《Right On The Money Honey - Michael Hardy》TWENTY


Michael and Morgan are on tour together and Elizabeth and Haley have been practically living together since they left.

"My boobs hurt." Liz says as she filters through the medicine cabinet for Pamprin. "Fuckin' period fuckin' bullshit." She grumbles as she tries to take the cap off the pill bottle. "Stupid fuckin' child proof bullshit." Tears form in her eyes. "Open, dammit!"

Haley gently takes the bottle from her and opens it for her. She rubs a soothing hand across her back. "You okay?"

"Yeah." She whimpers, sniffling softly. Haley nods, getting a cup of tea ready for the rather emotional woman next to her. "How much longer is this tour?"

Haley glances up at the calendar then to her phone. "A week or two."

"I miss them." She says after taking a drink of the tea.

"You sure you're okay?"

"Why? Am- Am I actin' weird?"

"Just- I've been around you while you're on your period and this ain't normal period Liz."

"Shit. What could- What do you-"

"You might be pregnant."

Liz scoffs into a weak laugh. "Nuh-uh. I'm- I'm on the- I've got the IUD. The chances for that is like less than one percent."

"Not zero." Haley picks up her keys. "I'm gonna run out and grab a few things. I'll be right back, alright?"

Liz nods and sits at the table, those words rolling through her mind. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to be pregnant again but it's kind of weird timing.

Michael got so behind in his work when Mikey was born and Liz felt awful about it. She couldn't handle the boy alone but she was too stubborn to ask for help.

Her health went downhill. She wasn't able to sleep, didn't have time to shower or eat a proper meal and she got incredibly emotional: weepy and angry. Michael was worried out of his mind about her so he kind of pulled back from his music for a hot second.

Now, if she's pregnant again, who knows what going to happen with two kids.

"Okay, I got a box of tests and a tub of ice cream." Haley says as she drops a paper bag on the counter. "Let's get you upstairs and peein' on a few sticks."


The tour has finally ended and the guys are flying back from Iowa. They should be back in home any minute.

Liz has been insanely busy with cleaning the house, washing the sheets, making food and watching her kid so she's taking a quick nap well before Michael is supposed to be home.

Michael quietly opens the door and is met with a silent house. He kicks his shoes off and tosses his bag on the couch before heading upstairs to take a shower.

He stops in his tracks when he sees his wife curled up on his side of the bed clutching a pillow. He smiles then tip toes to his sons room.

Mikey squeals when he sees his dad and it makes Michael smile from ear to ear. He picks him up and takes him back to their bedroom where his boy lays between them and Michael on his wife's side.

A few hours later, Liz is woken up by tiny hands pressing against her face. She's confused at first, Mikey's too lazy to get out of his bed, he just yells. She cracks an eye open and is further confused when she sees her boy above her. She looks over to the side and her tired eyes land on her husband asleep next to her.


He's finally home after being away for four long months.

She slides out of bed after pressing a kiss to his forehead, picks up her son then heads to the kitchen to get something warmed up.

Michael stretches his arm out and grunts quietly when he feels empty sheets. He lifts his head when he hears laughing and music coming from downstairs. He sits up, yawns and stretches then heads down the steps.

"Wow." He says from the doorway, his breath taken away by how effortlessly beautiful his wife looks. Liz is wearing a pair of shorts and one of his shirts with her hair thrown into a messy bun.

He fell in love with her all over again.

"Hey!" She smiles, picking Mikey up so they can both greet him.

Michael takes his boy from his wife and leans over to kiss her for the first time in months. They have to keep it a little PG since their kid is right there but they both know what's coming tonight.

"I'm just warmin' up some supper." She says, turning back to the oven to check on the food. "Have a seat! Tell me all about it!"

Over dinner, Liz gets to live vicariously through Michael as he tells her everything about tour.

Yes, he loved touring with his best friend again but he missed the fuck out of his wife and kid.


For the first time in four months, Liz and Michael are finally in the same bed together.

"Man, I missed you." He whispers, watching her play with his fingers. "So much."

"We missed you too." She smiles back, the budding life inside her cause tears to form and slip down her face. "Fuck. Sorry." She laughs, wiping her eyes. "I'm so glad you're home." She sits up, ignoring how the sheets slide off her nude body. "I gotta tell you something."

Michael sits up. "You slept with Haley?"

Liz laughs and shakes her head. "Is that every guy's fantasy? Girl on Girl action?"

"I mean-"

"Anyway," She cuts him off with a tired smile. "I'm pregnant."

"Holy shit." She watches several emotions paint his face before he grins. "Serious- Are you serious?"


"Holy shit!" He laughs and pulls her down for a tight hug, tears of his own form in his eyes. "Oh my god." His hand goes to the slight bump forming. "What- Do you know what it is?"

"Nah." She shakes her head then smiles. "What if we don't find out what it is?"

He nods. "Sure." He laughs again. "Holy shit."


Liz carefully makes her way up to the porch of her childhood home, heavily pregnant. Michael follows behind with Mikey's hand in his. "Lyn has a necklace or some shit that can tell what gender the baby is." Liz mumbles, leaning a hand on the doorframe.

"Voodoo type shit?"

"No. Mamaw type shit." She breathes, using her other arm to wipe her sweaty forehead off.

Michael smiles at her then knocks on the door. "Hey Lyn." He smiles again.

"Aunt Lyn!" Mikey shrieks. Lyn bends over and picks him up, kissing his face all over just like Liz does.

