turning I drift off into an uncomfortable sleep.


Harry's POV

I wake up and look over at the clock. It's 9:00 am. Wow I actually slept for a decent amount of time last night. I get up out of bed and look over at my beautiful fiancé. I'm not surprised to see him still sleeping, he's not much of an early riser. I walk over to the other side of the bed to grab my phone off the table when I see his face. It's scrunched up almost as if he's in pain. Oh no, my poor Lou. Should I wake him up and see what's wrong?

I decide to let him sleep a bit more instead. If he's sick or something, he should probably get as much rest as possible.

I head downstairs to the kitchen. Maybe some of my famous chocolate chip pancakes will make him feel better. Okay so maybe they're not famous but they are Louis' favorite. I grab all the things I need and start making them.

Louis' POV

I wake up to the smell of pancakes. Any other morning, I would be excited. After all Harry's chocolate chip pancakes are my favorite. But not today. Today the smell is making my stomach churn. My head is still pounding like last night. I feel so much worse than last night though, now, not only is my skull throbbing but my stomach is killing me as well.


I put my hand on my stomach trying to calm it only to have it cramp violently under my hand. We have so much to do today, this can't be happening. I have to get through two interviews and a photo shoot today and I don't know if I'll even be able to get out of bed.

I slowly open my eyes only to be hit by the blinding light coming from the window. I groan and shut my eyes again. I should have known the curtains would be pulled back. It's just like harry to wake up early and open the damn curtains to let some light in.

After lying in bed, feeling miserable, with the duvet pulled over my head for a good five minutes, I decide to suck it up and get out of bed. I groan at the pain in my head and stomach and stumble into the bathroom to take a shower.

I step out of the shower feeling a bit better. The warm water soothed my head a bit, to the point where my headache has been reduced to a dull ache at the back of my skull. Easily ignored. But the pain in my stomach is still there and I'm feeling more nauseous than ever. But I have too much to do today to worry about how terrible I'm feeling.

I put on an Adidas sweatshirt and some black skinny jeans and head down the stairs. I'm greeted by Harry sitting at our kitchen table, eating pancakes. he looks up at me and immediately his face changes from expressionless to having a dimply smile on it. God I love those dimples. That smile just reminds me of the sixteen year old boy I fell in love with all those years ago.

He stands up from where he's sitting and immediately comes and wraps his long arms around me, pulling me into an embrace. I instinctively put my head in the crook of his neck, instantly feeling better.

"How you feeling, Lou?"

Why is he asking that? How does he just know that I'm not alright. I guess that's what happens when you're with someone for as long as we've been together, you pick up on things. I want to tell him that I feel terrible, all I want to do is curl up in ball and cry. My headaches back, full force, and my stomach wont stop cramping harshly. I can't tell him though, he'll call management and tell them that I'm ill and we won't be doing promo today because we'll be at home; with him taking care of me. As much as I want that, I know we have a tight schedule as it is and pushing anything back a day will only make it worse. I can't do that to the boys.


His voice brings me out of my thoughts. There's no need to worry him any further.

"Yea Haz, I'm fine" I say and put on my most convincing smile. He's looking at me with his eyebrows arched, I guess my smile isn't that convincing.

"Are you sure, because you looked like you were in pain this morning. You're face was all scrunched up and you were holding your stomach".

Damnit, he knows me too well. But I'm not giving up that easy.

"I was probably just having a bad dream or something" I lie.

Harry's POV

I don't know if he's actually feeling alright or not but he clearly wants me to think he is. I guess I'll just have to play along.

"Alright but do you promise to tell me if you're not feeling well"


He lifts his pinky finger up. "Promise"

He looks kind of pale and there are definitely bags under his eyes. But if he says he's fine then I guess I'll have to take his word for it. I'm going to keep an eye on him though, just in case he's lying to keep me from worrying. Might as well get some food into him though, maybe it'll bring some of the colour back to his face.

"Well I made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, I know they're your favorite" I smile at him.

Louis' POV

He smiles at me. I really can't stomach eating anything right now but I don't want to say anything that would take that adorable smile off of his face. He probably made those pancakes in an attempt to make me feel better after probably assuming that I wasn't feeling well this morning. He really cares about me. And I really care about him so I have to suck it up and eat the otherwise delicious pancakes my wonderful financé has made for me.

I sit down at the table as he puts the plate of pancakes in front of me. I put on my best fake smile and eat the food in front of me. While I eat, Harry tells me about how Liam called while I was asleep. He relayed a message from management that we don't have as busy of a schedule today as we thought. Apparently an interview and the photo shoot were cancelled. That means that I only have to sit through one interview and then I can come home and sleep. Sleep. That's all I want to do right now, the constant pounding in my head in making my eyes droop. I don't know how much longer I can keep this from Harry.

