
"Only speak when you're spoken too. The Alpha demands respects from all, especially from outsiders." Growls a husky voice near my ear.

I nod, but I doubt the warrior wolf whose gripping my arm painfully can tell due to the huge hessian hood that was thrown over my head as soon as I entered the Black Mountain Pack territory. A shiver runs through my body, but it's not from fear, I'm absolutely freezing.

Once again, I'm in stolen clothes that I found near the packs border but they are far from adequate for the snowy conditions of the mountains. However, it was either these clothes or run the risk of having to walk into the pack naked on arrival.

The warrior that is holding me finally comes to a halt and I stumble a little over my feet before I stand still listening all around to try and get my bearings. After walking for nearly two hours on a rocky, snow-covered inclined path, I know that we are now inside the pack house from the change of heat, sound and feel from under foot. It's a happy relief to be inside, but I'm still freezing and in dire need of warm clothes and food.

Before I can think any further about what my next move will be, the hood that's been blinding me is whipped off my head and I scrunch my eyes up to adjust to the light. As my vision comes back into focus, I scan around the room nervously, surprised to find I'm already stood in Alpha Lucas study and not in the main hall as I'd first thought. The room is small and practical. There is a lot of bare brick and wood on show and several deer, elk and even moose antlers adored on the walls and part of the light fixtures. One wall is covered in books and there are maps attached here and there around the room also.

My eyes snap to Alpha Lucas who is sat behind a huge wooden desk looking at me up and down, trying to figure me out, no doubt this pack rarely has strangers here. Alpha Lucas is identical to his brother Alpha Drake in almost every way apart from Lucas has some dark streaks through his light hair, compared to Drake whose hair is almost completely white. Alpha Lucas's cold blue eyes fix on mine, and I quickly submit my neck then bow in respect before slowly looking back up to him apprehensively. Both Alpha brothers are huge, they both give off powerful aura's and all I can think of when I look at either of them is that they look like Viking Kings.

"You smell like home." Alpha Lucas grumbles as he sits back in his chair and looks me over.

"Greetings Alpha Lucas. That's correct, I'm from your brother's pack..." I begin to say.

"You're strayed very far from the Grey Crescent Pack. You've either had something bad happen to you or you're the one that's been bad. Which one is it?" Alpha Lucas says flatly as he watches me carefully.

"I'm not a threat." I say earnestly, but my remark just makes Alpha Lucas and the three other warriors surrounding me bark with laughter.

"No shit." Says the warrior nearest to me, the wolf I guess dragged me up the mountain and left claw marks in my arm.

I scowl at the men laughing at me, just as I'm about argue my case when there's a knock on the door and another warrior enters.


"Apologies Alpha, but there's a Beta Jay from the Grey Crescent Pack on the phone saying he needs to speak with you urgently. He wants to know if any of his pack members have crossed your borders in the last twenty-four hours" Begins the warrior.

Fear grips me, I dash forward to the Alpha desk and slam my hands on his desk. "Please, I'm begging you. Please don't tell him I'm here." I plead as Alpha Lucas looks at me in shock.

A nearby warrior swiftly grabs me back and restrains me, holding my arms tightly behind my back until tears sting my eyes from the pain. "Please. Not him. He can't know I'm here." I repeat with anguish to Alpha Lucas.

Alpha Lucas stares at me intently for a moment before he turns to his warrior. "Tell him I'm too busy to talk but assure him that no one has crossed into our pack that meets his description, but we'll let him know if anything changes." Lucas says quietly.

The warrior bows then leaves. Alpha Lucas flicks his head at the other warrior that's restraining me and he drops my arms and steps back a pace.

"Leave us." The Alpha commands to the other warriors without looking at them.

I rub my arms slowly to fight the sting from the pain of being restrained whilst the Alpha's delta team shuffle out of his office and leave us alone.

"So little wolf so far from home, care to tell me why you're hiding from my brothers Beta and why I should keep you a secret?" Lucas asks as he runs a hand through his beard.

"My names Alice. I came here looking for sanctuary, I have no family left... one of Beta Jays warriors killed my father just two days ago." I say quietly as tears fall from my face. Saying the words making it real all over again.

"...And why would his warrior do that?"

"My father was trying to help me escape from Beta Jay... you see he wishes to claim me as his mate and will not accept my rejection." I explain, my voice strained from the emotion.

"... and my brother has allowed this on his pack land?" Lucas quizzes generally looking surprised and displeased.

"Your brother is currently away at the Red River Pack, so I'm unsure of what he knows." I answer honestly.

Alpha Lucas scoffs at this. "No doubt meeting my intended mate." He doesn't even hide his dislike at the idea which makes me wonder why he's taking a mate from there at all.

His eyes fix back onto mine. "What else aren't you telling me?"

I gulp hard, my throat feeling dry. This next piece of news will make or break my stay here.

"In his grief of losing his mate and child, my father signed a blood pact ten years ago, to the former Beta Ezra agreeing to the match. Legally I belong to his son, Jay... but I can't... please... there's no one in this world that I hate more." I say as a break down in tears.

Alpha Lucas jumps to his feet and starts to pace about his office, at first, I think he's angry at me when I see his golden wolf eyes shine, but when he turns to look at me, he looks at me with nothing but pity.