When Mikey first met Lyn, he was confused as all get out. His mama is a twin. They really had fun messing with him.


"C'mon, Papaw and Daddy are waitin for y'all."

Lyn is the only one, besides Haley and Morgan, who knows Liz is pregnant. They haven't been home since they found out so this trip is a surprise for Papaw and Walt.

"I'm nervous." Liz mumbles to Lyn.

She gives her a calm smile, her hands on her shoulders. "They're gonna be over the moon about another grandkid."

Liz takes a deep breath and nods. She looks between Michael and Mikey who have matching dimpled smiles and she really feels better.

She nods to herself and takes a step in, setting her purse down on the door side table before she heads to the kitchen. "Hey."

"Elizabeth!" Walt says, standing. "My g- oh my."

"Are you-"

"I'm pregnant." She laughs nervously.

Papaw and Walt both look at Michael who is already blushing and looking at his wife.

"What is it? Do y'all know?"

"We- We actually ain't gonna find out 'til it's born." Michael says, watching Lyn pass his boy to Papaw.

"Huh." Papaw says before looking at Mikey. "You gon' be a big brother?" He nods, his finger in his mouth. "When're your due?"

"A month. We really are takin' a huge risk bein' here in the last trimester." Liz says, sitting on a chair next to Michael, fanning herself. Lyn is there with a glass of iced tea which Liz pushes away. That smell makes her stomach turn.

Michael takes it and takes a drink before he stands to get her some water. He leans over and kisses the top of her head.

They spend hours sitting and talking. It isn't until Mikey falls asleep in his Papaw's lap that the couple decides to hit the hay.

Liz yawns loudly as they head down the hallway to her old bedroom. "You're beautiful." Michael says as he watches her riffle through their suitcase. "Wow."

"Oh stop it." She says, smiling up at him. "Kinda still in the middle of your last complement." Michael laughs, shutting the door behind him. "C'mere." She kisses him sweetly but when she pulls away, she sees that look in his eye.

That same look that got him into his trouble in the first place.

"Uh-uh." She tries to hide her smile. "No way."

"What?" He asks innocently, a blush coloring his dimpled cheeks.

"I know that look, Michael." He playfully rolls his eyes as he sits on the bed. "Y'ain't gettin' any tonight."

"We'll see."

Liz tosses a shirt at him and he shoots her an ornery grin while changing. Liz catches sight of the tattoo Michael got for their son under his chest ink. He wanted to get her name but she talked him out of it, saying it was bad luck.

She runs her fingers over her son's name and her eyes go dark. She grasps his jaw and kisses him hard, his hands going to her waist.

Liz sits herself back on the bed and lets Michael undress her. She really doesn't feel like doing all the work when he started this.

Half way through, Liz feels something weird.

"Stop- Wait." She breathes, looking up at him, her hands gripping his forearms. "Uh-oh."

Michael immediately pulls back. "What?"

"Uh oh."

"St- Stop saying Uh oh. What's wrong?"

"Baby's comin'."

"What!? Now!?"

"Oh, this is your fault, Michael!" She groans as she struggles to sit up, shooting her husband a dirty look when he doesn't help her. He's standing in front of her, shorts low on his hips with his hands on his head. "Don't just stand there!"

He worried out of his mind. His second kid is early to the party and it's his fault. "Fuck." He sets her sandals in front of her and hands her random clothes back.

He rushes next door and knocks on Lyn's door. "We gotta go to the hospital. Can you watch Mikey?"

"Yeah, yeah." She nods, pulling her housecoat on. "Let me know what's goin' on?"

"Absolutely." He turns and goes to help his wife out to his truck.


No matter how many times the Plano, Texas doctors told Michael that he has nothing to worry about with this kid being born a few weeks early, he's still freaking out.

"Would you stop freakin' out?" Liz grumbles from the hospital bed.

He's so far in his head that he doesn't even hear her.


Still nothing.

"Michael!" His head snaps up. "I need a hug."

He stops in his tracks and feels tears form in his throat. "Oh baby." He wraps her in a tight hug. When he pulls away, he kisses the top of her head. "How're ya feelin'?"

"Like somethin' is tryna claw its way outta me." She mumbles back. "Ooh, here- here comes another- ouch!" She grabs whatever she can get her hand on which happens to be his fingers and she squeezes it tight, so tightly that they start to turn purple. "I'm sorry." She breathes, gritting her teeth.

Liz drops herself back against the uncomfortable bed, her chest heaving. The door opens and Liz's baby doctor walks in. She checks on everything, tells both of them that this is going to be okay then leaves.

Sixteen hours later, baby number two is here.

The actual process of birthing the kid took a couple minutes but the whole contractions and waiting part took close to sixteen hours.

Michael is in tears.

He's finally able to hold his second child.

Liz is crying too but at the sight of her husband and the infant in his arms. "Got a name yet?" The nurse asks, looking over some paperwork.

"No, not yet." Michael whispers, grinning so wide that he gives the Joker a run for his money. He's cradling the newborn to his bare chest, his hand resting gently on the tiny head.

"No problem. I'll be back in a bit to check on y'all." She smiles at them then gives them privacy.

"Shit, where's- where's Mikey?" Liz asks, completely exhausted.

"He's fine. He's okay. Lyn's got him." He passes their child back to his wife. "Any name ideas?"



"Kennedy." Liz echos. "I like that." She looks down at the peaceful baby in her arms. "Mikey and Kennedy. I love that."

"Kennedy it is."

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