To my surprise, I actually finished my pancakes without so much as cringing. I'm getting good at this 'hiding how I'm really feeling thing'. Guess those drama classes in school finally paid off.


Huh. Has Harry been talking to me? I completely zoned out after hearing about Liam's call. I was too busy focusing on getting these pancakes down smoothly.

"Yeah? Sorry I must've spaced out" Oh no, now he's definitely going to think somethings wrong.

"Lou, love, are you sure you're feeling alright"

"Yeah" I sigh. "I just have a tiny bit of a headache, nothing to worry about"I'm not lying, just keeping a few details to myself. Like the fact that keeping my eyes open is becoming a chore, the small amount of light coming from the window above our kitchen sink is making my head feel like its going to explode. The pancakes aren't sitting too well in my stomach either, causing the cramps to worsen. I clutch my stomach under the table trying to calm it down a bit. Maybe eating those pancakes wasn't a very good idea.

"Awe Louis, why didn't you just tell me that?" He stands up and grabs some pain meds from the cupboard. He hands me two pills with a glass of water. "These double as stomach relaxers if you're feeling a bit nauseous as well" he says.

How did he know my stomach was bothering me. He knows me so well, I honestly don't know what I did to deserve him. I take the pills mumbling a thank you before I the chug the glass full of water he gave me.

Harry's POV

The way he cringes every time he looks near the window and the way he's holding his stomach under the table makes me think that maybe there's more than just a headache that's troubling my poor Loubear. Maybe it's just not bad enough for him to want me to worry. I look over at the clock hanging on the wall beside the staircase. DAMNIT. It's 10:45, we have to be at he studio at 11:00 for the interview. It's a 30 minute drive, we're going to be late!

"Louis we're going to be late, we better hurry" I say, turning back around to face Louis.

He looks at the clock and immediately stands up, walking to the door. I follow him and we both put our shoes on and head out.


"Took you guys long enough!" Liam yells from accross the studio, where everything is already set up and ready to go for the interview and probably has been for the past twenty minutes. I run up to Liam and the boys and apologize for being late "Sorry we're late, we just lost track of time".

"It's alright mate, no worries" Zayn says.

I suddenly realize that Louis isn't beside me anymore. I turn around to see Louis leaning against a wall with his eyes closed. I guess the boys followed my line of vision because Niall speaks up.

"Is he alright?" Niall asks.

"Yea he said he had a bit of a headache but nothing serious. I honestly don't believe it's just a headache though, he's been acting really out of it, he even fell asleep in the car. He only does that when he's feeling poorly. I think he's only telling me that he's fine to keep me from worrying but I'm worried sick about him."

"Poor lad" Niall says.

"We'll take him home as soon as this interview is finished, he shouldn't have come here in the first place. But don't worry Harry, we'll all keep an eye on him in case he gets any worse" Liam states.

"Thanks guys" I say.

"Anything for Louis" Zayn says.

Louis' POV

Harry wakes me up. I guess I fell asleep in the car. Oops. We walk up to the studio and are immediately greeted by Liam shouting from the other side of the room. His loud voice makes me wince. I get hit by a dizzy spell and slow down in my walking just as Harry runs up to Liam. I should probably go to Liam and the other boys too but right now I'm seeing double. Luckily the wall wasn't too far from me because after about two steps I lean against it. I close my eyes and wait for the dizzy spell to pass.

Eventually I hear Liam call my name. I think he's standing right in front of me. I can't bring myself to open my eyes though.

"Yeah?" I say with my eyes still closed.

"You feeling alright mate?" he asks me.

"Just a bit of a headache" I say, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Alright well the interview's about to start, if you're up for it" He tells me.

I finally open my eyes to see a worried Liam in front of me, ready to cancel this interview in heartbeat if I'm not 'up for it'. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid, I don't want anyone to worry about me.

"Let's do it" I say as I walk up to the interview set. There's no couch, not even chairs. Just my luck, the day I need to sit down, I find myself on a set with nothing to sit on. I find myself squinting because the stage lights are so bright. I can feel the throbbing in my head worsen the closer I get to the set. Those lights, those damn lights.

The boys are already on set, including Liam. They're all looking at me, concerned. I guess I was walking slower than I thought. I need to pull myself together. This is a live interview, I can't afford to mess this up.


We're five minutes into the interview and I haven't answered any questions. Any questions that come my way are answered by one of the boys, I guess they know that I'm not really feeling very well.

Seven minutes in, the throbbing in my skull has reached a point I've never felt before. I'm on the brink of tears and these lights aren't helping at all.

"So Louis, what's your relationship status? I'm sure all the lady fans want to know." the interviewer asks. Is she serious? My heads pounding so hard I can't even bring my self to answer her dumb question. The world starts to spin and I stumble a bit from the dizziness.