"Ezra Miller and his son are a disease to that pack. The once honourable Beta family are now nothing but corrupted liars and thieves. That Beta role was mine! My birth right as the second born twin. The Millers were due to step down and hand the title to me when I came of age. Instead that snake Ezra got inside my head. Turned me against my brother and swayed me to take this bullshit pack in the Mountains."


Lucas throws a cup against the wall, and it shatters everywhere making me take a few steps back. Just then, a tall warrior bolts through the door, obviously checking what's happening but Lucas roars at him to fuck off making my skin tingle from the aura he emits.

"Don't you tell me to fuck off Luke! And I'll not be cleaning up this shit either!" Sassies the Warrior back at him making me gasp.

Alpha Lucas slumps back down in his chair and runs a hand through his hair once more in irritation.

"I'm sorry!" Growls Lucas to the warrior making my jaw drop with the surprise. No one talks to an Alpha like this. They must be run things differently in the Mountains. "Alice meet Oliver, Oliver is the Captain of my Delta squad. Oliver, Alice is on the run from Beta Jay. You know the one."

I give Oliver a sheepish smile as he perches on the end of the desk with his arms crossed, looking me over before he grins at me. His dark olive skin makes me think he must be from one of the southern packs.

Looking back at Alpha Lucas, I frown with confusion. "I don't understand. Surely, you'd prefer to be Alpha then someone else's second in command?"

"How many pack members are there in The Grey Crescent Pack?" grits out Alpha Lucas.

"...umm...nearly 4000." I frown at him.

"Do you know how many pack members are in the Black Mountain pack?" Growls Lucas.

I shake my head, I doubt any outsider does, the pack has always been kept a mystery to all.

"152." Alpha Lucas says as he looks at me dead in the eye to show he's serious.

"152? But...but that can't be right." I say in disbelief.

The Black Mountain pack are notorious across the lands, they're known for their strong fighters and tough ways of life. 152 barely makes a pack. It makes them an outpost at best.

"... At sixteen I was convinced by Beta Fucking Ezra to give up my rank in one of the North West's most prestigious and affluent packs to become Alpha to this shit hole. Do you have any idea how cold it is here? In three month's time the only road up here will be blocked off with snow and we'll all be stuck here for four months solid till spring comes and thaws the paths out again." Growls Lucas.

"But why? Why did you agree to this?" I say as I step closer to the brooding Alpha.

"Well, I guess I either did something really bad, or someone did something bad to me." Lucas says quietly before he sighs.

"Luke, you did nothing wrong." Oliver chips in.

Alpha Lucas sighs once more. "When I was young, Ezra caught me doing something I shouldn't have with an Omega from the kitchens. Let's just say my father was a very traditional wolf and all hell would've broken out if he found out. Ezra gave me a way out."

I crease with my brows up with confusion. So, what if he fucked an Omega? Alpha Drake certainly isn't a virgin from the gossip I've heard about him.

Oliver chuckles as he sees my frown. "He was caught sucking cock babe." He laughs as he makes an action with his cheek, tongue, and hand as if pretending to suck on a dick.

"Oliver!" reprimands Lucas, but Oliver just laughs some more making me giggle.

"I was young, gullible... Ezra saw my weakness and played my liked an idiot. Cost me my relationship with my brother for years. It was only Cole stepping in a year ago which has gotten us back on track to a certain extent." Lucas grumbles.

Hearing Coles name makes my heart wince. "You know Gamma Cole?" I say quietly.

"Of course, me, Drake and Cole are the same age and grew up together. He was always a good kid, always knocking mine and Drake's head together when we fell out. I'd fucking kill to have a Gamma like that here." Alpha Lucas says thoughtfully before looking back to me. "Well now I've just told you my whole fucking life story, what exactly do you want?"

"A place to hide from Beta Jay until I can break the blood pact." I explain.

"Allowing you to stay here Alice breaks the council laws, you know that right? As allied packs the blood pact is meant to be honoured whether your here or back there. I could get in trouble if anyone finds out."

I bite my lip and nod.

"...And if I send you back, I know my goodie two shoes brother would never go against the council, so you'd be claimed by prick face Miller."

I nod again. Slightly smiling when I hear how much Alpha Lucas hates Jay.

Puffing out some air he runs another hand through his hair. "Fuck it. Stay here. Let that prick run around in circles chasing his own tail like the mutt of a dog he is for a while." Begins Lucas.

"Thank you! Thank Alpha Lucas...I promise..."

"Hold on, hold on. You can stay here two months and I'll keep you and your identity safe but come October I won't be able to hide you any further." He explains.

"Why just two months? Please, let me stay longer, I have uses, I've been training directly from Gamma Cole as a warrior...plus I'm fast... like really fast. I'm a..." I begin to explain but Alpha Lucas holds up a hand to stop me.

"In two month's time, I'm to claim my mate, Lady Allannah from the Red River pack as part of an arranged union. My brother and his commanders will be at the ceremony. There's no way to hide you when they arrive." Alpha Lucas says quietly as his eyes flick to Oliver momentarily than back to me.

"Oh, I see." I whisper.

Two months, two months of safety is better than what I had this morning. "Thank you, Alpha Lucas. I really appreciate it. Can I please request one more thing? I've only just started my warrior training; please can I continue with it whilst I'm here. I'd like to be of use."

Alpha Lucas and Oliver exchange looks before Lucas nods and Oliver grins.

"Well then, I guess you're with me then Alice. Let's get you settled in and see what you can do." Winks Oliver at me making me smile for the first time in days.

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