Liam and Niall are standing on either side of me with Harry and Zayn beside Niall. I guess they noticed me stumble because before I have the chance to collapse, Liam and Niall put their arms around my waist.

"Tommo over here" he points to me "is single and ready to mingle, if you know what I mean" Niall says in an attempt to draw attention away from my current state. It works because the interviewer begins to laugh at Niall's joke. Little does she know that I haven't been single for five years now.

Three more minutes of this dreadful interview go by. I can barely stand right now but by the looks of it the interviewer isn't too phased by the whole situation. It just looks like a friendly stance to her, I guess it's not noticeable that Liam and Niall are supporting my entire weight at the moment.

After five, what felt like never ending minutes, the interview was finally over. Now that the camera is off, I stop fake smiling. I whimper and drop my head down, a tear rolling down my cheek. I don't normally cry and I'm doing my best to keep the tears in now but I'm in so much pain and I don't know what to do. I just shut my eyes and try to stifle my sobs.

Harry comes up and takes me into his arms as soon as the camera is turned off. He picks me up bridal style.

I hear Niall yelling for someone to grab a chair but I'm having a hard time hearing anything but the pounding of my head in my ears. I guess Niall finally got that chair because Harry sets me down. I immediately put my throbbing skull into my hands.

"Baby, can you hear me? Are you alright?" I hear Harry say. Sitting down helped a bit. I can hear him now. I shake my head, whimpering, immediately regretting the movement. There's tears rolling down my cheeks now and I can't even do anything to stop them at this point. I can hear Niall in the distance calling a doctor. I feel Liam and Zayn rubbing my back and telling me that everything is going to be alright but nothing is helping.

"Lou, there's a doctor coming, everythings going to be okay" Harry tells me. I don't want to see a doctor I just want to go home.

"Hazza" I choke out, barely able to get he word out through the knot that's formed in my throat.

"Baby, what is it?" I can hear the concern in his voice, I didn't want this to happen, I thought I could hide it.

"I'm sorry" I say.

"Lou, you have nothing to be sorry for, you're ill, it's not your fault." he tells me.

"Hazza, please take me home" I almost beg, I just want to go home.

"Alright Lou, let's go" and without another word he puts my arm around his shoulder and his arm around my waist, helping me up. I think I'm okay, he doesn't have to do this.

"Haz, I think I can walk, it's okay" I say but he doesn't let go.

Suddenly I hear a loud noise pierce through my skull. I scream and drop to the floor. I hold my head in my hands. This is the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. It feels like someone stuck a knife in my skull. My ears are ringing and I"m seeing black spots. Before I know it everything goes black.

Harry's POV

"Haz, I think I can walk, it's okay" . Louis says. Does he honestly think I'm going to let him walk on his own. He could barely stand just a moment ago. I just need to take him home so he can rest. Suddenly I hear a loud noise, the kind only a microphone dropping to the ground can make. It echoes through the studio. I hear Louis scream as he goes limp in arms so I set him down.

"Louis?! Louis are you okay? Can you hear me? Liam why isn't he answering me?!" I see his eyes shut. I panic. "LOUIS? WAKE UP RIGHT NOW! TALK TO ME! DON'T DO THIS!" I feel Liam grab me by the arms.

"Harry calm down. Louis doesn't need you in a panicked state right now. You can't help him that way. Niall called the ambulance. Don't worry, Louis is going to be okay" Liam says.


Louis' POV

I open my eyes to see a familiar pair of green eyes. Harry. He has the biggest smile on his face, dimples showing. God I love those dimples. I don't know where I am and I don't know what happened but I feel safe. I feel at home because Harry's here, the love of my life, my home.

"Finally, you're awake, I missed you." he says. He missed me? How long was I out. Wait where even am I? Suddenly I feel something in my arm. I start to panic. I try to pull it out. Why can't I get it out?!

Harry grabs my arms. "Louis, baby calm down, you're in the hospital, you're okay. You passed out back at the studio, two days ago."

Two days ago? I've been out for two whole days!? It all makes sense when I take another look at Harry. His hair's all disheveled and there are bags under his eyes. He's probably been here this whole time, hasn't slept much either by the looks of it. My heart swells at he sight of him. He's been with me this entire time because he cares about me, he loves me. I don't deserve him, all I did the day I felt ill was lie to him. A tear slips down my cheek. Damnit Louis.

"Lou, don't cry you're okay. I'm here" He's here. He's always here for me, whenever I need him. He's never let me down. And here I am, the worst fiancé ever. All this could've been avoided if I'd just told him how I was feeling. Now he's here with me in the hospital not having slept for two days. This is all my fault I don't deserve him. I start sobbing. I can't help it anymore.

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